Page 52 of That Guy

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I don’t know where I put that bottle of feelings I’d planned to pull out to remind me of who Jake really is, in the event he tried to turn his charm on me. Because, suddenly, I’m mush and hormones and heat. But I keep it together—barely—and remain unaffected on the outside. “A simple thank you will suffice.”

“Not a chance in hell. What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“You did something. What the fuck was it.”

I roll my eyes. “Really, Jake. I didn’t do anything. People just naturally gravitate toward me. I’m a pretty remarkable person. But you’re too busy being a self-centered asshole to notice.”

He scoffs. “Self-centered? After all I’ve done for you.”

Now, it’s my turn to scoff. “What you’ve done for me? What about what I’ve done for you?” He starts to say something but I point my finger at him and narrow my eyes. “So help me God, if you bring up me breaking into your house, I will jump over this desk and ravage you.”



That’s not the right word.

“I meant, tackle you.”

“Are you a woman of your word?”

“Of course!” I snap, not realizing I’ve taken the bait until he has me hook, line and sinker.

“You broke into my house.”

I sit back and cross my arms. His eyes move to my exposed cleavage. “You can forget it, sir.”

“So you’re not a woman of your word.”

“I’m a woman who can barely walk today.”

He frowns at that and the cutest little V forms between his brows. “Are you hurting?”

“Oh, now you care.” There’s no bite to my words. Truthfully, I didn’t even want to say them. I’d much rather nod, pout, make my lip quiver, crawl in his lap and let him comfort me. But I have a little bit of dignity. Not much, but some.

He stands and makes his way to me. My heart pounds harder the closer he gets. And he keeps breathing all the air and not leaving any for me. He takes my chin in his hand when I refuse to look at him. That V is still there between his eyes.

“What can I do? Would you like something for the pain?”

I slap his hand away. “I was fucked hard. Not hit by a bus.”

I’m mad because that’s not what I want him to say. He shouldn’t ask me anything. This is the part where he is supposed to scoop me up. Take me to his bed. Inspect me. Growl and say something about how much he wants me but that he’ll have to wait. Then cover me up. Demand I stay put. Fetch me a glass of water, two Ibuprofen and insist that I take them and rest.

I’m so over him fucking everything up….

“What the hell is your problem, Penelope?”

“I’m not the one who has a problem.”

He rears back like I slapped him. “Oh, so I’m the problem?”


“For fuck’s sake, what are you so pissed about?”

I jump to my feet and poke my finger in his chest. “The fact that you don’t know for starters.”

“Why don’t you enlighten me then?”

“Fine! I will.”

Oh, there you are bottle of emotions.

I stomp around the room and make a big show of flailing my arms. “You’re nice to me as long as you’re drunk or trying to get your dick wet. Saying sweet shit to me. Calling me baby. Treating me like, oh…I don’t know…a human! Then, the moment you’re sober and your cock is dry, you treat me like I’m a pebble in your shoe. And I’m over here, doing all of this to save your ass, when all I really want to do is drop you on it.”

He shakes his head while I catch my breath. “You can’t even come up with an original line to threaten me with.”

Though I already know, I ask, “What are you talking about?”

“That last line? The one about dropping me on my ass? That’s a line from Dirty Dancing.”

Hands on my hips, I glare at him while I scramble for a comeback. “Well…the fact that you know that line isn’t gonna make me like you. So…whatever.”



“Kiss me.”


“Kiss me.”


“Would you rather me ask? Fine. I’ll ask. Kiss me?”

What the hell is happening?

“No. I’m not going to kiss you.”

“I won’t ask again, Penelope.”

This motherfucker thinks he’s so…suave….

“Then don’t.”


Three steps.

That’s the distance it takes for him to have me at arm’s length.

Two breaths.

That’s how long it takes for him to reach out, grab me around my waist and pull me flush against his chest.

One kiss.

That’s all it takes to melt me.

I don’t even know why I was angry. I mean, it’s not like he owed me anything. I can take the good with the bad. Sure we had a spat, but if we’re destined to be together, that’s expected.

He pulls away from my mouth and lifts me around his waist. “You know why I can’t be nice to you?” Words fail me, so I shake my head as he sets me on his desk. “Because when I am, you get this look about you.” He pulls his shirt over his head. Rips open mine and groans. “This hazy, lust-driven look that drives my cock crazy.”

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