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“Don’t make any noise,” he warns me before sliding inside me, one amazing inch at a time until he’s seated balls-deep.

He leans down, his front pressed to my back, and kisses my neck. “I’ve been thinking of this, and little else, for days. Do you have any idea how badly I want you? It’s constant, Noel.”

He’s whispering, making as little noise as possible while he moves in small motions, rubbing the root of his dick against my core.

“This, all of this, is mine, do you understand?”

“Hell, yes,” I mutter. “Faster, Reed.”

“You want more?”

I nod, not caring in the least that I’m wrinkling all the papers I’ve worked hard on today. Or that I’m sprawled out, ass up, over my desk, practically begging Reed to fuck the hell out of me.

I wasn’t lying, I did miss him.

Missed this.

He doesn’t disappoint. He moves faster, pushes harder. I have to cover my mouth with my hand to keep from crying out, it feels so damn amazing.

With another slap on my ass, Reed grips my hips tightly and pulses against me, buried deeply as he falls over the edge, taking me with him.

My legs have never shaken like this before.

Good God, Reed’s ruined me for all other men.

He slips out of me, tugs my skirt back down, and when I turn around, he’s smiling down at me like the cat that ate the canary.

“You look awfully pleased with yourself.”

“I’m pleased with both of us.” He kisses me softly. “Did I hurt you?”

“Nope, you can do that pretty much any time.”

There’s a knock on my door, but Ali doesn’t open it.

“Yes?” I call.

“I’m leaving for the night,” she calls back. “See you tomorrow!”

“Thanks, Ali.”

My eyes are still pinned to Reed’s.

“She totally heard us,” I inform him. His lips twitch.

“How do you know?”

“I’ve worked with Ali for five years. I could hear the smile in her voice, and she didn’t open the door. She always opens the door.”

“Well. She’s an adult woman. She’ll recover.”

“I’ll have to add counseling to her benefits package.”

Reed chuckles and kisses my forehead. “Come home with me tonight.”

“I can’t. I want to, trust me, but I just can’t tonight. I’ve been out of my office too much lately, and I have to catch up because I’d like to take weekends off to be with you and Piper.”

He sighs, but he doesn’t give me a guilt trip or try to talk me into it. He just kisses my forehead again and pulls me in for a big, strong hug.

“Okay. I brought my laptop. Do you mind if I work for a bit with you?”

I lean back and frown. “Where’s Piper?”

“One of her classmates asked if she could have a play date tonight. I have a couple hours until I pick her up.”

“In that case, absolutely. You’re welcome to work with me.”

I didn’t even notice that he had a briefcase in his hand when he arrived. I just saw him.

When we settle in to work, Reed looks at me over his laptop. “I apologize for earlier, Noel. For jumping to conclusions when I saw you hug that other guy. It was uncalled for.”

“Thank you for that. You don’t have anything to worry about, Reed. I’m not interested in Alex or anyone else, for that matter.”

We order in dinner and sit in companionable silence as we both work on projects and chew on our Chinese food.

I’ve never been as comfortable with anyone as I am with Reed.

I’ve never loved anyone the way I love him.Chapter Nine~Noel~It’s been a fast week. I can’t believe it’s Friday. I’m exhausted, but if all goes well today, I’ll be all caught up and free to take the weekend off with my two favorite people.

I haven’t seen Reed since Wednesday when he surprised me at the office. And I haven’t seen Piper since Sunday. We’ve been FaceTiming every evening, but it’s not the same.

Reed told me last night that Piper’s been fussier than normal, and when he asked her why, she said she misses me.

Yes, that melted my heart.

If you’d asked me a month ago if I’d ever consider dating a single dad, I would have said absolutely not. I’m not convinced I want to be a parent, or I wasn’t anyway. And not because I don’t like kids, but because my lifestyle is very…adult. I live in a condo in the city. I work long hours. I barely see my sister and dad. I don’t know how I’d find time for children.

And that’s still a concern for me. But I know that I’m in love with Reed and Piper, and I miss them every day that I don’t see them.

So I’m ready to get through this day and get to Reed’s house this evening.

With a spring in my step, I walk around the corner to Cherry Street Coffee House and stop short when I walk inside and see who’s at the counter.
