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I’d seen pictures online, but the thumbnails on my phone didn’t do this place justice.

“It’s like the waiting area of an expensive hotel,” Zoe whispers when we step inside.

We’re met with lush leather couches, glass tables, and designer lamps rather than the normal setup in tattoo shops. The only hand-drawn art on the walls are in massive frames with overhead spotlights. The air smells of vanilla, and although the girl sitting at the front desk has purple hair and more holes in her face than I have time to count, she’s giving us a genuine, welcoming smile.

“Welcome to Main Street Ink.”

My brow furrows. “Viper’s shop is on Main Street. You’re on Webster.”

She winks, the metal in her right eyebrow catching the light overhead. “Great marketing strategy, don’t you think?”

“And you haven’t caught any blowback from Viper?” I’ve heard he’s pretty vicious, although I’ve never met the man myself. Most of the guys from the club get their ink at his place.

“Nope,” she answers with a grin. “Viper wouldn’t lay a hand on me.”

“Why are you talking about your shithead brother?” A huge guy, covered in ink everywhere but his face, walks up from the back, but there’s no heat in his voice with the question.

She doesn’t answer, merely holds her hand out to me. “I’m Jade. This guy is my husband, Dawson.”

After releasing her hand, I shake her husband’s.

“What brings the Raven Queen and Princess here tonight?”

“How di—”

My mouth opens and closes several times without sound coming out.

“How do you know who we are?” Zoe’s voice is sure, challenging, but I don’t miss the step back she takes.

I’m a great judge of character. It comes from being around all sorts of people growing up in the clubhouse. Most that walk through the doors are amazing people, but there are always a few bad apples in every group. I’m not getting any type of sinister vibe off of either one of these people.

“That’s not necessary,” Dawson says to Kai.

Looking over, I see a glint off of the steel tucked into his waistband. Call me surprised, but Kai didn’t seem like the type of guy that would carry a weapon. I should’ve never underestimated him.

“You gals are pretty famous around these parts,” Jade says without a hint of fear in her voice. “Especially you.”

I follow her eyes to my best friend.


“It’s not every day that one woman could bring a man like Lynch Quintal to his knees.”

Dawson snorts behind her, leaning down to nuzzle his nose against her neck. “You did the exact same to me, devil woman.”

“I like her,” Kai says near my ear.

“So.” Dawson claps his hands as he steps around his wife. “You guys are here to get some ink?”

Zoe and I nod.

“And you didn’t go to Viper because he’d turn you away without getting the prez’s permission?”

“Fuck,” I mutter and turn toward the door. I’m not even going to bother waiting for him to refuse us service. Arguing has never helped me in a situation like this before.

“Hold up, Princess.” I snap around at the name.

“Don’t call me that.”

As if surrendering, he holds his hands up near his ears. “Didn’t mean anything by it. I’ll ink you.”

“And me?” Zoe sounds hopeful.

“You too,” he agrees instantly. “Do you know what you want?”

An hour later, Zoe’s tattoo, a sleek raven with a length of rope in its claws, is complete, and I’m on Dawson’s table with half of my goodies below my waist hanging out. My solid black raven is complete, and he’s adding the finishing touches to the vibrant watercolors surrounding it.

“Oh shit,” Kai gasps, and it pulls me from my semi-sedateness.

“What?” I turn my head just in time to see Professor and the new guy Virus walking through the door.

“Dawson,” Professor snaps just as the tattooist pulls the needles from my skin and wipes over his completed work. “You think inking her is a good idea?”

“All done, gorgeous,” Dawson says with a wink before even looking at the man interrupting his work.

“Dawson!” Professor snaps with a sharpness that causes Kai’s eyes to flutter closed and a smile teases the corner of his mouth. The craziest shit turns that man on.

“Professor,” Dawson mimics as he raises his eyes to the towering man. “I’m more worried about the ink I put on her.”

He points his black-gloved finger at Zoe who only stares with wide eyes.

“Nark,” she hisses.

“Hold up,” Dawson says as he places a hand on my lower belly. “Let me put some ointment on it and get it covered. Be careful wearing panties for a couple of weeks with the placement of this piece.”

“Her brother would kill you for even mentioning her panties out loud,” Professor seethes.

After my new tattoo is greased and covered, I position my jeans over the area and zip them back up.

Dawson peels his gloves off, tossing them in the trash before standing to his full height. He’s an imposing figure, but the look in Professor’s eyes would hedge my bet in his direction.
