Page 5 of The Wedding Deal

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“I…I should” she had begun as his hand had reached over to gently cup her face, his eyes moving to her mouth as she had stayed still within his touch. Unconsciously she had moved her head slightly closer, all the encouragement he needed to bend down further, his lips meeting hers. The kiss was barely a whisper against her lips, but Tessa had felt herself melt, her hand moving to touch his chest, her fingers skirting over his skin, hearing a soft moan escape him, as his kiss had deepened. As his mouth had explored hers more deeply, she had explored his, their tongues caressing the others, the kiss so wonderful. She was not even aware of having moved her arms around his neck, nor of his having moved so that he was now half lying over her, one of his hands having moved around her waist to pull her tightly in against him. The only thing that seemed to matter was that this man not stop kissing her. Groaning throatily she had felt him hesitate, pull back from her, giving a small laugh.

“Well I guess that answers that question”

He spoke softly to himself, as her eyes had flickered open, realisation flooding through her, as she had pushed herself from him.

“We …we shouldn’t have “she had began, as his hand had moved to silence her, his eyes suddenly very serious.

“Did you ever wonder why your grandfather was pushing your cousin on me Tessa?” he had asked looking deeply into her eyes.

She had looked back at him, her face confused at the question, still feeling the effects of her reaction to him as her whole body yearned for more.

“I just umed that she was flirting with you” she had responded.

“My grandfather obviously wants something from you… so he wouldn’t mind. Marcie is a company girl at heart”

His lips had twitched gently.

“Well as true as that may be……….there was more to it than that”

Tessa had continued watching, not sure what he was talking about, still trying to regain her composure, hating the way he seemed so calm as if nothing had happened, while she felt her heart beating so loudly the noise was almost deafening.

“For several months now I have had somebody looking for a wife for me… I’m guessing your grandfather found that out”

Tessa’s eyes had opened in surprise.

“Why would you?”

She had begun as he had carried on.

“Because marriage is something that too many rush into with no real thought of what they actually want……I want a woman who understands my lifestyle…who will produce for me the children I want, and if all fails will not take away most of my business……or my children”

He had paused seeing the confusion on her face.

“I want somebody who understands what it is to be powerful and rich…as your grandfather is. Somebody who loves children, as you seem to do, and somebody who will respond well to me in bed……..I think that we have just proven that would not be a problem”

Tessa had gasped.

”Are you asking me to be your WIFE?” she had cried in shock.

“Yes” he had stated, his tone matter of fact, as though her look of shock was of no concern to him.

“We I feel would make a good partnership, you would be the perfect wife for me and in return I would ensure that you had everything you needed”

Tessa had leapt to her feet.

“This conversation is over Mr Demitri” she had said stiffly, her voice full of contempt, seeing as he had risen slowly to his feet lifting his basket.

“I’m sure that your paid matchmaker will find the right brood mare for you soon”

“My matchmaker has found many ladies……….none of whom have met my requirements………but in you I think I have found what I am looking for”

He had said patiently, as though talking to a small child.

“I think that you should seriously consider the offer Tessa”

“No, I don’t think so” she had cried, moving over to the door and pulling it open for him to leave.

“We are strangers Alexis……….I don’t have any idea about you…….nor you of me, your offer is both unwelcome and ill-conceived, and I would appreciate it if you would leave………..and not return” she had added firmly.

As he had moved passed her, he had stopped, his handsome face looking down on her, those dark eyes once more flicking over her face, causing fluttering to erupt throughout her entire body. Sensually he had lifted a finger to stroke her cheek, her skin tingling where he touched with a strange desire.

“You should know Tessa that I do not give up. When I make my mind up about something…..I usually win”

Gritting her teeth she had looked back at him, her expression determined.

“Well maybe losing will do you good”

Seeing as he had smiled.

“Mmmmm I even like your optimism” he had muttered dropping his head, and before she could move, gently kissing her mouth.

“We will continue this later” he breathed softly, although she was aware of the way his breath like hers was slightly ragged.

As he had moved out, she had closed the door, locking it behind him, leaning against the door cursing the way her body seemed to betray the longing for such a despicable man. That hateful, arrogant man, with the blackest most piercing eyes she had ever seen, groaning at the memory of his touch, as his soft caresses had driven her crazy with such a need for him. How his mouth felt against her, how his aftershave had enveloped her, and caused her to want to…….thumping her hand against the wood she had moved forward, angry at herself. Men like Alexis Demitri were no better than her grandfather she had thought her mouth twisting in a grimace, and people like her got hurt by those kind of men, better she stay far away from him, from his awful plan. With a small frown she had remembered his kiss, that soft sensual kiss, correcting herself….no he wasn’t like her grandfather she thought, there had been a warmth in that kiss, a warmth her grandfather was completely incapable of. No, Alexis Demitri was just misguided in his perception, part of her feeling sorry for his outlook, feeling pity that he would deny himself the joy of a loving relationship and bringing children into that environment.

Chapter Three

“Tessa, good to see you”

Tessa had been surprised that afternoon, to hear from her grandfather, even more surprised at how friendly he seemed to be towards her. She had thought him to be furious at her crashing his party however his tone had been almost jovial. When he had requested that she come by that evening to see him, she had agreed instantly. Almost unable to believe his turnaround, her heart had soared that she would be able to help Andrew after all.

Looking suspiciously back at him she had moved over to sit in the seat opposite forcing a smile on her face, not really enjoying being in his company.

“I’m glad you reconsidered John, I made you a very good offer, and……..”

However, he had silencing her with a wave of his hand.

“First let me make it clear Tessa that I am not going to give you the million now for your inheritance”

Anger had flared instantly within Tessa, as she had leapt to her feet, hands balled held tight to her side.

“Why…why on Earth would you not and why would you bring me all the way down here if you weren’t?”

She had cried her voice high.

“I told you I would sign ANYTHING you wanted…you never wanted me to have my mother’s money anyway”

Her grandfather, John Jones had only stared back at her his expression determined as she had cried out, calmly waiting for her to be silent.

“I really don’t care about your paltry little inheritance Tessa”

He stated flatly, as he watched his granddaughter, seeing the look of frustration and fear on her face

“Then why?” she cried in confusion.

“Do you really think I bought your little story of needing the money to help your failing business?”

He had said.

“Your business isn’t failing; in fact you are doing quite well from what I hear”

Tessa had fallen silent, her eyes watching her grandfather warily.

“So I did a little digging, and guess what I found……..your little friend Andrew has a visit from the auditors set for next week”

Tessa had closed her eyes groaning softly with pain.

“You bastard” she had whispered softly seeing the look of triumph on his face.

“What does it matter to you John what the reason is…just give me the money and I will give up all rights to my mother’s money”

“I don’t think so Tessa”

He had said a smile sitting on his lips, as she banged her fist on the desk.

“Why, for god’s sake why?”

She had cried in frustration, seeing the smile widen but not reaching his eyes which had flashed angrily.
