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“You can’t tell me. Right.” He sighs heavily. “This is fucking frustrating, Archer.”

“I know. I don’t disagree.”

“How long?”

“I don’t know that either. Could be weeks. Could be longer.”

I don’t want to tell him that it could be years. I don’t want to admit that even to myself.

“If you need help, at any time, you call me. I can have law enforcement engaged at a moment’s notice, anywhere on this globe, Arch. I fucking mean it. Don’t hesitate.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t fucking thank me. This is what family does. We protect each other. Watch your back. I’ll be in touch.”

I hang up and stand to walk to the windows.

This is what family does. We protect each other. We ask how we can help. We don’t fucking whip and brand those we love.

I wish Elena could know what the love of family really means. That she wasn’t afraid and running.

But I’m determined to give her that safety.

I just have to figure out how.Chapter 17~Carmine~I didn’t plan to go back to Seattle emptyhanded. I’d thought to have Elena with me, this whole mystery solved.

I don’t like being wrong.

I wait on the plane, ready to go home, as the crew goes through their final checks. Using the family jet is convenient since it’s available whenever I want, and I don’t have to adhere to the schedules of commercial flights. I’m anxious to get back to Seattle to continue the search for my cousin.

I won’t rest until she’s home.

“We’re ready for you, sir.”

I nod at the pilot as my phone rings.

“Don’t take off yet. I need to take this call.”

“Yes, sir.”

He disappears into the cockpit as I answer.

“Give me good news.”

“Found him,” Shane says into my ear, coming across as pleased with himself. Shane has always been the quiet one, the least emotive, but he sounds downright chipper right now. “He covered his tracks fairly well for a nobody. But I’m no amateur.”

“Where is he?”

“Oregon,” Shane replies. “Rocco and I are headed there now. I’ll text you the exact location and meet you in a few hours.”

“Good work,” I say as my stomach clenches in anticipation. “Get me that info, and I’ll see you soon.”

I hang up and buzz the pilot.

“We’ve had a change of plans.”* * *Three hours later, and my brothers and I are in a booth at a diner in Bandon, Oregon.

“Why don’t we just go get her?” Rocco asks.

“Because we don’t know for sure that she’s with him,” I reply. “This could be another wild goose chase. Maybe Archer just happened to buy an investment property here.”

“I have a feeling,” Shane says, slowly shaking his head. “I feel it in my gut. She’s here.”

“We need to stake out his house,” Rocco says. “We’ll see who goes in and comes out.”

“Agreed,” I reply. “And there’s no time like the present. Let’s do this.”

I throw some bills on the table to cover our coffee, and we file out to the rented SUV parked at the curb.

My adrenaline is up as Rocco follows the GPS to the house on the shoreline. We park down the road so we can still see the driveway but also remain inconspicuous.

“No one’s coming in or out without us knowing,” Rocco says as he cuts the engine, and we settle in to wait.

Some stakeouts take minutes. Others, days. We have no way of even knowing if Archer’s in residence right now.

If all of this is for nothing, I’m going to be royally fucking pissed.

But less than an hour later, a white Audi pulls out of the driveway.

“Let’s go.”Chapter 18~Elena~“I can’t believe you got me a cake.” I shake my head at Margie as I bite into my second piece of the chocolate deliciousness. Between this and the donuts I had for breakfast, I’m on a serious sugar high. I really need to give up sugar. I just wish it wasn’t so delicious. “You didn’t have to do all of this.”

“We’re happy you’re here with us,” she says and taps her plastic solo cup to mine before taking a sip of her cola. “Besides, six years as an employee is something to celebrate. As you know, it’s not easy to keep loyal employees around here.”

“Hey,” Chad says with a frown. “I’m only six months behind Ally.”

“And you’ll get a cake, too,” Margie says with a wink. “Thanks for staying a little late so we could celebrate.”

“Thanks for the celebration,” I reply happily. “It was a nice surprise.”

I finish my cake and lean over to hug Margie.

“Also? All those people who quit didn’t have the chops for this job. Taking care of baby animals isn’t all snuggles and cute photos. It’s hard when they die, and when they’re sick. It’s not a reflection on you, Margie.”

“I know. Sucks, though. I sure appreciate you and Chad for stepping up in such a big way over the past year. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
