Page 100 of Chicks, Man

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“Hey,” he says as his lips press into my hairline.


“Why the sullen face?” he asks.

I press my head further into his shirt, regret causing my lip to quiver at my failed trust in him. “I thought…”

“That you couldn’t wait for me to come rescue you from this god awful hospital and whisk you away to a romantic island only to feed you Savino’s pizza and sex you up ’til you can’t feel your legs?”

My cheeks explode with color, forgetting the room full of family. Thankfully, he says it so softy, it’s only heard by my ears. “Yeah, something like that,” I lie, ashamed at my lack of judgement. I should have never doubted him.

He pulls us apart, exposing the emotions clear as day across my face. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

“I… I thought you weren’t coming back,” I confess.

He leans forward, pressing a reassuring kiss to my forehead. “I’m sorry I worried you, but, babe…” he pulls back, needing me to see the sincerity in his eyes, “I’m never leaving.” He waits for his words to resonate before continuing. “I just had to take care of something, and it took me longer than I expected.”

“You kids about ready? I’m pretty sure this place is going to start charging us for using the oxygen in here soon.” My dad breaks up our moment, and we pull away. “Everything all set, son?” he addresses Levi. Confused, my eyes bounce back and forth between them.

“What is all set?” I ask.

Levi nods and faces me. “If you’re okay, I’m going to take you home. But before I do, I have a surprise for you.” I gaze back to my dad for any insight. He smiles back. My mother appears on the verge of tears, but the happy kind. What is he up to? “Of course, if you’re tired or not ready, we can just—”

“No. I’m okay.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. Sure. A lot sure. Super sure.” Levi laughs, grabbing for me, his strong arms cradling me into his chest as he places a kiss to my head without any reservations of my parents watching.

The butterflies that resurface in my belly begin to swarm. A shyness washes over me realizing we’re on full display for my family. Going from a secret to fully exposed couple has to have been a lot to digest. Especially for my parents.

Kipley coughs into his hand, reminding me he’s still in the room. “Okay, let’s get this party started. I’m ready to get home and make my wife cook me a real meal. If I have to eat another hospital meal, my intestines—”

“Okay, we’re good, honey.” Stacey tugs at his arm, shutting him up.

A nurse shows up with a wheelchair, insisting it’s hospital policy for me to be wheeled out. Levi takes control, insisting boyfriend duties. Levi’s car is parked up front. My mom hands over my bag of things I’ve collected since my stay. Dad gives me a kiss goodbye and tells me he loves me, followed by my brother and Stacey. Before too long, it’s only the two of us on our way back home.

“Are you going to tell me what this surprise is?” I ask.

His eyes leave the road to look at me, a slight curve at the corner of his mouth. The anticipation has me jittery in my seat. He waits a few short seconds, which feel like forever before he answers. “No.”

“Oh! Come on! I hate surprises.”

“I know. And that’s what makes this all the more exciting.” He returns his sight to the road, seeming pleased with himself for torturing me. I don’t push further, and he doesn’t say another word. His hand slides across the center console, engulfing mine under his strong hold. We stay connected the entire forty-five-minute drive home. It’s not until we’re pulling up to his place that my curiosity piques.

“What are we doing here?”

He doesn’t answer me right away. We pull into the underground lot and park in his designated spot. Shutting the car off, he opens his door.

“Quick stop,” he says, then climbs out, hurrying over to my side to assist me out. “Take it easy. I’ve got you.”

“I’m fine.”

“And I still want to baby you, so let me.” He holds my hand as I climb out, working hard to hide the small wave of dizziness. As much as I argue I’m completely recovered, the concussion keeps setting me back. Not to mention the thirty-seven stitches in my side that itch like hell when they rub against my shirt. We walk as he guides me to the elevator and the front door of his condo. He has to let my hand go to dig for his keys, and when he unlocks the door, he steps aside. “After you.”

I step through the threshold and head to the couch for a much-needed break after the short walk from the car. It’s not until I’m halfway through his condo I notice it.
