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“Ha!” is all Maggie says before she hurries off again.

“So, you’re the slimy bastard,” I say with a nod. “I get it. Now, I’m off to the kitchen again before my mouth gets me into more trouble.”

I hurry away, passing through the swinging door to the kitchen, and stop cold when I see a woman wrapped around Shawn. The blonde has her lips pressed to his mouth, her ample tits glued to his chest, and her hands on his ass.

I don’t give two shits that his hands are nowhere near her, or that he doesn’t look pleased with the current situation. In fact, he’s glaring at her as she pulls away with a satisfied grin.

“Well, now I know what sexual assault feels like.”

“Oh, you’ve wanted that for a long time,” she purrs. “There’s no need to play hard to get with me, Shawn.”

“I’m not playing anything—”


The bimbo doesn’t jump back; she just turns her head and glares at me. “What?”

I smile. “Hi. We haven’t met. I’m Lexi. And I’m only going to tell you one time to take your fake double-Ds off him.”

“Who the fuck is this?” she demands.

“Lexi,” I reply again before Shawn can. I take her arm and pull her through the kitchen, then push her out the door. “Don’t worry, you can have him back in a few weeks.”

“What the—?”

I let the door swing shut in her face and my smile leaves mine as I turn back to Shawn.

“If you’d come in two seconds later, you would have seen me pushing her off and telling her to get the fuck out of here.”

“But I didn’t come in two seconds later, did I? Am I poaching on another woman’s territory?”

He crosses his arms over his chest. “No.”

“Is she going to be an issue?”


“Good.” I pull a clean basket off a shelf and line it with a square piece of parchment paper, getting it ready for a burger and fries.

“That’s it?”

“None of my business otherwise,” I say, not looking his way. “Coworkers with benefits, remember?”

“If the tables were turned, and I walked in here to find some asshole with his hands on you, I wouldn’t be this calm.”

“Oh, she almost lost the cheap extensions in her hair, but one thing saved her.”

“What’s that?”

“You didn’t have your hands on her, and you weren’t kissing her back. If that had been the case, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

“She’s someone I—”

“I don’t care, Shawn. Honest. As long as she’s not your girlfriend, and I’m not a homewrecker, it doesn’t matter to me.”

He blows out a breath and runs his hand through his hair. “Really?”

“Really. Now, are you going to help me with these orders or not?”

“You suddenly got really bossy,” he says. “As long as it doesn’t bleed over into the bedroom, it’s sexy as fuck.”

I laugh and drop a basket of fries into the grease.

“You know, I’m really sad that tomorrow is Monday.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because we have to go back to work, and that means I have to go back to hating you.”

He smirks. “You don’t hate me.”

“I might have wished painful things on you Friday.”

“We’re going to hit our stride this week. I can feel it.” He leans in to kiss my cheek. “Don’t sweat it, Lex. We’ve got this.”

“Right.” Maggie barges through the door with anger and frustration written all over her pretty face.

“He’s a fucking moron, that’s what he is. And if he thinks he can just sit there and look smug, watching me while I bust my ass in that pub, he has another thing coming altogether, I’ll tell you that right now.”

Maggie’s face is mutinous as she sets baskets of food on her tray.

“What in the bloody hell are you talking about, Mary Margaret?” Shawn asks.

“Oh, there’s a guy named Cameron out there,” I reply, earning a glare from his sister. “The chemistry is off the charts.”

Shawn’s eyes narrow on his sibling. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. He’s about to find his Guinness in his lap, I’ll tell you that right now.”

She turns and leaves, letting the door flap in and out behind her.

“Who is this guy?” I ask.

“A family friend,” he says. “And, I suspect, the love of her life. But both of them are too damn stubborn to admit it.”

I raise a brow. “Wow.”Chapter 7~Shawn~The room is dark, except for a stream of light coming from my small desk lamp. The house is perfectly quiet. Lexi’s in my bed, sleeping like an angel, and I’m in the office, working.

Not on our project. No, she might behead me if she found out that I worked on the movie without her. Just thinking about that day in Seattle when she highlighted and deleted all of my work makes me simultaneously want to throttle her and kiss her.

No, I’m working on a project that’s been on the back burner for a couple of years, always simmering in my mind. It’s a thriller with a bit of a love story as a side story arc. And tonight, I figured I’d come in here and work on it since I couldn’t sleep.
