Page 30 of The Wedding Deal

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Moving down the stairs the smell of toast and jam and bacon had reached her and for the first time in many weeks Tessa had felt her stomach rumble as she had felt hungry. Wearing an old shirt she had found in the cupboard after her shower she had once more felt 16. Seeing as Maggie had smiled.

“You never ever lost that wonderful figure of yours” she had grinned, pushing a large plate of glorious smelling food along with a large mug of steaming hot tea under Tessa’s nose. Smiling with satisfaction as she had began eating with relish.

“Oh Maggie, I have so missed your cooking” she had laughed devouring the contents of the plate before her.

The two had sat comfortably in silence for several minutes, each sipping their tea before Tessa had started talking.

Quietly and with no interruptions she had told her story, carful to skip over some of the details of her grandfather’s blackmail. As she had told of the loss of her child, Maggie had moved to hold her hand, giving her the strength she needed to continue.

Finally she had gone quiet as Maggie had finally spoken.

“You love this man Tessa” she had asked softly,

“Are you so sure he does not feel the same?”

Tessa had looked at her sadly, shaking her head.

“Even now he is with his mistress” she had replied, seeing the look of anger cross the other woman’s face.

“Then he does not deserve you” she had said with finality, although she had frowned gently looking at the younger woman beside her.

“I wish I could do more to help you” she had finally spoken.

“Your father would have dealt with this man” she had finished as Tessa had nodded gently.

“I know Aunty Maggie” she said sadly “I know”

Chapter Eleven

The next day Tessa had woken early, having for the first time in a long time slept soundly. She was not sure if this was because she was finally free from the terrible contract, or the familiarity of her surroundings. The night before, she had sat with Maggie until late, talking about her feelings and reminiscing about old times, and she had felt the cold emptiness deep within her start to thaw in the one home she had known as a child.

That day she had walked for miles, enjoying the peaceful countryside, the only sounds being that of the birds to accompany her. The early spring had meant that she did not even need a sweater, and she had felt the warm rays of the sun slowly tanning her skin as it had done so many years earlier. Tessa would have felt happy, had it not been for the thoughts of Alexis that kept invading her mind, thoughts of him kissing Carla torturing her, as she would pick up the pace to wipe the images from her mind.

In the evening the two women had played cards, laughing with each other. Maggie had asked Tessa what she had planned for the future, and she had frowned. When she was with Alexis it had all seemed so clear, she would open up the second studio and run both, however she now wondered if he might somehow use that to punish her. With a defiant lift of her chin she had determined that he would not ruin her dream that he would not stand in the way of her plans. Seeing this Maggie had laughed softly.

“Sometimes you remind me so much of your father Tessa” she had said, her eyes so warm with her memories of him.

“He fell deeply in love with your mother you know. She tried not to get involved with him, she was such a sweet girl” Tessa had heard the real affection in her voice for her mother.

“but your father was like a force of nature when he wanted something…. and he loved your mother”

Tessa had smiled back lovingly at her aunt. In her life she had heard so many bad things about her mother, but Maggie had only ever said good things about her, and Tessa had loved her deeply for that.

“They loved each other so much” Maggie had continued,

“When he died………….I believe your mother gave up Tessa, she just couldn’t live without him” looking at the woman before her,

“She tried ……..for your sake……..but she never got over it”

Tessa had smiled softly, having heard this version of her mother’s life before. She had never known her father, as he had died just before she was born. However, the stories told to her by her mother were full of such love for the man, and when she too had died, repeated by her aunt, that she had no doubt that he had been a special person.

The next day she had been surprised when Maggie had informed her that they were to have visitors, that Andrew and his family were coming over that day. Tessa had been delighted at the thought of seeing them, part of her looking forward to seeing his two adorable children, as a bolt of pain had shot through her at her own loss.

The two had spent time cooking in the kitchen, just as they had in previous years. Tessa had made homemade apple pies, surprising herself that she was still able to as her aunt had joked that she was doomed to carry the knowledge with her to her grave, Tessa groaning playfully.

At one they had heard the sound of doors being slammed closed, and squealing children, as the whirlwind that was Andrew and his family had descended on the quiet household. There had been kisses all round as they had all moved around the back to enjoy the wonderful sunshine. For a few minutes they had all chatted happily before Maggie had taken the children into the house to let them choose from the many cakes she had baked, and Helena had followed to help make tea for everybody.

Finally alone Andrew had turned to Tessa. His face so full of emotion.

“Tessa, I don’t know how to thank you ………..” he had said before his voice had choked. Earlier Tessa had made Maggie promise that she would not tell anybody about her situation, not even Andrew, who was under the umption that she was there for a few days holiday while Alexis was working.

“Oh Andrew, come here………….I love you” she had said softly throwing herself into his arms, feeling as he had clung to her, holding her tightly to him.

Alexis had pulled up to the large farm house, admiring the homey and picturesque building. Nimbly moving from his car, he had made to move to the front door, before the sound of laughter coming from the back of the building had stopped him. He had moved slowly around the brick home, with its rose cottage flower beds and box hedges hugging the neat path leading to the back garden so unsure of what he was going to say. As he had turned the corner, he had heard her words, heard his Tessa declare love for the man in whose arms she was now held, and he had felt the searing anger and white hot jealousy fill his whole body.

From behind her she had heard the sharp intake of breath, followed by the loud cursing, as Alexis had moved forward, pulling her from Andrew, pushing her behind him as he had turned to the bemused man.

“Get your damn hands of my wife” he had cried, his whole body bristling with anger as he had towered over Andrew, who could only look on in total confusion.

“I ….. I don’t …” he had started as Alexis had moved forward.

“I should knock you right onto your backside, you using ….” he had spat, his so cool exterior gone, his eyes blazing angrily, hands balled into fists.

Gasping, Tessa had thrown herself between the two men, using herself as a shield for Andrew as she had looked at Alexis, still not believing him to be there.

“What are you doing?” she had cried, her hands pushing him away from the other man.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?”

Pulling his eyes from Andrew, he had looked down at her, his suddenly pleading.

“He is no good Tessa, I know that you did all this to save him, but he does not deserve you”

His hands had come up to hold her by the shoulders, his face intent and something so vulnerable deep within them.

“We can make this work Tessa, He is not worth throwing all we have away for” he had looked back over at Andrew, the anger once more in his eyes, before another voice had filled the air.

“What is going on?”

Maggie’s voice boomed over the scene as Alexis had dropped her arms, swinging around to see the two women before him. Helena had quickly moved over to join her bemused husband as Maggie had moved before Alexis, having left the children happily eating cakes and drinking milk at the table.

“Who are you and why are you attacking my son?” she had demanded looking first at Tessa and then back to Alexis for clarification.

“Your son?” Alexis had asked his voice disappearing as the pieces had slotted into place as he had looked at Tessa.

“Your cousin” he had questioned as understanding had come on him.

All Tessa could do was nod her head, still in shock from seeing him there.

“Alexis ….. why are you here?” she had finally managed, seeing as Maggie had looked so surprised. Pulling herself together, she had loudly declared that both Helena and Andrew should follow her into the house, seeing as the other two had silently complied, both still too shocked to talk.

Finally alone Alexis had sunk onto one of the wooden benches, his head falling into his hands as he had groaned softly.
