Page 102 of Chicks, Man

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“You okay? Do you need to sit down? Shit, this is probably too much for you. I shouldn’t force this. I can take you—”


His eyes widen in shock as if he misheard me. “Yes?”

“Yes. My answer is yes. I’m not sure what you’re really asking, but my answer is yes.”

Understanding sets in, and he realizes he never even got to the point. “Wow, don’t even wait to hear the punishment you’re being sentenced to before agreeing and jumping in blindly to damnation.”

“Well, looks like I’m a sucker for sanction.” I chuckle. “From what I gather, you like me, a lot—”

“Already wrong, I love you.”

I nod, my teasing smirk on full display. “You love me. Good to know we’re on the same page.” He nods, stealing a quick kiss. I continue. “But the girl pillows and band posters tell me you have some deep-rooted fantasy about becoming a teenage girl.”

“So close.” He steals another kiss.

“And the closet tells me this is your retribution for the stolen hoodie. I steal something of yours, you steal everything of mine?”

“God, you’re so sexy when you’re right.” His mouth is so luscious, I lose focus on our conversation and bathe in the ripeness of his lips. “There’s one thing you missed, though.”

“Hmmm?” My eyes fall closed as he rains a path of kisses down my neck.

“I’m hoping for you to live with me in my teenage girl pad, wearing only my hoodie, since that’s what I deserve after being away from it for so long, and let me cherish, spoil, and devour you.” He pulls away, his playful smile now drawn back. “I know this is a lot. You’ve been through hell, and it’s going to take some time to heal. It may not be easy, but I want to be the warrior for once. Let me be your warrior. Play the damsel. Let me show you I can protect you and will never let anything like this happen again.”

“Levi, I told you, this wasn’t—”

“And as much as I fight to believe that, it might take me some time. But what I want you to understand is no matter what, it won’t ever happen again.” He leans forward, brushing his lips to mine, sealing his case with a silent vow. “I love you, Hannah Constance Matthews.”

I can’t fight the smirk on my lips and pull away. “I love you too, Levi…wait, I don’t know your middle name.” I’m amazed there’s something I don’t know about him.

“Maybe if you let me do that little thing with my tongue when you’re feeling better, I’ll tell you.”

His spoken vow shoots a blast of excitement though every nerve ending, setting a spark of fuel to my own obsession. “I’m feeling better.” I’m embarrassed how hoarse my voice sounds.

“How much better?” His tone is deep, like a wolf teasing his prey.

“So much. Actually, maybe too much. Ouch, please. I need you to take care of me like you said. I have this pain…” His eyes shoot to mine, on alert. “Where, where do you hurt?”

Crimson skates across my cheeks. I take my hand and point downward, between my thighs. “Here. It hurts here.”

The musical sounds that erupt from his throat is what fairytales are made out of. His laughter bellows throughout his bedroom, and I can’t help but follow. “Well, I did make a lot of promises, none of which I plan on retracting. So, if that’s what I have to do to prove to my woman she’s the reason for my being, then so damn be it.”

He’s done talking.

Another giggle bursts from my lips when he grabs my hand and guides me toward his bed. “Lay down, my little queen. I’m about to feast like a king.”


Three months later…

“NO! Please NO!”

Hannah’s screams jolt me awake. I turn to her, her body flailing. “Hannah, wake up. It’s only a dream.” Just like the others, my voice goes unheard.

“NO!” she screams, her voice etched in such pain. I know exactly what her nightmare is about. It’s the same one she’s been having since the incident. Connor Miller is setting her on fire.

I grip her in my arms, her skin hot and clammy. She’s sweat through her shirt. “Hannah, wake up. Baby, you’re safe.” Her eyes start to flutter open, confusion masking her face. Her eyes become wide with terror, her nightmare following her into conscious. “It’s okay, babe, you’re safe. You’re in our bed. Feel the sheets. Take a deep breath. Smell the clean air. There’s no smoke.”

Hannah went too long claiming she was fine after the incident before her nightmares gave her away. She could no longer hide her secret fears that Connor would come for her, even though the fucker was locked up. Her nightmares were always the same. She was stuck in a house, and Connor was setting her on fire. Her therapist suggested cooling sheets. Sounded silly, but the specialized bamboo material would help cool her body while she slept, and in cases like this, it would take away some of her fear. She would wake up and grasp the sheets, feeling the coolness under her terror filled grip. At first, I thought it was bullshit, but they’ve helped.
