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Luke handled it fast.

I knock on the door and wait, but there’s no answer. I bang on it again.

Zane pulls it open and says, “She doesn’t want to see you right now.”

“Too bad. Let me the fuck in, Zane.”

“Normally, I’d stay out of things like this because, at the end of the day, it’s not any of my business. Except, this time, it is. Because it’s Rina, and she told me to keep you out of here for the time being. I told you, she won’t stay mad forever. You could try back tomorrow morning.”

“I want to see her now.”

“And I just told you, she doesn’t want to see you right now.” Zane’s expression is sober, and I know I’m in for a fight.

I don’t fucking care. I’ll do whatever I have to do to make things right.

“I’m coming inside.”

“Come on, man,” Zane says with a sigh. “A few hours won’t matter. Just come back later.”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Sabrina pushes Zane out of the way and glares at me. “What?”

“Let me in.”Chapter Ten~Ben~“Honestly, Zane’s right. I need a little time to calm down, Ben.”

“No, because I have a feeling you’re mad about something that you shouldn’t be.”

She steps back, and I walk inside, but she moves away from me, headed for the kitchen.

“You know, I understand that shit happens. And that because of the celebrity that Zane and I have, there are no guarantees that our privacy is secure. But we were supposed to be safe with you.”

That’s a stab to the heart. “You are. I’ve already addressed the security issue at the gym. I’m sorry it happened this time, but it won’t ever happen again. You have my word.”

“And about the other thing, I’m still here,” she says. “I’m not even out of town yet, and you’re already making out with some new girl. And I was only twenty yards away! I mean, who the fuck does that, Ben?”

“That wasn’t me.”

“I’m not stupid.”

Zane snorts from the other room, earning a glare from Rina. “Shut up in there!”

“You know what? Fuck this.” I take her hand and lead her up the stairs to her bedroom and shut the door, locking it from the inside. “I’m not going to have this conversation with Zane listening in. That is not me kissing that woman. It’s Aiden.”

“Who the hell is Aiden?”

“One of my new trainers,” I reply. “Lisa thinks we look the same from behind.”

Recognition dawns in her eyes, and I feel my stomach start to loosen.

“Rina, I’ve been with you for weeks. And I don’t know if you missed it, but I’ve been too busy trying to get my hands on you to notice anyone else. Jesus, I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“Wait, what?” Her eyes are wide as she stands in the middle of the room, soaking in my words.

“I know it’s fast, and it sounds completely and certifiably crazy, but I’m in love with you, Rina. I don’t want to kiss or do anything else with another person. Only you.”

The corners of her lips tip up. “Really?”

“Really.” I walk to her and push my fingers through her soft hair. “I’m so sorry that you saw that and assumed the worst.”

“It was pretty horrible,” she admits and swallows hard. “I mean, I’ve known from the beginning that this isn’t going to last forever, but—”

“We don’t know how long anything is going to last,” I interrupt and softly kiss her plump lips. “But I can tell you, right here right now, that you’re the only woman for me, Sabrina. Without a doubt in my mind.”

I lead her over to the bed and take my time undressing her, nibbling on her and glorying in her soft sighs. Her neck arches, and I lick her skin, right where her pulse thrums in her throat.

Her hands tighten on me. I know her neck is a sensitive spot, so I hang out there as my hands roam over her delectable little body.

The brush of my thumb over her nipple earns me a little moan. And when my hand drifts down her belly to her wet core, she gasps.

“Everything right here, from these sweet noises of yours to your warm skin, is mine, Sabrina. Do you get that?”

“Oh, yeah.” She raises her hips, inviting my fingers inside of her, and I oblige, almost coming undone when her pussy tightens around me like a fucking vise. I can’t get enough of watching her, whether it be when she’s laughing or working out, or giving in to her pleasure when we’re like this.

She’s absolutely incredible.

And she’ll never question again whether I’m devoted to her or not. I’ll make damn sure of that.

“Look at me, baby.” She opens her eyes and watches me as she climbs that hill and then goes over the other side into pure ecstasy. “That’s right. Go over, my love.”
