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I crossed my arms over my chest. "I had somewhere I had to be."

"Where?" he cocked his head.

"It's none of your business." I said sternly.

He shook his head on a tisk. "You see that's where you're wrong."

"How so?"

"Everything about you is my business. As my submissive I have a right to know where you go in the day. I have a right to know what you're doing and who you're doing it with."

"Are you serious?" I asked on a laugh. It sounded spiteful. "You're not the center of my life."

His eyes hardened. "That's obvious. But you're the center of mine." I gasped at his admission and he continued, not missing a beat. "You either decide to do this with me or you don't. It's your choice."

I narrowed my eyes. "Are you threatening to end our relationship?"

"If that's what it takes, Olivia." He nodded. "I want you. I want all of you, not just half. You either let me in or you push me out for good. This is your choice."

Chapter 9

I watched as her eyes fell to the floor. There was no doubt in my mind she was processing my words. I could see they hurt and terrified her because her blushed skin paled significantly. Her hands shook as they fell to her side only to lift and toy with a strand of chocolate hair. A nervous gesture I'd come to recognize.

I fucking hoped she couldn't see through my façade. I needed her to believe I would walk away if she refused to let me in. I knew the truth however. I could never walk away from her. She owned me. She held my balls in one fist and my heart in her other. I couldn't walk away from her if my life depended on it. But I could manipulate her into letting me in. I could manipulate her into trusting me. I was certain of it.

She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, worrying it as she thought. "I was at the track with Kyle."

I nodded. I already knew this. Although it pissed me off, I knew she had gone to the track on countless occasions while we were on a break. What I didn't know was why. I wanted to know why she ran to the track. To him. From what I had been told, there was nothing sexual or romantic about her relationship with Kyle. My sources told me she went for the ride and left. She never stayed around to talk and he never chased after her. I didn't understand the relationship and I was thoroughly regretting taking her there in the first place.

I nodded, refusing to allow an ounce of emotion into my face. She was the only one who seemed to possess the ability to read me. That both intrigued and irked me. "Why?"

"I needed it."

"You needed what?" Now I was mad. What could he give her that I couldn't?

"I needed the speed." She shrugged. "I used to go because I needed to feel something other than,"

She stopped talking and shame flooded her face. It took all I had in me not to close the distance between us and pull her into my arms. "Don't shut me out, Olivia." I pleaded gently.

Her eyes lifted to mine and they were moist with unshed tears. My heart wilted. "I need to feel something other then desperation and fear. I just needed to feel alive."

Holy fuck. The words she spoke sent a torrent of terror through me. Olivia felt like that? My Olivia felt as though she was dying inside? I didn't think about my next move, I just made it. In only a few strides, I had her in my arms. Her face was pressed against my chest and her sobs rocked her frame. I rubbed gentle circles into her back because this was what I found soothed her. "I'm sorry." My voice came out raw. "I'm so sorry I made you feel that way." And then a thought came to me. Did she feel like that today? Is that why she ran to him? Had I made her feel so desperate she needed to remember she was alive? "Why did you run to him today?"

She pulled away from me. Her brown eyes looked up into my face to study me and she frowned. "I've never run to Kyle, Jace." She placed a gentle hand on the side of my face and the pad of her thumb caressed the skin beneath my eye. "I went today because I was angry. I was so angry I was scared. I just wanted to be calmed by the speed. I needed it. I never want you to feel that you are the reason I need it. I need the speed because of me…because of my weakness."

"You're not weak." I said gruffly. There was so much emotion rolling around inside me…I didn't know what else to say.

"You're sweet."

I held her face in my hands and brought my lips to hers. She melted against me upon contact and I groaned involuntarily. I loved how responsive she was to me. It only added to the preposterous belief that she was…in some screwed up way…made for me.

Her lips moved against mine, slowly at first, and then there was a hunger in her kiss that drove me to wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer into my chest. With her heart pounding against mine in perfect sync, I felt as though I had found my place. For the first time in my life, I found someone who resides on the same frequency as me. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. There is no letting her go after this. She is mine, whether she knows it or not. She is mine.
