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He doesn’t even look in our direction when he says the words, nor does he bother to look upset at the death of his spouse.

“That’s what the party is for, also.”

“A celebration of life?” The question leaves my lips before I can catch it. He doesn’t seem too torn up about it.

Luis turns his head in my direction. “A celebration of death.”

He watches my face, looking for a reaction, but he won’t find one. I hold his gaze, not in challenge, but I also refuse to surrender to him. Thankfully, he looks away first.

He’s the same sick fucker who asked for Cowboy’s death for the murder of his wife. From the way Lynch described it, Luis pretty much sent her our way to be killed. Her death was always part of the equation to get his claws into the Ravens Ruin MC.

Our host nods at another woman as she makes her way toward us. Lynch stiffens beside me once again as she closes in on us, but her eyes focus on me rather than my president.

“Stay cool,” Lynch hisses when my hand squeezes my beer bottle until my knuckles turn white.

“What are you playing at?” I spit in Luis’s direction as the woman closes in on me. “I won’t fuck some chick at your command, so you can stop trying to assert power over me. I’ll die for my club before I stick my dick in one of your whores.”

“That’s a lot bravado for a man sitting on my couch drinking my beer.”

“I’d offer the same courtesy to you in my own home,” I assure him. “But I wouldn’t try to force your hand. That holds a level of disrespect I’m not certain you’re ready to answer for.”

“Are all of your soldiers as aggressive as this one?”

Lynch huffs out a humorless chuckle. “Have you met my brother?”

The weight of the world lifts from my shoulders as Luis finally pulls his eyes from me, a hint of a smile playing on his thin lips.

We’ll be lucky if we make it out of this fucking compound alive.

“You’ll stay the night,” Luis orders. “Tomorrow we can discuss business. You’ll be back in Massachusetts before nightfall if you so wish.”

“Perfect,” Lynch agrees.

“Looks like those two are making up for your lack of interest.”

We look over at Chains and Professor. Each mouth, hand, and cock are busy bringing numerous women pleasure simultaneously. It’s actually an impressive feat, and they’ve taken to the challenge with fervor.

“They shouldn’t know that much pleasure,” Luis says absently as he watches one of his women come on Chains’s dick. “It ruins them.”

The warning in his voice is clear, but how he re-educates these girls is the least of my damn worries. Getting out of this fucking place without leaving my life or my blood on the floor is my main concern.Chapter 7Molly

“Dr. Andrews’s office. This is Molly, how may I help you?”

Rosie grins from beside me, giving me double thumbs up. She’s shown me at least ten times how to answer the phone, what I need to say, and how to address concerned pet owners. She’s watched me like a hawk since the moment I showed up. I’m unable to tell if she thinks I’m an idiot, or if she just takes so much pride in her job that she won’t let anyone make mistakes on her watch. I’m hoping for the latter.

“No, Ma’am,” I answer the customer. “We don’t require an appointment for rabies vaccinations.”

I go on to explain the same thing verbatim that Rosie told a customer only moments ago before disconnecting the call.

“Dr. Andrews will be in shortly. Think you can handle it on your own? We have a pretty tight surgery schedule today.”

“You don’t mind if I ask for help if I have trouble, do you?” I have no doubt I can answer a phone and plug appointments into the calendar. The damn thing is color coded to the nines, making it so easy a baby could do this job. The only reason I ask is because she seems the type who needs to be needed and the last thing I want to do is alienate others on my first day on the job.

“Of course not,” she beams. “There’s an intercom on the wall in the surgical suite. Follow me, and I’ll show you how to use it as well.”

Rolling my lips between my teeth, I follow Rosie, so she can show me how to press a button and speak into a box on the wall.

“Is she all lined out?”

Smiling sincerely for the first time since I got here, I turn in Owen’s direction.

“She knows to ask if she needs help,” Rosie says matter of factly before disappearing into the back room.

“She’s intense,” I huff when the door swings closed behind her.

“She’s been here longer than I have. When I took over for Dr. Prescott, she would actually give me pointers in surgery. The only thing she lacks to run this place by herself is the degree and licensing.” His smile spreads across his face. “You look great in scrubs. I knew you’d be a great fit.”
