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She tried to unman me the whole car ride, and now that we are walking the tarmac it is getting old. I take my hand and spank her on her ass. Immediately, I begin to feel guilty for inflicting pain on her that doesn’t involve pleasure. Right when I go to rub the red handprint on her ass, I hear the unmistakable sound of a moan come from her. Not sure if that is really what I heard, I wait a beat and sure enough she starts to squirm. Hmmm ...interesting. Carrying her down the runway to the plane, I decide to test my theory. While holding her over my shoulder, I take my forefinger very discreetly and slide it under her skirt, into her panties, and sure enough she is soaked.

Fuck. How the hell did I get blessed with a dirty little brat. She is fucking drenched. Using my finger, I rub her clit back and forth, teasing, and immersing my finger in her sticky sweetness. She begins to rock her hips back and forth on my shoulder. I swear my dick is like a raging bull. Walking the last few seconds towards the plane, my cock is pointing, and everyone can see it. She continues moaning as she fights to reach completion.

“Quiet Preciosa. I don’t want to have to layout everyone we need to run the plane, because they heard your beautiful sounds that are only for me. Now, if you will be a good girl, I will let you cum.” I move my hand from her clit to the tiny hole at her entrance and the moment I stick two fingers inside her, she goes off like a rocket. She buries her face against the bottom of my jacket and lets out her scream. I continue to move my fingers back and forth, bringing her down. Right as we get to the plane entrance, I remove my fingers and suck them into my mouth. Lollipops. I am so screwed. Candy is my weakness.

The orgasm takes it out of her enough that she calms down for a bit once we board the plane. I feel safe enough to put her down in a seat, while I go and sort out the crew. I guess it doesn’t matter anyway, because everyone knows that she is not to get off this plane or they all die. I lay her down on the couch onboard and make my way to the cockpit. As I am walking there, my phone rings. I figure it must be my mother. Making sure I got all of the amenities I asked for her to send over.


“It’s me Sax.” My father sounds almost panicked. Angry. As one of the most powerful men I know this is not the norm, and it immediately brings me on alert. I turn back around to check the room and make sure nothing is amiss. Lexi is still napping where I left her and none of the crew seems any different. Which means something must have happened back home.

“Papi. Is everything ok?”

“No. Everything is not ok. Have you seen your sister? She is not in her wing, she has disabled her tracker, and your mom is beside herself. I don’t understand it. Julissa has never done anything like this before. Do you think she has been taken?”

That was the initial thought in my mind, but then I remembered that I personally taught her how to defend herself. I know instinctively she would have left breadcrumbs. No. Chances are she has run off.

“No Papi. I do not think she is in danger. Have you called Ramone?”

“No. I called you first. She has always looked up to you, so you were my logical first choice.”

“I will call Ramone right now and let you know.” As soon as I close my phone it rings again. Fuck. It’s like the fucking party line. Looking at the ID I see it is Ramone.

“Brother. Let me guess. You have discovered Julissa is missing?”

“What!!!!! Hell no. I didn’t know. I was calling because I cannot find Manny, and his tracker has been disabled. You don’t think…… I will kill that motherfucker if he lays one hand on her. No, fuck that. Even without laying a hand on her, he is dead. How the fuck do we find them?”

“Ramone calm down. There is a hidden tracker in her necklace. I bought it for her birthday. Unless the little brainiac went looking for it, she wouldn’t know it is there. Call Manziel. He has the GPS.”

“Where the fuck are you?”

“On a plane to Corfu.”

“Great. Just great. You go off to fuck pussy island and I have to deal with this shit. Thanks a lot.”

“Hey asshole. Don't ever talk about your future sister-in-law that way again. I don’t want to have to injure my own flesh and blood. And second, if you would finally claim the mystery girl from the club, you wouldn’t be such a fucking miserable prick.”
