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She relaxed her hold, kept only one hand on his butt, so she could tease him with the other. She fluttered her fingers over him, loving the sensation of steely muscle beneath hair-roughened skin. Loved it how he flinched then hissed again as she sucked, then slid. She listened close, learning him as she alternated between pulling back and kissing, and going deep to squeeze and suck.

She skimmed her hand over his upper thighs, his balls, up to his taut abs. Feathering lightly, rubbing firmly, she toyed with him.

Now she understood why he’d wanted to hear her take her pleasure from him. Hearing him mutter her name—until he could no longer mutter words—made her blood burn. Her heart thudded, swelling ‘til she feared it might burst. Because this was absolute pleasure for her—seeing him tremble under her touch. Feeling his pleasure. The vibrations reverberated through her as she worked him faster.

“Too much. Min. This is too much,” he panted, his hips jerking.

She didn’t stop. Wasn’t ever stopping.

She felt his hands fisting in her hair, felt the tremors racking his large frame, the uncontrollable thrusting of his cock. And she sure wasn’t stopping now.

Faster, faster, she pumped with her hand and her lips sealed tight around him. Until she heard the moan as he hoarsely called out for her.

Finally, she tasted the hot spurts of his satisfaction.

“Hell, Min,” he muttered breathlessly.

Thrilled, she released him and he hurriedly turned and sat on the edge of the bed.

“You okay?” She smiled up at him.

“Light-headed,” he half-laughed. His body shuddered as he drew in a deep breath. But when he looked at her, it was with a troubled expression. “You didn’t have to do that because you think I’m used to semi porn star lovers.”

She was startled into a laugh. “Logan, I wanted to do that. I liked it.”

But his frown only deepened. “You liked almost being suffocated by my dick.”

“You’re big but you’re not that big.” She rolled her eyes and teased him. “I could still breathe.” She stood and pushed his shoulders, taking him by surprise so he fell back onto the bed. She laughed as she quickly straddled him. Bending over him she braced her hands either side of his head, just as he’d done so many times to her. “I wanted to do it because you’ve done it for me so many times. I liked giving you pleasure.”

He still didn’t look happy.

So she took his hand and put it between her legs. Let him feel for himself how hot and wet and close to coming she was.

“It turned me on,” she whispered, all husky woman to hide the stutter that was close because she was more emotional than she wanted to admit. “Feeling you like that—all powerful but out of control—because of me? Because of how I made you feel?” She shook her head. “Ultimate turn on.” She circled her hips. “Honestly? It was for me as much as for you.”

“That’s what it is for me,” he confessed raggedly. “I’ve never felt as hot as I do with you.”

He lifted his other hand and ran his thumb over her lips roughly. Then she opened her mouth and sucked it in. Using that as her gag. She groaned as she sucked, as he flicked his fingers inside her.

It felt so good it was enough to send her insane.

She pushed down on him, grinding. His breathing deepened, he hardened.

“Sheath me,” he growled.

Logan tensed as Min rolled the condom down him cruelly slow, the most ruthlessly teasing look in her eyes. It was official, she was going to kill him—death by pleasure. He figured it was the best ever way to go.

“Don’t be afraid of being raw with me,” he told her. Of being her absolute, beautiful self.

He lifted her to straddle him and slid his thumb back in her mouth, then filled her body.

And the suction? He arched, pleasure rippling as she clenched on him with her hot, wet body. Delirious with lust, he listened to her animal moans as he thrust harder, faster. Then he switched the rhythm to keep her guessing, rouse her higher.

Her hair tumbled around them, like a curtain keeping the rest of the world out. Her hands were wild on his body, her hips tormented him, her eyes gleamed like a feral cat’s—wild and free. She’d let go entirely.

It was the greatest experience of his life.

All he wanted was more.

Greed. Gluttony. Lust. All the wicked things, all the wild pleasure. Nothing, no one, had ever felt as good as he did this second. He wanted her like this again and again and again.

It should have ended it. He should be satisfied. But all it did was make him more of a slave to her. Desperate to feed her desire, assuage the craving that she had for him. It was glorious.

Relentless energy surged through him. This was what he wanted. Min all over him. Min out of control. Loving Min.

