Page 3 of The Wedding Deal

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“Thank you Mr………”

“Demitri” he had offered, his accent rich like honey as it trickled warmly down her back, making her shiver gently, before she had remembered how Marcie had only minutes earlier been draped around the handsome stranger.

“Please, don’t let me keep you, my cousin will no doubt be expecting you back” she had said, in an attempt to be free from the man who was inexplicably causing small tremors of awareness to pass through her, despite the misery she was experiencing.

“I was not with your cousin” he said softly.

“She seems the very friendly type though”

He had quipped, making Tessa chuckle.

“Yes, very”

She had returned, a small smile appearing on her face, before she had once more looked down.

“Well thank you for the hankie Mr Demitri” she had said, pushing herself forward.

“But I must be going”

Smiling charmingly, those dark eyes intent he had moved beside her.

“Then at least allow me to walk you to your car”

Tessa had smiled.

“I don’t have a car, I will call a cab” she had said firmly.

“In that case please allow me to drop you somewhere” he had continued, as a small furrow had appeared on her perfect brow.

“No that is not necessary”

She had returned, feeling as he had placed a hand on the base of her spine to gently direct her to the door, this simple action causing another tremor to instantly jolt through her.

“No really” she had said more forcefully.

“I’m sure that it would be out of your way, you have no idea where I live”

With a small grin he had continued moving, continuing to guide her as the butler had opened the door for them.

“Well you have no idea where I was going either, so who is to say that we would not have ended up in the same place?”

With a small laugh, Tessa had given in, suddenly just wanting to be as far away from the large house as possible, allowing herself to be guided to an expensive sports car. He had opened the door for her, ensuring that she was comfortably seated in the plush interior of the wonderful vehicle before moving to slide into the driver’s seat with the grace of a panther. His musky aftershave had filled the small space, making her fight the sudden desire to breath in the scent of him, causing her to once more frown at this sensation. He had smiled as she had given him her address, but not before she had caught the look in his eyes, surprised that she lived in the less affluent end of town.

As he had expertly manoeuvred the car out of the driveway, he had turned quickly to look at her.

“So, can I ume that your business with your grandfather was not satisfactorily completed?” he had asked, seeing how her mouth had set in a hard line at the mention of John Jones.

“You could say that” she had murmured noncommittally.

“Was yours any more successful?” she had asked, seeing how his mouth had twitched again.

“Actually, he was after something from me……..not the other way”

Tessa had looked at the man beside her with a small frown on her face.

“It may not be my place to say this Mr Demitri” she had said carefully.

“And possibly not very loyal to my family, but I would be very careful when dealing with my grandfather, he can be ………. ruthless” she had added, her voice more than just a little bitter.

He had once more looked at her, his expression thoughtful.

“Perhaps there is something I can do to help”

He had asked gently, seeing how she had looked uncomfortable, before raising her chin more proudly, her voice firm.

“That is very kind of you Mr Demitri, but I am sure that everything will work out, but thank you anyway” she had added looking out of the window.

Deep down she felt sick, knowing that without the money from her grandfather there was nothing that she could do to help Andrew, suddenly feeling so tired.

For the remainder of the journey they had travelled in silence, until he had pulled his car to the side of the kerb outside the building of her small apartment. As she had pulled her seatbelt off, she had been surprised to see him do the same.

“Thank you for the lift Mr Demitri, goodbye” she had said her voice firm and polite, the implied message clear.

He however, had only smiled back at her.

“Perhaps you could make me a coffee”

Tessa had groaned inwardly, another of her grandfather’s friends hitting on her was something she could do without and she had shaken her head firmly.

“I don’t think so…..I have had a busy day, a bad evening and am just wanting to grab something to eat and then go to bed”

Alexis however had continued smiling the charm so easily falling from him.

“Well that sounds like a plan”

He breathed softly, as she had frowned at him.

“Excuse me”

She had said in disbelief, hardly believing the blatancy of the handsome man before her.

“Getting something to eat” he had smiled, understanding her interpretation of his statement.

” If you change quickly we could grab something to eat, I am more than a little hungry myself“

He had added, his dark eyes twinkling mischievously.

“I really don’t…”

She had begun.

“It is the least you can do, no coffee…….no food….I may not have the strength to make it home”

As he had looked at her with a mock hurt expression crossing his face. In spite of herself, Tessa had giggled gently, sighing softly, feeling her stomach rumble.

“Fine” she smiled.

“But it would be quicker if you waited here…… and safer for your car too” she had added, seeing the attention the magnificent sports car was attracting, as she moved nimbly from it.

In her apartment, she had quickly pulled on a green silk shirt which flattered her lovely eyes, matching it with a plain but classy black skirt which showed her legs off to their best. Finally she had pulled her long hair free from the restraining bun, allowing it to tumble down her back, securing it from falling over her face with an ornamental clip.

Quickly looking herself over, she had then moved back out of her apartment, and in less than 10 minutes was back down at his car. As she had slid back in beside him, he had whistled gently.

“Wow, I have never met a woman who could change so fast”

Tessa had giggled gently, a broad smile covering her wonderful face,

“I used to model when I was younger” she had grinned.

“Believe me you learn to change even faster in that line of work……..”

Alexis had smiled back, seeing that she was indeed beautiful enough to be a model, before directing the car back into the traffic.

“I know a good restaurant nearby” he had said looking over at the woman beside him, seeing how she had nodded with relief.

“Thank you, I have an early start in the morning” she had said, hoping that her message was clear to the man beside her, seeing as he had given a small smile, his voice laughing, as he turned quickly to face her.

“Do you always give a time line for every date” he had asked his voice full of humour.

“Well we are not on a date” she had replied quickly, trying hard not to laugh in return.

“Quite right” he had grinned,

“So let’s just enjoy a meal between two very hungry strangers”

With that she had laughed nodding and flashing him a grin.


Still smiling as they had pulled up to the restaurant of his choice, the best in the area she had noted, the valet taking the key from him as they moved into the wonderful space.

The concierge had recognised Alexis Demitri instantly, moving forward to welcome him and to personally lead them to one of the best seats in the house.

Tessa had giggled as they were finally left alone.

“Well it is good to be you” she had smiled, as he had laughed back with her.

“Oh yeah”

“So, my cousin Marcie seemed to be having a lot of trouble keeping her hands off you” she had said wickedly,

“She will be mad that you left, she’s not used to not getting what she wants”

She had seen how he had smiled.

“Mmmm……I was finding her ‘I’m so good with children’ act a little hard to swallow”

Tessa had laughed, “Marcie and children”, before looking thoughtful.

“Oh I’m sure she loves them”

Adding with a small glint in her eye.

“Although I’m not sure that she could eat a whole one”

Causing him to laugh out loud, the sound so pleasant to her ears, before he had become more serious, his eyes watching her thoughtfully.

“You, though I think do love children”
