Page 88 of GRIND

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Joshua watched me warily. "Yeah? I doubt it."

“Just what in the hell is going on here?" Behind me came both Jackson and my dad, who looked as though he was ready to go down swinging himself. If there was one thing Randy Satterwhite hated, it was anyone making a scene.

"Who's this prick, Liam?" Jackson asked, jutting his chin over to Joshua. "Did he just fucking hit you?"

"I mean, I guess you could call it that," I admitted, shrugging as if it were no big deal. But I knew my brother better than anyone else, and to no surprise at all, he stuck Joshua with a quick uppercut as if he were working a bag, Joshua's head bouncing backward.

"Boys!" Dad hissed at both of us, pulling Jackson back before he struck again. Around us people were starting to take notice, so Dad plastered on his usual charming smile and waved everyone on. "Just a misunderstanding, everyone. No need to be alarmed. I hear there's some delicious hors d'oeuvres being served right now if you hurry to catch up!"

"You stay the hell away from Aly," Joshua spit, blood splattering down on the ground.

"I don't think Joe Banks would appreciate his youngest son gracing the Napa society pages in this manner, do you?” my father retorted, his eyes like a hawk. "Now, you have five seconds to get off my property before I have you escorted out by security."

Damn, even I didn't know that Dad owned the convention center and hotel, too. That man was always snatching up new investment properties every time I turned around.

"That's right," I added for effect, crossing my arms, chin held high. I couldn't help but smirk at Joshua's dumbstruck face. I think he finally understood just who he was fucking with.

Taking one last look at us, Joshua took his sorry ass back down the steps and out of our sight for good. I let out a long breath, rubbing at the bridge of my nose, which was still burning.

"Are you all right?" Jackson asked, clapping my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

Giving me a quick nod, my brother headed back inside, probably getting ready to feed about three thousand different people. Even with everything that’d just happened in the past few minutes, I didn't envy him.

My dad turned to look straight at me, narrowing his eyes. "Is it true, son? What that boy said about you and Aly?”

Shit. I looked down at the ground, unable to keep it to myself anymore. I sighed, "Please don't tell Kay, Dad."

He kept looking at me, working something out in his head, I could just tell. "All right. All right… It's our secret as long as you enter another tournament. I've told you, you're ready, son. You’re meant to be on that court. Since Kay and I will be traveling for half the year anyway, making sure all of the restaurant's wine lists are prepared according to the season, I think it will give you enough time to figure things out."

I didn't exactly see it as blackmail, and maybe, just maybe he was right. "Okay…" I let my voice trail off.

"One thing is for sure. I don’t want you to stop whatever it is you're doing. Liam, I haven't seen you that focused, that fired up on the court while we were in Vail, in a long time. I know it's a lot to consider, but just hear me out, okay?"

I nodded, clapping my dad on the back as he leaned in to give me a brief hug. "I will."

Dad went on ahead, gesturing for me to follow along. "Well now, I do believe it's time to watch my lovely girlfriend walk her fine ass across the stage shining in her moment of glory, don't you?" He gave me one more wink and kept going.

Something in the back of my brain hoped beyond everything else, that if Aly and I were meant to be, we’d find ourselves just as crazy about each other as my father and Kay seemed to be.

Chapter 15


* * *

"And our next guest of honor is no stranger to the limelight. Napa's own Kay Waterhouse, owner of Sun-Kissed Leaves, came from a humble background…" the speaker's pleasant voice announced at the front stage podium, everyone clapping and even Randy whistling loudly as the speaker gestured to Mom sitting on the stage.

Sage, who had just plopped down into the reserved seat next to me in the front row, leaned in. "Oh my God, Aly."

"Shh! They're talking about Mom," I hushed her, nudging her to be quiet.

Sage huffed and nudged me right back. "I know, I know, but you are never going to believe what Jackson just told me!"

The mention of Liam's brother sparked my interest right away, and I was torn between wanting to respectfully listen to my Mom's eventual speech and wanting to know what exactly my sister was going on about.

"Hint—yes, it's about Liam."

Okay, so curiosity won out. "Fine. What is it?" I hissed back.

Glancing around to make sure no one was paying attention as the speaker continued on, Sage said, "I was in the back, talking to Mom before she went onstage, and Jackson came in, looking seriously pissed, and asking if I could find him some ice. He was holding up his knuckle and his fist was slightly bruised. It turns out that he'd punched Josh!"

I whipped my head around, bumping right into hers. "What?! Josh as in… Josh-Josh?"

Sage nodded. "Yep, one and the same."

"Why did he punch Josh? And what the hell was Josh doing here in the first place?"

"Well, Josh ended up talking to Liam and one thing led to another. According to Jackson, Josh sucker punched Liam right in the nose. So naturally, Jackson stuck up for him."

My face flushed a deep red and my heart raced. I hardly cared that Jackson hit Josh, especially since there had been plenty of times where I myself had wanted to do the same… but Josh hitting Liam? My eyes went wide. "Is Liam okay?"

"As far as I know. I don't know where he is, but I think I know why Josh showed up," she said slowly, looking sheepish. "He saw us on Instagram since I guess he still follows me, and he tracked down Mom and asked if he could surprise you."

I slumped over, my head in my hand. "Ugh, Mom and her soft heart. I can't even be mad at her though. It's her special night."

Sage agreed, squeezing my shoulder. "Yeah. We can't let this ruin her night."

We both looked up at

Mom, who had just taken the stage, looking beautiful in her navy dress, giving us a quick wave before going into her speech.

Once she was done, I wiped at the tears in my eyes, so incredibly proud of her, before quickly texting Josh, surprised that I still remembered his phone number by heart even after deleting it.

Hey. I want to thank you for the flowers. They were beautiful, Josh. But I really meant what I said. We can't be together, and it's not a temporary thing. It's over.

I sent it, then chewed on my lip, adding in a little bit at the end to help soothe the sting.

I wish you the best, Josh. I really do.

I looked up from my phone, satisfied with the way I’d handled things with Josh, just in time to see Randy sneak up behind my Mom as she stepped away from the podium with her award. He hammed it up with the crowd, holding his finger up to his mouth as he grinned.

Mom looked flabbergasted as she spun around to sit, only to run right into Randy's chest. They both laughed, and Randy leaned into the podium. "Sorry to interrupt you and your much deserved award receiving, dear, I just had something I wanted to say before you sat back down."

Looking slightly confused but ever the trooper, Mom shrugged. "By all means."

This garnered a true smile from Randy, who took Mom's hand in his and pulled her away to the other side of the podium where everyone could see them. "Kay, you're one tough cookie. You've been through a lot in your life, and I should know, because I have too," he said, clearly talking about the loss of their spouses. "I didn't think I'd ever meet a woman who can keep me on my toes quite the way you can. Or one that could stand me long enough."

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