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“Obviously, you can’t, because I told you to go home.”

“Well, technically, I live here now.”

“Tell me you didn’t actually buy a house.”

“I did. You’re going to love it.”



She stumbles over the next words and frowns. “You called me Ally.”

“That’s your name, remember?”

She blinks quickly, the way she does when she’s surprised.

“Listen, I don’t care what your name is, as long as I get to be with you. So, yes, I bought a house, and I’m here to get to know you better. To get to know you again.”

“This is a very expensive courtship,” she says, swirling the wine in her glass.

“You’re worth it,” I counter. “Now, are you going to come let me feed you, or what? I have everything ready for you.”

“I shouldn’t,” she says. “I should demand that you respect my wishes and go.”

“No, you should come and see this killer house and eat my tacos.”

“Tacos?” Her eyes fly to mine, and she swallows hard, tries to seem unimpressed. “I don’t even like tacos.”

I step to her, and without touching her, lean in to brush my nose over hers. “Liar.”

“Tastes change.”

“Not when it comes to tacos, sweetheart.”

“Did you buy a house on the beach?”


“Tacos and an ocean view?”

I simply smile at her.

“Fine.”Chapter 7~Elena~Until I rode in Archer’s car the other day, I didn’t realize how much I missed heated seats. Yes, it’s a first-world thing, and I’m not proud of it, but it’s true. My backside just sinks into the warmth of the leather, and I could live right here, for a long time.

He drives us along the beach and pulls into a driveway that ends at a three-car garage.

“Are you telling me that you just bought a seven-figure house because you want to date me?”

Seeing him walk into my job today was a shock to my system, almost as bad as the day he came to my door. I’d been so sad, so lost since he left the other night. I was sure I’d never lay eyes on him again, and I was in the process of grieving not only my grandmother but also the loss of Archer all over again.

And then I walked into that room and saw him standing there, and it was as if everything in my world snapped back into place.

Which is crazy.

“Among other things.”

I blink, confused. “Excuse me?”

“I bought the house because I want to date you, along with some other things.” He unclips our seatbelts as the garage door lowers behind us. “Come on, I want to show you the place. And I’m hungry.”

“You’re always hungry.”

He grins and pushes out of the car, hurrying around the hood to open my door before I can do it myself. He was always the type to open doors for me, and it seems that hasn’t changed.

“It’s better to walk through the front door,” he says, opening the side garage door. “We’ll just walk out this way.”

“I’m sure it’s fine through the mudroom.”

“Next time. I want you to get the full effect this first time.”

He takes my hand, linking his fingers with mine as if it’s just second nature and not a conscious decision. The heat travels from my palm, up my arm, and settles in my shoulder, making me shiver in delight.

“Are you cold?”

I shake my head no and smile as he unlocks the door and leads me inside.

The view is incredible. I can see the rocky shoreline, the calm water beyond, and it takes me a second to catch my breath.


“I know,” he murmurs, standing back with his hands tucked into his pockets as he waits for me to soak it all in. The view out the windows is beautiful, but the man before me is a complete shock to the system. He always was, even as a young man. But Archer in his early thirties? Holy shit. He’s tall with broad shoulders and muscles in all the right places.

Sinew for days.

His hips are lean. And his abs? Well, let’s just say if it were a hundred years ago, a girl could wash her clothes on his stomach.

“Keep looking at me like that, and my manners will fly right out that window, and I’ll take you here on the kitchen counter, Elena.”


I quirk a brow.

“It’s just the two of us, and I’m smart enough to never put you at risk out there.” He gestures with a nod of his head in the direction of town. “But when it’s you and me, you’re Elena. I’ll be damned if I’ll say another woman’s name when I’m being intimate with you.”

“I never agreed to anything intimate.” I lick my lips and will the damn butterflies in my stomach to get lost. “I agreed to tacos and a view.”

“You’ll get both.” He reaches up and drags his thumb down my cheek. “And that’s all. For now. Let me show you the rest of the house.”
