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“You’ve got two whole years to keep on fighting. We’ll go easy on you.”

“Dammit, Tabby, not this again.”

She slammed her fist against his gut, but he didn’t show any sign of that even hurting. “Do not call me Tabby.” There was only one person who called her Tabby, and he was in Piston County right now.

Luke smiled. “Why, what are you going to do about it?”

He was pulled off her and she saw Anthony waiting. He threw Luke against the sinks.

No words.

Just actions.

Luke got to his feet with a laugh. “I should have known you’d be here.”

“You think you can make a move on our girl and get away with it?” Miles came in.

Tabitha was even surprised to see Daisy standing there, arms folded. They all looked pissed. Rachel was there, Markus, even Constance, Blaise, Damien, and John.

Luke held his hands up. “Wow, can’t even have a conversation without everyone. Is that what you all do? One big fucking orgy?”

Anthony struck him again.

Tabitha put a hand on his shoulder. He gave no sign of being distressed or pissed off. This was Anthony. Calm. Like it was merely an action. Nothing more.

Daisy stepped forward. “Walk away.”

Luke glanced at Daisy before returning his gaze to hers. Tabitha folded her arms, waiting. She always thought Ryan was the stupid one.

“I suggest you leave school for the day,” Miles said. “We wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

“And you’re saying it would if I stay here?”

“We can’t guarantee your safety,” Daisy said.

“What you did was stupid,” Tabitha said.

“No, but I also know someone in class has it in for the Dogs. Don’t you see it? The school is divided. I was just curious to see which way it would fall.”

“Don’t fuck with my sister and get out,” Miles said.

Luke smirked. “Until next time, Tabby.”

She went to defend her name but Daisy was there, holding her back.

Luke left the bathroom and now Tabitha turned to her friends.

“What the hell?” she asked.

“Don’t talk to us like that,” Miles said. “Do you have any idea what he could have done to you? How hurt you could have been? Next time, you don’t go with him willingly.”

She laughed. “You think I went with him willingly?”

“He’s strong,” Anthony said.

“I had it handled.”

“Did you?” Daisy asked. “From where I was standing, it looked like he was the one in control. You, you were waiting for him to strike.”

Tabitha shrugged. “You can believe me or not, I don’t care. I’m telling you I had it handled. There was no way he was going to get past me.”

“Why does he want to know about the school?” Rachel asked, coming further into the room.

“We better head back to class,” Tabitha said.

“We need to meet up about this,” Miles said, looking toward Anthony.

“Agreed,” Daisy said.

“No!” Tabitha sliced her hand through the air. She’d heard enough. “Have you ever thought this is exactly what he wanted? Luke … he’s not like Ryan. If this was fuckface, I’d say we’ve got to worry about his deal, but he’s not. He’s different. We all know this. No, I think this is him fucking with us. Trying to distract us. We don’t bite. That’s what we do.”

“You’re sure?” Daisy asked. “You seem to know Luke better than anyone.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Wow, you’re the one who has told us you keep an eye on shit like this. No need to be a bitch.” Daisy shook her head and stormed out of the bathroom.

Tabitha winced. She had told the crew that, and now, fuck, she’d been mean.

“I’ll let you deal with that problem.”

One by one, her friends left until there was only her and Anthony.

“I didn’t mean to bite her head off.”


She tapped her foot, impatient. “For fuck’s sake, Anthony, tell me what you’ve got to say and then we can move on.”

“You’ve got to learn to be careful,” he said. “I don’t trust the Dogs. We know their club is wrapped up in illegal shit. When we’re old enough, the club will be ours, unless you’ve made your decision about moving to Chaos Bleeds.”

“The club will be yours, Anthony. I’m not going to be your old lady.”

He wrinkled his nose.

“Nice to know what you think of me.”

“Be careful and make it right with Daisy.” He stepped out of the bathroom.

Alone, she wrapped her arms around herself, wincing. Being thrown against a wall had hurt. She’d have a few bruises.

Leaning against the same wall, she tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling. The Skulls, the club, this wasn’t supposed to be so complicated.

“Fuck it, it’s too soon to make any kind of decision right now.”

Out of habit, she washed her hands, dried them, and headed back to English. Luke was still there and the teacher paused as Tabitha entered.

She kept her head held high and made her way to her window seat, right next to Luke.

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