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Tabby giggled. “If you can’t handle it, close your eyes.”

She finished off her food and lunch ended. Tabby escorted him to his next class which was physical education, yay.

“Have fun. I’ll be at the library.” She kissed him again, and he entered the main hall.

Heading toward the changing rooms, he went to the teacher who handed him a uniform to change into.

A bunch of guys were already changed when he entered the locker room.

Anthony was there and he went to him, standing beside him. The silence was welcome, and he pulled his clothes off, put them into the locker, and pulled on the gym shorts and shirt. They were too tight, but he didn’t care. Anthony had already left and as he turned around, there was Luke. He should have known the Dog couldn’t resist a confrontation.

“Do you want me to rearrange your face?” Simon asked.

“Last time we tried that, it didn’t exactly go to plan.”

“I can get the job done without an audience.” He took a step toward him. “You better start averting your eyes from my woman.”

Luke smirked. “You’re laying claim to that piece of ass?” he asked.

“That piece of ass belongs to me. She has for a long time. You should count your blessings that you only get to look. She will never belong to you. She doesn’t even give a shit about you. Your gaze, your attention, it means nothing to her because she is mine, and always will be.”

Luke smiled, licked his lips, and stepped up close. “Yeah, but one day, you’re going to have to go home, and I’m still going to be here. I wonder which one she will prefer. The absentee boyfriend, or the guy who is there every single time she turns around.”

“Simon,” Anthony said, calling his attention.

He wanted to hit Luke, to wipe that smile off his face, but he saw his game. If he fought him, Lash would have no choice but to pull him from the school.

“Looks like I’ll be sticking around a long time.” He slapped Luke on the shoulder and left. He wasn’t going to get drawn into any fight. If Luke wanted to keep on looking at her ass, he’d let him, and each chance he got, Simon would be sure to squeeze that sweet ass because it belonged to him.Chapter SixteenA couple of weeks later at the clubhouse, Simon had Tabby on his lap and she was giggling like crazy as he tickled her. Some romance movie was playing on the screen in the cinema room that Lash had installed at the clubhouse.

“Sh,” Daisy said, laughing along with them.

“Stop it. Stop it. I mean it, stop it.” She couldn’t stop laughing and he loved to hear the sound spilling from her lips.

Pulling her close, he kissed her lips and those giggles turned to moans. “I love having you on my lap,” he said.

“I love being on your lap.” She gave a little wriggle.

Resting his hand on her stomach, his cock stirred, hardening. Tabby’s gaze turned heated.

As quickly as the arousal came and he wanted to be alone in a room with her, Lash cleared his throat.

“Simon, you’re needed.”

“Can I just finish watching the movie?” he asked.

“Now.” Lash was already leaving.

As he got to his feet, Tabby slipped off his lap and waved him goodbye.

He headed out of the cinema room and came to a stop when he caught sight of his dad with his crew. Devil looked angry, which changed as soon as he saw him.

“Hello, Simon,” he said.


Silence fell and he looked at the bikers who’d been his family the entire time. He noticed Curse wasn’t with them.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

Simon wanted to tell him to fuck off. To get the hell out, but he couldn’t do it. Devil was still his father and telling him to leave just didn’t feel right.

Nodding his head, they left The Skulls’ clubhouse and walked outside. There were a couple of The Skulls, prospects, and a few of the old ladies. Folding his arms, he looked all around, then down at his shoes, not knowing where to pay attention.

“You don’t have to avoid me,” Devil said.

“What are you doing here?”

“Work. We’ve got another call that’s going to require both clubs. We’re going to be working together.”

“That’s good.” No matter the danger, his father was doing good and he respected that.

“Do you want to join us?” Devil asked.

“No. I’ve got stuff going on.”

“Lash told me he enrolled you in school. Dean and Eddie told me you’re doing well.”

“Yeah,” he said.

“Look, Simon, I get that you’re pissed, but you don’t have a right to be.”

“I don’t have a right to be? If I don’t, where is Curse? You think I don’t notice that he’s gone?” he asked, glaring.

Devil ran his fingers through his hair. “You had no right to find out that way.”