So many things to fill her mouth—his cock, his tongue, his fingers. She sucked on them all. He stroked and teased, kissed and tormented. Until he ground deep as he could, rocking against her. Trying to get closer, harder, faster... until the intensity overtook him and all he could do was pound like an animal muttering her name over and over and over. Because this was what he’d wanted, Min with him. Min free with him.

She shook beneath him, her body jerking in violent shudders. She thrashed so wildly he could no longer hold her. She threw back her head, her mouth free of any gag. And screamed.

For one beautiful second Logan froze. Locked deep inside, he looked down at her uninhibited beauty.

She was a tempest in his bedroom. In his soul.

And that sound? The rawness rang in his ears. It was so real, so rare, it hurt. His eyes closed as a feeling so hot rose in him. Uncontrollable.

All finesse was lost, as fulfillment, pride and pleasure tore through him.

It didn’t last long enough. It wasn’t enough.

But he slumped, weaker than he’d been in his life. Worse than any race. Utterly wiped out. It was all he could do to shift to lie beside her, to draw her to him.

“Thank you,” she mumbled, her eyes drifting shut.

“You’re beautiful.” He gently kissed her swollen mouth and settled her in his arms. He needed her there.

She was so lax, so tired. So sweet. He loved holding her half draped over him, her body blanketing, her hair so silky he wanted to drown in it.

“I couldn’t think why I was denying myself anymore,” she whispered sleepily.

“Denying yourself what?” he murmured, smoothing the tips of his fingers down her spine—the only physical movement he could manage.

“The pleasure.”

The physical pleasure she got from him.

He liked that she enjoyed him so much, of course he did. But inside? Inside he ached. It was that empty corner in his chest where his heart was missing a piece. All she thought he had to offer was that pleasure. She didn’t see anything more in him to want. To need.

To love.

All anyone had ever wanted from him, was elite physical performance.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Babe,” Logan murmured in Min’s ear. “We have to go back, I’ve got meetings I can’t miss.”

He so didn’t want to leave, but he’d been pushing it stealing this night as it was. “We’ll come back soon.”

Really, really soon. He’d always loved this place, now it was officially paradise.

She opened her beautiful green eyes, sleepy contentment gleamed in them.

He felt like beating his chest and roaring like some gorilla who’d won a mighty battle. The urge to do it all again bit deep. But he couldn’t blow off his colleagues. He’d already postponed it a day.

Back in Manhattan, he took the taxi to the apartment and made sure Min got in safely, before heading to company headquarters and settling into the planning conference for the upcoming season.

It took too long. They worked through lunch, dinner.

It didn’t help that Min sent him sexy texts every half hour on the dot. A

ll the things she reckoned she’d been saying when she’d had the gag in her mouth.

He broke into a sweat. Aching. Almost at the point of seeking self-satisfaction in the bathroom so he had a hope of concentrating on the rest of the meetings.

But he didn’t. He had control, right? That was the one thing she’d taught him. The benefit of restraint. The pleasure of waiting, only for her.

Finally he texted, he was on his way.

She was waiting just the other side of his front door when he got there. Naked, save for a sultry smile. He slammed the door behind him and grappled with his jeans, desperate to get free. God, he’d never wanted a woman like this—so passionate. So delighted. So desperate.

Only she suddenly hissed his name. He glanced up and clocked her startled expression. It took him another moment to realize someone was banging on the door.

“Damn it.” Logan looked to the ceiling and growled. So fucking frustrated. He’d been desperate for this moment all day, and all day it seemed everything had conspired to keep him from her.

Who the hell was banging on his door at this time of night? Where was the building security? He winced as he did his jeans back up and pulled his shirt out and over to cover himself.

Min laughed and ran down into his bedroom, out of sight.

“Who is it?” Logan jerked the door open and stared blankly at slim figure standing on the other side. His sister? Oh lord, no. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Dani blinked at him. “I... came to stay.”


“I can’t go back to college. I can’t stay at Summerhill.”

“Well you can’t stay here, either.” Now was not the time, now was his time. With Min.

But he saw the crestfallen look in his sister’s eyes. Damn.

“Sorry, it was a bad moment.” He rubbed his hands over his face and tried to pull on an apologetic smile.
