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I know he’ll be there to hold me in the morning. I won’t have to worry about waking up alone and crying with his loss. We’re facing this together, and I have no doubt that he’d marry me tonight if I told him that’s what I want. He’d drive to Vegas with a smile plastered on his face the entire way, and I know that he’d do it not only because I want him to, but because it’s what he wants as well.

But, we have time for all of that. At least I hope we do. Tomorrow is never promised, and we’re both aware of that, but right now, tonight, we have each other, and I plan to make the most of it.

“Not until late,” Zeke whispers.

“What?” I turn to face him, unsure of what he’s talking about because my mind is racing with thoughts of what’s going to happen.

“Mom won’t be home until late. She’s working a double shift.” He inches closer to me, stopping just short of touching. “It means we have hours.”

“Hours?” I twist my lips in a playful smile as I cock one eyebrow up at him.

His eyes narrow as his hands clamp on both of my hips. “Back in Utah that was my first time, too, and as much as I’d like to guarantee this time I’ll last longer, I make no promises. What I can promise is that you’ll fall asleep tonight completely satisfied.”

I open my mouth to speak, but he presses his fingers to my lips.

“Nope. Not a word, but when you wake in the morning begging me for more, I’ll expect an apology for even thinking those thoughts.”

I purse my lips, kissing the tips of his fingers, and fall in love all over again when heat fills his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” I murmur against his fingertips.

“Nope. Save that for in the morning. Right now I need you naked and under me.”

I giggle like an idiot for the first time in my life when Zeke scoops me up like a bride and carries me to his room.

I should say our room. I’ve spent so much time here over the last couple of weeks, my clothes have taken over his tiny closet and my bodywash sits beside his and his mother’s in the bathroom.

“Eager?” I ask when he sets me on my feet and rips my shirt off over my head.

“Frankie,” he warns, but his threat stops when he looks down at me.

My breasts have filled out, nearly doubling in size from the pregnancy. It’s not saying much, considering I didn’t have much up top to begin with, but he watches me with desperation as his fingers trace the top lace of my bra.

“Are they still sore?” he asks as he reaches around behind me to unclasp the offending article of clothing.

“Not much,” I tell him, biting my lip to keep from laughing when he struggles with the hooks at my back.

I don’t feel bad one bit for his lack of experience, but I do reach behind myself and assist him in getting it open. He groans, a feral sound deep in his throat when the satin and lace drops away from my flesh.

“Wow. You’re beautiful.”

And I feel it every day, not just now when he’s watching my nipples pebble from the chill in the air. Each day he makes sure I know how he feels. Each day he tells me he loves me without the pressure of having to say it back. He knew I’d get there, and he’s been beyond patient every step. He doesn’t complain or pressure me when I wake up in his warm arms even when his length is pressing against me. He simply presses a quick kiss to my lips and takes care of himself during his morning shower.

“A-Are you just going to stare at them?” I tease.

“Possibly,” he says, but his fingers grip my rib cage before he lets them wander up my body.

His thumbs tease the very tips of my breasts, and it takes everything I have not to toss my head back and moan.

“Does that hurt? I’ll stop if it hurts.”

“Don’t you dare,” I whimper.

“I want to… can I… is it okay if I kiss them?”

God, he’s as nervous as I am, and for some reason that makes what we’re doing seem that much more important. I can see spending the rest of my life with this man, and from his own confessions, I know he wants the same exact thing. This may be only our second time to come together like this, but I don’t see how it’ll ever not be amazing.

“Okay,” I agree, but he’s already lowering his head.

Soft kisses quickly turn into sucking pulls as he laves and licks my nipples. A rush of heat washes over my entire body, and I have the sudden urge to squeeze my thighs together.
