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The penetrating pain from her fingernails in my legs isn’t enough to make me stop. Subconsciously, I know she can pull away at any time. She’s on top after all. I’m not restraining her or forcing her. She doesn’t move to get away. If anything, she bends lower and gives me exactly what I crave.

My toes clench, seizing up to the point of pain, but I don’t warn her. I don’t speak one fucking word as my hips punch up as high as I can manage, and I spill into her mouth. The gagging continues, carrying a sputtering edge that nearly makes me spew even more.

Her once gripping fingers are now pushing against me. The sting she leaves behind is calming, eye-opening. Wiggling my head, I force the eye mask from my face. Expecting her to be looking at me in disgust, I’m confused by the wicked smile playing on her swollen lips. When her tongue snakes out to lick at the cum dripping on her chin, I’m fucking lost, realizing that no matter what punishment might come from Lynch for invading his sister like I just did, it was worth every fucking second.

“Clean me up,” I command, not giving her one second to think twice about what we’ve done. She woke this damn beast, and I’ll be damned if she’s going to be protected from him now.

“W-what?” Her hand brushes her lips, and I hate that she’s wiping me away.

“Clean me. No,” I hiss when she makes a move to get off the bed. “With your mouth, Molly.”Chapter 29Molly

“M-my mouth?” I stammer. The task doesn’t seem all that complicated, and with the taste of him fading on my tongue, I’m desperate for more. His eyes on me are the difference. With them covered, I could pretend I was in control, pretend I was the one with all the power. That’s no longer the case.

A slow, lewd head nod is his only response. I sense the challenge, the daring edge to his request. He’s testing me, trying to determine if there’s even a chance for us, if I’m strong enough to handle a man like him. I knew he’d push my boundaries, even though I have no idea what they are exactly. His needs and desires are way past the conventional line of sexual experience, and damn if I don’t want to follow him into the darkness.


I’m bending over, my tongue swiping at what I couldn’t handle when he exploded in a flash. He’s still hard; still a menacing threat in size, and that knowledge is like a knife to my gut.

Tears are pooling in my eyes when I’m done fulfilling his command. I may not have had sex before, but I know men don’t stay hard and thick after they’ve orgasmed. Only when they’re satisfied and replete, do they soften. His erection hasn’t flagged, so I know how much of a disappointment I must be for him.

“I’ll go,” I mutter as I move to climb off the bed.


This is what I get for being a dumb little girl trying to take care of a grown man.

I’m caught with a gripping hand around my small wrist before I can get far.

“How did—” Looking down at my arm first, my eyes jolt up to the discarded belt still hanging loosely around the headboard slats.

“Did you really think I couldn’t get loose?”

I avoid his blue gaze, especially with the humor lighting his tone. I’m a joke. My attempt to please him has backfired. His need to protect me will come next. I just know it.

“Where are you going?”

“Back home,” I mutter, attempting to pull myself free from his grasp.

“Do you really think I’m going to let you walk out of here unsatisfied?”

“Like I’ve left you?” I snap my head around to look at him, daring him to deny it.

His eyes narrow, lip twitching with unwelcome mirth. “What part of blowing down your throat like a geyser makes you think I didn’t enjoy what you just did?”

“You’re still hard.” I hope he hears the accusation in my voice.

“Because I want to fuck you.”

“Just what I need.” No longer able to hold his gaze, I look down at his hand still clamped on my arm. “To lose my virginity because of a pity fuck. Let me go.”

“No,” he snaps. “You need to open your fucking mouth and use your damn words. I can’t read your fucking mind, but fuck if I’ll let you leave here right now without explaining why in the hell you’re acting like this.”

“You weren’t satisfied!” I yell, not worried about the other people in the clubhouse until I hear my confession echo around us. “I can’t please you. I understand why you’ve continuously pushed me away. You knew I wasn’t enough for you, but you’re too nice to just come out and say it.”
