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“I don’t like that you’re here.”

“I didn’t know.”


“That they were going to attack you.”

“Well, your conscience is clear. I don’t give a shit what you do or don’t know.”

“Tabitha, please.”

“What happened to Ryan?”

“He’s being dealt with by his dad. I haven’t gone to see him. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

“Luke, this doesn’t change anything. I belong to Simon.”

“I know that. I get it. I saw the way he was with you the other night. It looked like he’d been the one stabbed.” Luke nodded. “It doesn’t mean I can’t apologize and bring you flowers.”

“It should mean that. Nothing is ever going to happen.”

“I know, and you’ve never given me a reason to believe it would. Can’t you just accept my apologies, and know that I come in friendship?”

“You’re a Dog.”

“I’m also just a guy. I get that we’re two different clubs, but for now, can’t you just accept I’m here in peace?”

She pressed her lips together. “Fine, but if Simon wants to kick your ass, he can.”

Luke chuckled. “In case you forgot, we’re both equally matched.”

“I did see that and no, I hadn’t forgotten.”

“Just out of curiosity, if Simon was never on the scene, would you be able to look at me … give me a chance?”

She shook her head. “No, because Simon has always been on the scene. We’ve been together since we were kids, Luke. I can’t even imagine anyone else. I’m also not going to give you false hope. I’m not sticking around Fort Wills. I’m leaving after the summer. I’m going to be with him.”

Luke nodded. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. I’m no longer feeling like I’ve been stabbed.”

He chuckled. “I better go.” He got to his feet.

“Thank you,” she said. “For the flowers.”

“Anytime, Tabitha. I know we’re different but I hope you believe I never wanted to hurt you.”

He left.


Getting out of the hospital was a welcome relief. The stitches had already come out, and other than some soreness from the beatdown she got, Tabitha was more or less recovered.

Simon wasn’t allowed to sneak into her bedroom anymore. Tiny constantly visited, checking to see if he’d arrived.

It was only late at night that he did, sneaking into her room. They spent every single night together.

School finished, and they all graduated.

The bruises had faded and any pain from being stabbed was completely gone. Of course, it also meant she was now on the countdown.

Simon had taken off with the promise he wanted to have everything ready for when they returned. A small apartment, work, and she had also enrolled at the Piston County local college. Lexie had promised her a job working alongside the old ladies at the clothing store, which was only growing as the years went on.

Her life was starting to roll out in front of her and rather than be nervous, she looked toward it with relish. She was more than ready to be a part of Simon’s world. He needed to start taking his prospecting seriously, and she certainly didn’t expect Devil to keep paying him to come back here. He had to make a final decision and she was ready for it.

She fingered the wedding band as Daisy flicked through the college books that had come through for her that morning.

“You’re lost in your own little world.”

“I’m just thinking.”

“Is it all about Simon again?”

“When is it not about Simon?” she said, laughing.

They both lay down, looking up at the sky.

“Can you believe we’ve survived high school? All of us?”

“Rachel and Markus have more time, then you have my little brother. That high school is in for a long time of Skulls kids.” Tabitha took Daisy’s hand.

“Promise me that no matter what happens between The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds, you and I will always be friends?” Daisy asked.

“I thought we’ve gone through this.” Tabitha turned toward her friend. “We’ll always be the best of friends. Forever.”

“And we’ll be our kids’ godparents.”

“Daisy, of course. Nothing much is going to change.”

“Apart from the fact we won’t be hanging out together or having fun.”

“Don’t. You’re going to make me cry.” Tabitha chuckled. “We can talk every single day. Not a day will go by where we won’t talk.”

“You promise?”


“Pinky swear?”

“Pinky swear.” She wrapped her pinky finger around Daisy’s, promising to be her friend forever.

Daisy’s cell phone went off and she groaned. “It’s my mom. She says there’s an emergency.”

“It’s okay. I’m going to stay here for a little while.”

“You can’t stay here on your own, Tabs,” Daisy said.

“I know. Don’t worry. I’m only going to enjoy the sunshine a little bit more. I’m not ready to go back yet.” She took a deep breath.

“I’ll stick around.”

“Don’t be stupid,” Tabitha said. “It is fine. I’m okay. We’re okay.”

“I didn’t mean to leave you so long.” Sadness washed over Daisy.

She hugged her friend close. Daisy hadn’t forgiven herself for the ambush from Daniella and her posse. “You need to stop worrying so much. We’re both here and sure a couple of people at school were terrified of you. I say good. I don’t like it when people think they can walk all over you. It’s not fair, and you shouldn’t allow anyone to treat you that way. I’m safe and I’m walking around. I’m fine.”

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