Page 41 of That Guy

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He doesn’t hold me like a lover.

He holds me like a woman.

And it’s not awkward.

Or crowding.

It’s possessive.

And comforting.

We fit.

We are the perfect fit.

The song is Perfect.


Ed’s singing Perfect.

“Relax, Penelope. Or do you just want us to stand here and not dance while every eye in the room is on us?”

I look around and sure enough, they’re all watching. The dance floor is empty. It’s just us. I take a breath and relax into Jake’s firm hold. His smile widens and he winks. Then we’re moving. Not in that slow spinning circle way like how normal people dance. No, he has to Jake Swagger the shit out of it and waltz us across the floor in long, graceful strides. And I have no clue what the fuck I’m doing. But somehow, I’m doing it. Backwards at that.

I mirror his steps. Move when I feel his push. His hand at the small of my back reassures me. If I miss a step, I have no doubt he will just tighten his hold, pick me up and carry me around the floor. My credentials for That Guy didn’t even include being a good dancer. This is all Jake.



“To turn. You ready?”

“What?! No! Wait—“

Too late. He pushes me away from him. Releases my waist. Tightens his grip on my hand. Spins me. And before I can fuck it up, pulls me back to him. Never breaking stride.

“Don’t do that again,” I snap, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I just did a swirly spin move and didn’t fall on my face.

He laughs. The sound reverberates through his chest and thunders against mine. “You told me you knew how to dance.”

“I do. I’m gonna show Ed my river dance as soon as this song ends.”

He laughs.


His chest does that rumbling thing again too.

I really like it.

He twirls me.

I do not like that.

“Would you quit?”

“Why? What are you afraid of?”

“Um…falling on my ass and embarrassing myself in front of Ed.”

His eyes flit toward the stage. “First you tell my Grandfather he’s a stud. Now you’re worried about impressing Ed? Are there any other men I need to know about?”

My smile falters a little.

His does too.

“I should have never left you alone with Briggs.”

“How did you know about that? You weren’t even around.” I refrain from saying he was with a slut. Even though I really want to just so he can assure me he wasn’t.

“The pregnant wife of one of my senior officers asked me to settle a friendly dispute between her husband and his assistant about whether they could determine the sex of the baby from an ultrasound picture. When I returned, you they were escorting Briggs out. I followed to see what happened. I’m sorry, Penelope. You didn’t deserve that.”

I’m trying to quell my excitement at the beautiful woman being married. And pregnant. Nonchalance is hard for me in the moment, but I manage it like a pro. “Meh. It is what it is.”

“No.” He shakes his head. “Don’t disregard what he did. It was wrong.”

“Maybe. But that’s not your fault.”

“It is my fault. You’re with me tonight. It’s my job to protect you. And I didn’t. But I assure you he’s been dealt with.”

I perk up at that. “Oh! How alpha male of you. What did you do? Rough him up in the parking lot? Break a limb? Tell me, tell me, tell me.”

His brows draw together. “No.”


Double spin.

“Would you stop that? I mean it.”

He ignores me. “This isn’t some juke joint or river bank in Mississippi. This is the corporate world, sweetheart. We don’t fight with our fists. We fight with our lawyers. It’s a lot more painful than a black eye. Trust me. I hit him where it really hurt.”

“If you had hit him in the nuts, that would’ve really hurt. I’m just saying.”

He grins. “Well the next time I have to defend your honor, I’ll try your approach.”




“You’re gonna make me puke on your shoes.”

“Nah.” His lips form a crooked smile. “I’ll just spin you toward Cam and let you puke on his shoes.”

“I wouldn’t do that. I like Cam.”

I’m not sure if his frown is real or not. “I thought I was your That Guy.”

“Yeah, but Cam told me I was pretty. He whistled at me. Twice. I’ve even been called a vision tonight. And stunning.”

His eyes darken.


“I want you to forget everything Briggs said to you tonight. Even that.”

“Maybe I could if I had something better to remember.”

He shakes his head. “So needy.”

I shrug. I am needy. I don’t care that he knows it.

He licks his lips. Gives me a solemn look. Just like he did the last time he almost said something nice to me. “Do you remember when we were sitting on my couch and you said I could have my pick of women? That you didn’t know why I needed to hire someone?”
