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“Shelby, you’re going to have to forgive yourself. Honestly, I could see myself doing the same thing as you if I ever got pictures of Sawyer with another woman. I mean, after I poisoned all the food in our refrigerator before I left.”

“Em, baby,” Sawyer peeked his head out, “I can hear you.”

“Then let this be a warning,” she flashed him a playful grin.

He, in return, gave her a warm smile. “Em, you’ve ruined me for all other women.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” Emma winked.

Sawyer darted back into exam room one.

I focused on the computer screen. “I’m glad you are both so happy.”

Emma rubbed my back. “Aw, Shelby, you’re going to find the right guy.”

I already had. “Let’s get you up and running. Opening day will be here before you know it.”

“I can’t believe it.” Emma looked around their practice in awe.

It was beautiful. I loved the soothing blue they had chosen for the wall color. It played beautifully against the dark wood floors.

“Our dream is coming true.” Emma sighed.

I couldn’t think of better people for it to happen to.

A knock interrupted us. Both our heads popped up to see who was at the door. A big, burly Southern man with a grin as wide as the Mississippi was waving at us. Two beautiful identical sisters flanked him.

“Ladies, open up, I just closed a big deal and I’m taking y’all to dinner.”

Emma gave me a look that asked if he was for real. The answer was a resounding yes. There was hardly a soul around that was more genuine than Bobby Jay Prescott. Sawyer walked out with a hammer in his hands looking as if he meant to use it for more than hanging pictures. “No man is taking my wife to dinner unless I can come.”

“Of course, you have to come.” Emma batted her eyes. “Who else would I share my food with?”

They were probably the cutest couple in the history of couples. Sawyer always ordered something Emma liked so they could share. Ryder and I never shared food like Emma and Sawyer, but I was known for making him try my “fancy city food,” as he called it. He would never admit to liking any of it, but he never turned any of it down, especially when I fed it to him or bribed him with kisses.

“Are you in?” Emma interrupted my thoughts.

“Sure.” Anything was better than going home alone to think more about the man who I made disappear.Chapter TwelveI searched my menu at the Cove Café for something that stayed within the no sugar guidelines while I listened to the chatter around me. Mostly I was focused in on Emma lamenting over the fact that she had ordered water with lemon instead of her usual Dr. Pepper.

“Who have I become?” she groaned.

Sawyer kissed her head. “You’re doing great.”

Macey and Marlowe sat on either side of Bobby Jay. Marlowe scrolled on her phone while Macey asked Bobby Jay about the deal he had closed. That piqued my interest. My eyes drifted over the top of my menu to across the table.

Bobby rubbed his hands together with his eyes all alight. “This is the one I’ve been waiting for, Diamond Brothers’ Extreme Sports. Have you heard of them?”

Sawyer’s head popped up. “We did one of their caving tours last year while we were on our honeymoon in Australia. They’re all over the world.”

Bobby’s grin grew wider. “Yes, sir. They do everything from caving and rappelling to mountaineering.”

“Their setup and tour was amazing.” Sawyer put his arm around Emma, smiling. It was as if I could see him reliving some of their honeymoon memories in his mind. They must have been good judging by how sultry his smile was becoming. I had seen some of the pictures, and Emma had mentioned how risqué they had gotten down under.

“We had to agree to some customizations, and due to their security audit they are requiring some enhancements for this next software release.”

“When does your next release come out?” Emma asked.

“Why don’t you ask the man himself?” Bobby Jay looked past me, but not before flashing me a hold-onto-your-hat grin.

Everyone directed their attention to the man behind me—except me. It became all too clear now why Bobby Jay made sure I sat where I had near the empty seat. Bobby Jay made it out like he was being a gentleman, pulling out my chair and telling me it was the best seat at the table because it wasn’t under the air vent and he knew how cold I could get. I was anything but cold. Heat crept up my cheeks and I swore there was a drummer in my chest doing an epic solo.

“Ryder,” Marlowe and Macey purred at the same time.

Emma caught my eye with empathy pouring out of hers. Even Sawyer looked pensive on my behalf.

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