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It wasn’t the circumstances I’d hoped for to see his office for the first time. I was hoping for more of a tour that ended up with us in his office, locking the door, and us making work a whole lot of fun. Maybe another time. I pulled up to the modern red brick building with big windows and several floors. Prescott Technology was one of many tenants in the large building. Bobby said sales and support took up the third floor and the development and executive offices were on the fourth. He let me in with his keycard and gave me directions to Ryder’s office.

I had to admire the work space. It was open and instead of a lot of offices, there were work stations of different varieties, some had standing desks, others had half-moon shaped desks. I smiled at the ping pong and foosball tables in the middle of it all. There were even arcade games to the side and a soda machine. No one was playing today. All I saw were heads down and the worried expressions of the women and men on Ryder’s team. A few lifted their heads as I walked by carrying my picnic basket. A couple gave me odd looks. I got it—it was no time for picnics and girlfriends.

Ryder’s office was toward the back. I admit I was bummed to find all but one of his office walls were made of glass. That nixed my future fantasies and the goodbye kiss I had planned for him today. It also ruined the element of surprise. He looked up from his large, curved monitors and noticed me. He stood, surprised, and waited for me to walk in.

“Chief, what are you doing here?”

I held up the basket. “I thought you might be hungry.”

He ran his hand through his hair. It looked like it had been thoroughly run through all day long. “I just ordered pizza for everyone.”


“I don’t have to eat pizza.” He gave me a tired smile.

That was enough to propel me forward and place my basket on an empty space near the edge of his desk. “In that case, I brought you all your favorites.” I went to open the basket.

“I appreciate that, darlin’, but I don’t have time to eat right now. I will later, though.”

My eyes met his red, gritty ones. Somewhere in there I saw the Ryder I fell in love with. The one who would have taken me up in his arms the second he saw me or would have made me sit down and insisted we at least eat together. I wondered, though, if he would appear again. “I’ll let you get back to work.” I turned and walked away.

“I love you,” he called to my retreating figure.

I gave him a wave of acknowledgment, not returning the sentiment. It’s not that I didn’t love him. I did. And I truly understood this is where he needed to be. But I remembered all the excuses my daddy had of why he couldn’t make it to recitals or even my high school graduation. He had to fly to New York or meet with Hobbs Inc.’s largest vendor. Work always came first.

I was tired of being last.Chapter ThirtyMy sullen mood left me in no mood to deal with the unwelcome guests who had apparently arrived moments before me in the rented Jaguar in the driveway. Emma hadn’t even had time to call me. She and Sawyer were at the main house visiting with Mr. Carrington when my parents and, unbelievably, Barrett Chapel arrived. It was bad enough my parents showed up without any warning, but to bring the man they had deemed worthy of me with them was inexcusable. But why should I have thought any less of them? The way they had treated me my entire life, and especially recently, was beyond inexcusable.

All heads turned toward me when I walked in. Everyone was standing in the foyer. Momma’s expression caught me first. I could tell already she was disappointed in my attire. In a rush to comfort Ryder, I hadn’t changed after making dinner. My dark T-shirt was marked with flour and my linen shorts were more than wrinkled from the long drive in the car. Momma, on the other hand, was dressed as if she were headed for dinner at the club in a form-fitting white dress with gold accents. I had to hand it to her, she wore her age well. People always said we looked more like twins than mother and daughter. Daddy and Barrett looked as if they came off the golf course in pressed slacks and expensive polo shirts. Both distinguished men in their own rights. Mr. Carrington, Emma, and Sawyer were all standing back with wide eyes waiting for the show to start.

Momma played her part and walked like a runway model toward me in her heels. “Darling, there you are. Isn’t it so lovely that we surprised you?” She wrapped me in her arms but was careful to keep her distance. Heaven forbid she get anything on her white dress.
