Page 4 of The Wedding Deal

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Seeing as Tessa’s eyes had softened slightly.

“Yes, kids are great, there is no falseness about them” she had added, stopping as their orders had been taken.

As they were once more alone, he had looked quizzically at her.

“What did the little girl Angela mean about dancing?” he had prompted softly, Tessa smiling.

“I run a dance studio for kids” she had laughed.

“Keeps me fit”

Across from her, Alexis seemed to be watching her with eyes which were accessing.

“I see”

His eyes sliding appreciatively over her,

“Yes, it certainly seems to, your boyfriend is a lucky man” he had added, as she had chuckled.

“That was the worst attempt to find out if I have a boyfriend I have heard in a long time” she had giggled, seeing as he had grinned back.


He laughed, while noticing that she did not answer, before turning the conversation around to ask more about him.

Tessa had found herself really enjoying the meal, the easy way that he seemed to make her laugh, his ease of charm and charismatic personality making her relax in his company, and as they had finished, she had felt almost disappointed.

As he had once more driven her back to her apartment and parked the car, he had turned to Tessa.

“I had a good time Tessa Jones” he said his wonderful dark eyes shining.

She had smiled back.

“Me too, thank you for the meal and lift Alexis, and now…….I really have to get some sleep or there are going to be about 200 little kids banging into each other on the stage tomorrow”

As she made to leave, he had captured her hand in his, pulling it to his lips and kissing her fingers gently, causing a tremor to pass through her once more, her cheeks colouring slightly.

“May I take you out for dinner tomorrow?” he said, his breath warm on her fingers, causing more pleasant sensations to run through her.

Tessa had looked shyly back at him before gently pulling her hand back.

“I’m sorry, I really am busy all week” she had replied softly.

“Oh oh, the brush off” he joked softy, as the corners of her mouth had twitched.

“Please don’t take it personally” she had smiled,

“I’m just really not interested in seeing anybody right now”

“Who said anything about ‘seeing’ he had quipped “I just feel that somebody needs to make sure you eat”

Tessa had chuckled.

“Thank you but no thank you Alexis” she had smiled, her tone firm.

“Goodbye….and thank you for the food and the lift” she had added, smiling before quickly pulling the door open and stepping from the car.

As she had moved up the steps to her apartment, his eyes had followed her until she had completely disappeared from view, a thoughtful look on his face.

Chapter Two

The next day was, as she had anticipated, bedlam. With only two more days before the final show of the year, Tessa had been busy from the moment she woke to the panicking phone call of one of her students.

The phone call she had made to Andrew that afternoon had seen her forcing more enthusiasm in her voice than she had felt, not prepared to give up on finding some way of raising the money for her friend. She had contacted her bank manager to see how much she could hope to raise based on her business and future inheritance, hoping that she could borrow on the strength of this money. However he had seemed less than enthusiastic with her proposal, Tessa once more feeling the sinking sensation, still determined to find a way.

The dress rehearsals had gone well and Tessa had been happy with the progress, with very few of her students not having the required accessories. Remembering the smallest children, their comical antics had brought a gentle smile to her face as she had finished clearing up the studio. The next day everybody was to meet at the show hall, Tessa once more thinking how they had been lucky to get such a great venue for the show, looking forward to the walk through. She was excited with how well the tickets had sold, her happiness marred only by the memory of Andrew’s situation.

As she had lifted her jacket and moved to turn the lights off in her bright studio, she had furrowed her brow hearing a tap at the door. Looking at her watch, she had been concerned at the lateness of the time, seeing that it was nearly nine o’clock and warily she had gone to the door asking who was there.

Hearing Alexis Demitri’s voice, she had scowled with annoyance. This man did not know when to take no for an answer. Unlocking the door, she had been suddenly very conscious that she was still wearing her dance leotard and tights, her hair pulled up in a pony tail which swung around her shoulders and back, only a long baggy jumper covering her.

He had stood leaning against the door jam, wearing a casual shirt and jeans, Tessa involuntarily flicking her eyes over him, once more feeling the tightening awareness of this man, once more so unsure why he made her feel that way. With an irritated look she had stood before the door, not wanting to give him the chance to move inside.

“Mr Demitri” she had said, her tone showing her displeasure at his presence.

“What can I do for you?”

While her body language was very clear about her displeasure, he had seemed completely oblivious and had smiled softly.

“Well as I suspected, you have I think not eaten”

Sighing softly she had shaken her head.

“And as I said yesterday Mr Demitri, I have no interest in going out for a meal with you”

To her surprise, he had only grinned.

“Yes you did…….and I am a man who always listens” he had laughed, pulling his hand from the side of the door jamb to reveal a large basket.

“So I figured that we could eat in”

Completely speechless, Tessa had only been able to stare at the hamper, as with another small grin he had moved forward into the studio.

“In here?” he had asked walked past her before she could even utter a word.

With a bemused expression, she had once more closed the door, following him into the main studio area, seeing as he had already started to unpack the picnic, laying out the rug and placing food and plates on the brightly coloured surface.

“Do you ever take no for an answer?” she had said, irritation in her voice, annoyed at how he had grinned boyishly.


Seeing how she had hovered over him, her lovely brow lined in a frown.

“Look Tessa, you can have this, which will save you having to make something when you get home, and I can even give you a hand finishing off cleaning up your studio”

He had grinned up at her as he lay down on the rug, his long lean body half lifted as he reached over for a sandwich. Lifting her hand to her mouth, she had tried to suppress the giggle which came out anyway, before moving over and sitting cross legged opposite him, reaching for one of the delicious sandwiches herself.

“Well you seem to have timed it perfectly to not have to help with the cleaning up “she had said in mock annoyance, laughing as he had thrown a hand over his forehead, wiping it in pretend relief.

“Yes…. my timing never fails” he had chuckled softly.

“But really Mr Dem…” she had started as he had interrupted.

“Please, Tessa I think that by our second date we should be on first name terms”

His hand had come up to silence her as she had blustered.

“We have never been on a date….Alexis”

Her face incredulous, as he had smiled.

“Much better……thank you”

As she had laughed, leaning over to help herself to another sandwich, she had looked back over at him.

He really was incredibly attractive; the shirt opened slightly giving her the strangest desire to lean forward and run her fingers along his broad chest. Dropping her eyes she had sought to hide the confusion in them.

“Now admit it……..this is nice”

Smiling softly she had nodded gently.

“Like you said, saves me doing it when I have to go home”

Again, she had found herself enjoying his company, as he had shown such an interest in the show due to take place so soon now. Very quickly she had found herself once more relaxing in his company, moving to lie down along the blanket, as hungrily she had enjoyed the delicious picnic he had provided.

“Now did you really make this yourself?”

She had giggled, as he had grinned.

“Hell no……this is edible”

She had laughed back, as he made a big fuss of clearing away the picnic mess, having missed his chance to impress her with the hall. As he finished putting everything in the basket, he had moved it behind him, suddenly bringing the two of them very close together. Tessa had looked at him, this man she hardly knew, suddenly feeling shy as the air between them had filled with a strange tension, his eyes delving deeply into hers.
