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“Sure.” I reach to the side and grab a clipboard with the appropriate paperwork. “There’s a twenty-five-dollar boarding fee. I’ll just need you to—”

“Bullshit!” he roars.

My face is schooled with impassivity. If this man thinks yelling and causing a scene will get him his way, he’s barking up the wrong damn tree. Surly men with anger issues aren’t new to me, and if a two-hundred-and-fifty-pound drunk biker with a god complex doesn’t make me quake in my shoes, this asshole won’t either.

“Sir, if you can’t be respectful, I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

“Listen here you little bitch,” he begins, leaning over the counter in an attempt to double his intimidation tactic.

“Is there a fucking problem?”

Sighing in frustration, I peer around the customer to see TJ standing in the doorway of the clinic. He hasn’t even bothered to remove his cut, but I haven’t had the chance to talk to him since I started working here. The last thing I need is Owen finding out exactly where I was raised. He doesn’t seem the type to understand anything pertaining to the club.

“I asked you a question?”

The man swings around, ready to unleash his anger on my brother, but stops short when he sees TJ glaring at him. TJ’s stature doesn’t make him very intimidating, but the rumors that run rampant in town regarding the club forces most people to keep their distance. The leather cut on my brother’s back is enough of a warning.

The man’s jaw snaps shut.

“I…ugh.” The man has the balls to turn back and look in my direction for support. I merely cock an eyebrow at him. “I’ll come back later.”

TJ walks a few steps closer as the man reaches down to grab the handle on the portable kennel.

“You’ll find another vet,” TJ corrects.

“That’s what I meant.” The guy’s voice has risen an octave, and he can’t seem to get out of here fast enough.

I watch in amusement as he gives TJ a wide berth before opening the door and trying to leave so quickly he clips his hip on the doorframe.

After he’s in his truck and speeding out of the parking lot, TJ turns in my direction. “What would you have done if he came over that counter at you?”

I hold up the knife I’d grabbed out of my bag when the man raised his voice to me the first time. He was dangerously close to meeting the business end of it before he leaned in closer. The dick was lucky TJ showed up when he did.

“Atta girl,” my brother praises with a smile.

“What are you doing here?” Looking over my shoulder, I’m relieved Rosie hasn’t made an appearance.

“I brought you lunch.” He holds up a fast food bag I hadn’t noticed before.

“You’re spying,” I counter.

“And bringing you lunch.” He places the greasy bag in front of me. “Where’s your new boyfriend?”

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

“Is he in surgery?” TJ glances over my shoulder at the door that leads to the surgical suite. “Think he’d know how to sew up a knife wound on a human?”

Glaring at him, my jaw begins to ache from clenching my mouth so tightly. “You need to leave.”

“Is that a no?”

“TJ,” I hiss. “Leave.”

“See you back at the clubhouse.” He says it louder than he needs too, purposely I’m sure. “Love you.”

I’m seconds away from throwing the greasy lunch at the back of his head to get him to lower his waving hand when the door behind me opens.

“Busy morning?”

“Not really.” I turn in Owen’s direction, praying he doesn’t notice the menacing raven on TJ’s back as he climbs on his bike and pulls out of the parking lot. “How is Mrs. Keith’s poodle?”

Owen’s quick smile is beautiful, and I’m drawn to the fact that he shares it so frequently. I don’t have to work for his affection, and the change of pace is addictive.

“Henry is doing well. Mrs. Keith, on the other hand, has seen better days.”

Frowning at the news, I inwardly wonder what would happen to the dog if she passes.

“Rosie is taking the afternoon off. Mind helping me with cages this evening before heading home?” He must be thinking the same thing because his smile fades as he speaks.

“Sure,” I answer.

“It’s a date then.”

“A date?” His quick grin returns. “I can’t think of anything sexier than animal poop and vomit.”

“Everything you do is sexy, Molly.” With that statement he walks away, leaving me to handle the customer who just walked through the door.


“How is she doing?”

Turning in Owen’s direction, I hold the sick puppy closer to my chest. “She drank a little water but wouldn’t touch the food at all.”

“Keep her distracted,” he tells me as he walks over with a needle.

“What’s that?” Cradling the emaciated pup to my neck, I wince when he penetrates her flank with the needle. She doesn’t even whimper, only wiggles a little, trying to snuggle closer to me.

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