Page 101 of Chicks, Man

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A frame sitting on the end table by his couch that wasn’t there before. It’s a picture of us.

A throw blanket resting across the cushion, along with throw pillows. Girly throw pills. My eyes take flight, soaring around his place at the sudden explosion of life. Colorful paintings. Sports memorabilia mixed with an old boyband poster from my room at home. What in the…? A pile of books on the coffee table, the dust jackets familiar because they’re some of my favorites. I open my mouth, then close it again. Like a fish out of water, I gasp for the words to form the questions. But they don’t come.

“Come with me.” He takes my shaky hand and guides me down the hallway. I don’t remember my feet moving, but it’s then we’re in his room. He brings us to his closet and opens the door, positioning me so I’m able to get a front row view of half of it full of…

“Are those my clothes?”

I don’t comprehend how long I stand there in shock before whipping around to face him. His hands are shoved in his pockets, his eyes gleaming with the same uncertainty mine did earlier. “I told you before. I’m never leaving you.”


“Hannah…” He takes a step closer to me. His hands stay in his pockets, the tips of our shoes our only connection. “I’ve fought hard for the things I wanted in life—football, my career, to be a part of a family—but none of it will compare to how hard I’m willing to fight to make sure you know and never doubt my love for you. You don’t need anyone taking care of you. You’ve always been so tough. An angel behind your warrior suit. I saw the doubt in your eyes today, and it almost brought me to my knees. If your family wasn’t standing there, I’d have shaken you silly until you understood what truly has me consumed with such possessiveness. I want to hide you from the world and keep you for myself. Even though your father and brother would probably try to kill me right on the spot, I was ready. Because like I said, I’m ready to fight. For you. For your trust. Your kindness. Your love. I want to slaughter all your doubts. Kiss away all your fears. And I’m realizing I’m a very selfish man. While I should be allowing you to heal, giving you space to figure out what you want, I can’t stop putting my own needs first. And that’s making sure you know every single day my intentions with you.”

My heart thumps in heavy beats. I hang onto his every word, watching his eyes flare with hope, worry, determination, fear.

“I can’t imagine spending one day waking up and you not being next to me. The sound of your breathing that brings me to life. I took all your stuff and moved it in here. I want you here. I want us to be an us. And I want to take care of you, help you heal. Band-Aid all your fears with my obsession with you.”

At that, I can’t help but laugh. “You’re obsessed with me?”

“I am. It’s becoming a problem. I might as well get a tattoo on my forehead that says WWHD. Because any direction I take, I want to know what you would do. You’re all that matters to me, and I want to never stop putting that smile I crave on your face.”

My eyes shine, a tingling sensation spreading along my entire body. “I don’t really think you need to get a tattoo to show me. I love you too. I would follow you too, wherever.”

Relief settles in his upcurved smile, happiness dancing in his eyes. There’s a nervous energy surrounding him, and I smile wider, enjoying this version of him. “So, this still doesn’t explain my clothes, and I have to ask…how did you find my—your hoodie? I had that thing pretty securely hidden.”

My knees wobble, and Levi panics, mistaking my cause of dizziness on my injury. His hands thrust out of his pockets to steady me, being mindful of my wound. The thing is, it has absolutely nothing to do with my injury. There’s so much beauty in the depths of his eyes, it’s too easy not to get lost in how handsome he is. But I’ve always been consumed by all things Levi Dent. His smile is like oxygen for me. It’s a vital part of my being. It’s no longer a childish fantasy to know exactly how wonderful his hands feel, the taste of his lips, the way his heartbeat speeds up every time we kiss. There’s one thing he and I have in common: I would spend my entire life fighting to be the one who puts that smile on his face.
