Page 31 of The Wedding Deal

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“Andrew is your cousin?”

He had breathed, looking up at her, his face full of such pain, Tessa nodding, her face full of such confusion.

“When my mother died, my aunt took me in, she gave me a home and she loved me” she had said softly, not sure what to do, where to sit.

“Andrew and I grew up together, he is more like my brother “she had finished, as he had groaned again.

“I’m so sorry Tessa” he said softly “Your grandfather told me at our wedding party that the only reason you married me was to save the man you loved from going to jail. I couldn’t believe it…….I thought that you had agreed for money and the more I got to know you the harder I was finding it to see you as being money motivated. For love…….I could see that….then to find out you had sold yourself because you loved another man……..”

Tessa had moved forward, shaking her head.

“No…no” she had cried.

“It was not like that…………..he is like my brother Alexis…………I love him like a brother, my grandfather found out after he had refused to give me the money, he was going to contact the auditors if I didn’t marry you…….I couldn’t let him go to jail”

She had seen him looking up at her, the pain so clear on his face.

“When you left, all I could think about was you running into the arms of this……………man…………this man who had sold you down the river, who was married and who would never be good enough for you”

Tessa had given a half laugh, the hurt in her voice so clear.

“You would have been one to talk” she had thrown at him, moving backwards, as her whole body wanted to throw itself into his arms.

He had looked at her in confusion.

“What do you mean?” he had asked sharply, as she had turned from him.

“I mean Clara” she had said her voice only a whisper,

“You worry about ME throwing myself into the arms of another man, yet you flaunt your mistress before me Alexis, even leaving me when I lost our child to be in her arms. You are a hypocrite, no better than my grandfather”

She had heard him move behind her, felt his hands on her shoulder as he had slowly turned her around. She had kept her eyes on the ground, not prepared to let him see the pain in them.

“Clara is not my mistress” he had said “I have no mistress Tessa… why would you think that?” his voice growing colder as he had realised where she had got that idea from.

“Your grandfather told you Clara was my mistress”, he had said hooking his finger under her chin, angling it up so he could look into wonderful brown eyes.

Tessa had nodded, biting her lip.

“He told me that you wanted a wife who would accept your lifestyle. That she was your current mistress” her voice breaking slightly once more, as with a groan of pain he had pulled her into his arms, holding her protectively against him.

“She is so beautiful Alexis………how could I ever compete against her”

“That bastard” he finally spoke “That lying………..Tessa, Clara is not nor has she ever been my mistress”

Pulling her back slightly he had looked into her face once more.

“From the moment I saw you at your grandfather’s party Tessa there has never been any other women in my life…………..I only wanted you. I have always thought you the most beautiful woman I have ever known”

She had looked deeply into his eyes, seeing such passion and honesty in his, feeling a small tear of joy rising.

“Oh Alexis” she had moaned softly, as he had dropped his head, his mouth taking hers in a fierce passionate kiss, drawing from her an equally passionate response as she had clung to him. It took the small cough behind them to finally pull the two apart.

“Erm……….we are going down to the town for dinner” she had heard Maggie say, her voice seeming so distant in the blur of fuzziness that was her mind.

“We may be quite some time Tessa” she had continued as Tessa had made some non committal vague sound of having heard, before Alexis’s mouth had once more taken hers, her aunt’s words lost in the need to kiss her husband. This time he had been so tender, so gentle, as his mouth had explored hers. Whispering gently to her in Greek, her whole being suddenly so alive with the need for him she had explored him back. As he had bent down to whisk her into his arms, he had asked where the bedroom was and she had remembered the first time he had lifted her in his arms all those months ago in her small flat.

“Upstairs, first room on the right” she had whispered back as he had strode with purpose into the house, neither of them noticing how empty it had become, nor caring, moving up the stairs. As he had dropped her gently onto her feet by the bed, she had started to laugh gently against his mouth. Alexis had looked at her, his face puzzled as she had looked up at him so lovingly.

“I’m sorry” she had giggled “This is my aunt’s house………..and my old bed………I feel naughty” she had grinned, seeing a wide smile cross his face.

“Oh you are going to be, don’t worry” he had replied, a husky note in his voice, making her forget her surroundings once more. She had thrown her arms around his neck pulling his head down to kiss her with a hunger that left them both throbbing for the other. Each had pulled at the other’s clothes. Her shirt falling to the floor beside his, her jeans pushed down by hands so strong and sure. His fingers had caressed her bottom as they so slowly pushed the silken panties down, causing her to wriggle uncontrollably against him, the gush of wetness and desire between her legs driving her further. Releasing him from his jeans, she had pushed them down feeling the hardness of him spring against her belly. As her hands had brushed against him stars had flashed before his eyes.

“My God Tessa, I want you so much” he had muttered moving backwards until he was able to bend her over the bed. His hands had continued exploring her body, cupping her , his head bending to lick the rosy , her fingers flying to his head, pulling him down harder onto her. His hand had moved between her legs, gently caressing her feeling the wetness as his finger had explored further causing her to move with him her breathing laboured, before with a groan he had pulled back slightly.

“Am I hurting you?” he had asked his voice full of concern and need.

With a shake of her head she had pulled his mouth back to hers, her hand moving to hold the hardened shaft of him, feeling as his kiss had become more frantic, as her actions had threatened to drive him over the edge. Pulling her hand from him he had positioned himself over her, her legs parting so naturally for him, as with one sure thrust he had surged deeply into her. Once more feeling himself start to peak he had lain still within her embrace to allow himself to catch his breath. Looking deeply into her eyes, those beautiful warm pools of liquid chocolate, he had seen the passion for him as her hands had moved to caress his back. Slowly he had began to move over her, gently and surely thrusting deep, feeling as her feet had moved over his legs, her hands stroking his back and sides.

Tessa had clung to Alexis, feeling as his thrusts pushed her further and further, the rawness of his actions showing his need for her. The sound of his moans and cries fuelling her already heightened need as she had felt the waves start to rise, and just as she did, his mouth had descended, sucking in one hardened . Gasping at the feel of his tongue on her as he had sucked so hard sent the waves flooding over her, sweeping her away in the torrent of sensations. Tessa was not aware as she had gone wild under him, panting and crying out his name as her nails had racked his back, nor was she aware as he had thrust harder and faster into her, keeping her floating for so long as he had plunged for the last time releasing so deeply within her. His cries joining hers as they clung to each other, before he had fallen heavily over her, his breathing ragged, as he fought to bring it back under control just as she did.

Feeling him over her, his heavy weight pinning her to the bed, she had wrapped her arms around him, wanting to hold him there forever, to keep him there, it felt so right. As he had finally moved, raising himself slightly from her he had looked deeply into her eyes, seeing in them tears.

“Tess” he had begun, feeling the coldness in his stomach that she did not want him, the same coldness that had swamped him when she had told him she was leaving, that she would no longer be in his life. Tessa however, had raised a finger to silence him, a small shaky smile coming to her lips.

“I love you Alexis” she had said softly the words feeling so right at that time.

As he had gasped, she had felt a moment of trepidation, the thought that he could not care for her as much as she him filling her with fear. However, she had seen the softness in his face, the smile lighting that wonderful mouth.

“I have loved you since the day I first saw you descending on me at a party I had never wanted to be at” he had grinned, holding his breath at the sheer joy on her face.
