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“I don’t like how much you know. I wish you were still into ponies and dolls.”

She giggled. “I was never into dolls.”

“You were. If I could, I’d keep you as a little girl forever. I know I could keep you happy and nothing would ever hurt you.”

“You’re worried Simon will hurt me?”

“I know you’re going to get hurt in life. I don’t want that for you. For any of you.”

“Dad, you can’t protect me forever.”

“And I know you’ve got to make some tough choices. Don’t get me wrong, I hoped this thing with Simon would have run its course right now.”

“You mean because we’re in two different clubs?” she asked.


“Even with your friendship?”

“Honey, friendships aside, we’re not the same. We don’t always make the same choices. We work together where we can. Lash has taken the club in a direction I never even thought of. He’s been a true leader.”

She moved toward her dad, hugging him tightly. “I love you.”

“I love you too, but when you have to make these choices, make them with your heart. Don’t make them because you’re being forced.”

“I won’t.”

She was aware of what would be expected of her. Even if she put off the inevitable by going to college, there would always be that question. Would she remain a Skull, which would mean her relationship with Simon may have to come to an end? Or would she give up being everything she knew, and take on Simon’s patch?

The thought of leaving everything behind scared her. She didn’t know what choice to make. She loved her family and The Skulls were hers, but she also loved Simon, and there was no getting away from that.

“I’m going to leave you. Goodnight, honey.”


She watched her father go.

Once she’d finished her chapter in the book, she put it down, turned out the light, and slid down, closing her eyes. Everything could be put off until tomorrow. There was no reason for her to make any decisions now. None were expected of her.Chapter Seven“Put the gun down.”

“Fuck you. You think I’m going to let you take my wife and kids from me? You’re fucking crazy. I don’t care who you are. Probably one of my wife’s lovers. She’s nothing more than a slut. Yeah, I know she spreads her legs for everyone.”

Simon watched as the husband pointed the gun at all of them. This should have been so easy. In and out. His father had warned him last night and it appeared the seven-year-old son, who was now cowering in a corner, had called the father. The bags had already been packed but as Devil entered, they had found the dad waiting, gun pointed at them.

He didn’t know if he could handle seeing his dad shot, not again. Memories kind of blurred all together.

Ripper was there, as were Pussy, Dick, and Snake. Several of the guys were outside as well.

Devil didn’t take his gaze off the man. “You don’t want to do this.”

“What? I don’t want to make her pay for what she’s done? She deserves to die. I can’t believe I even trusted her with my kids. Slut. Whore.” Each word was shouted.

The kids whimpered.

His heart raced and he felt sick to his stomach. He watched the man as he suddenly grabbed his wife’s hair. She screamed as he tugged her left and right.

“Enough!” Devil roared the word, and it caused silence to spill in the house.

The man laughed. “This is my house. How dare you come here! You think you can get away from me, slut? I promise you, you will never know peace. You’re mine. Every single part of you is mine.”

Past the man’s shoulders, he saw Curse slowly making his way inside. Simon kept his gaze on the man, not wanting to alert him to another coming inside.

This could go wrong.

“I will make you all pay. I’ll kill them all before you take them away from me.”

As he pressed the gun against her temple, Curse reacted, jerking the man. The gun went off. Simon rushed forward, taking the woman as the others worked to get the kids. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Curse fighting with the man. Finally, he landed a punch, which knocked the man out cold.

Taking the gun, Curse pocketed it and they were out there in a rush.

His dad was already behind the wheel and he joined him as they raced down the street.

“Are we housing them?” Simon asked.

He knew some of the people they saved and rescued were placed in either The Skulls’ or Chaos Bleeds’ care.

“No, we’re dropping them off. The Billionaire Bikers are picking them up.” Devil winced.

“Dad, what’s up?”

“It’s nothing.”

His father put a hand to his side and it was then Simon recognized the blood. “You’ve been shot.”

“It’s nothing,” he repeated, but he winced.

“Dad, getting shot is not nothing.”
