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Vacationing in British Columbia at the Bauer family cabin for the first two weeks of December was a tradition of sorts. It was where we spent Christmas because God forbid I wasn't home for the Holiday Party my parents threw the week before Christmas. I hated Christmas, but I loved the first two weeks of December. Trisha had vowed we would spend this Christmas together and make it a holiday worth remembering.

"What?" She squealed, feigning innocent confusion. "She asked how you were."

"Well, what did you tell her?"

Trisha set shimmering eyes on me. They were filled to the brim with mischief. "I told her you were good. Wrapped up in a man and head over heels in love with him."

"Trisha! You didn't!" I gasped.

"I did. And I noticed how you didn't correct me just now." She raised a brow and waited for my reply.

I raked my brain and my blood ran cold. "What are you insinuating?"

"That you know you're in love with Jace." She stated, ever blunt.

"Oh." I lowered my focus onto my sandwich.

"Have you told him yet?"


"When are you going to?"

"Never." I huffed. "He doesn't wan to hear it."

"I beg to differ."

"You would." I sighed. "You're a walking contradiction."

"I'm not taking that to heart." She waved her hand. "You've got to tell him. You can't keep something like that bottled up. It'll destroy you."

"I can't tell him, Trisha." I pushed Moo-moo off my lap and stood, walking my plate to the sink. "If I do, he'll run and never look back."

"That's a risk you're going to have to take, Liv."

"Not yet, it isn't."

"All right," She shrugged but I could see she was worried. "Talk to the man about the two weeks in December. I'm sure he's going to want to come. He can't even fathom you spending a night in your own bed away from him. He's not going to be cool with you going alone." She set determined eyes on me. "And, you will be coming."

"I know." I placed my dish into the dishwasher. "I'll talk to him tonight."

"I know you will. He already informed me you would be spending the rest of this week with him."

"Did he?"

She nodded smugly. "He did."

"Well, it's a good thing tomorrow is the end of the week. We have plans on Monday so I'll be home."

Trisha frowned. "I didn't know we had plans."

"We do now."

Understanding lit her features and she laughed. "I get it. You know you're playing with fire."

I shrugged. "So?"

"Fire burns."

"And I bite."

"So I see." She chuckled as I pulled the strap of my purse over my shoulder.

I walked to the door. "See you Monday!"

"I love you." She yelled loudly and I cringed, immediately slamming the door shut on her obnoxious bellowing.

As I crossed the lobby my phone chirped, alerting me to a new text message. I had an inkling it was Trisha, but the possibility it might be Jace had me digging frantically through my purse. I vowed I would soon go shopping for a smaller bag. I liked to think it would happen, but I knew otherwise.

Finally, I found my phone and pulled it from the mess. My heart knocked in my chest as I saw Jace's name on the screen. I slid my thumb over the illuminated gloss to read his text.

Where are you?

Leaving my apartment. Had lunch with Trisha.

I see.

I'm surprised you didn't call Gabe. His neurotic obsession on my whereabouts knew no bounds. Gabe was usually his first call.

I was just about to.

I laughed. Of course he was. What do you want?


Can't. I'm busy.

Don't tell me what I can and can't have, Olivia. You're mine. You would do well to remember that.

Get over yourself. I tossed my phone back into my purse, thinking to teach him a lesson. It begged for my attention. Repeatedly. But I clamped my teeth and ignored it.

I stepped out on the street to see Gabe sitting in his car, his phone to his ear. Obviously Jace had called him. His need to control knew no bounds. On an irritable sigh, I made my way to the Audi and opened the front passenger door as soon as I heard the quiet thud of the unlock button. I crawled in beside Gabe and focused my attention straight ahead.

"She's here." Gabe said and then there was a heavy pause. "Do you really want me to ask?"

I looked at Gabe and he took the phone away from his ear. "I don't want to speak with him." I said before he could ask.

He stumbled for a moment before bringing the phone back to his ear. "I'm assuming you heard her, Sir." There was a pause and I could only imagine what Jace was saying in the background. "Yes, Sir. I don't believe she'll be happy about that, Sir." There was another pause and I stared at Gabe with inquisitive eyes. What was I going to find displeasing? What did Jace want Gabe to do? "Goodbye." Gabe said as he hung up the phone.
