Page 23 of Chicks, Man

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A timid blush cascades across my cheeks. His compliment comes out of left field, surprising me. As I allow his words to sink in, I realize how blind I’ve been. I’ve been acting so childish about Levi, I didn’t appreciate the great guy I had right in front of me. As if something snaps inside me, a true smile breaches, and I allow my walls to fall, ready and willing to enjoy my date.

“Thanks. I didn’t expect you either.”

We share a silent moment, until our Cheshire grins win and we laugh at our silliness. “Wow, that was corny, wasn’t it?”

“Maybe a little,” I chuckle, then take a sip of my water. “But I enjoyed it.”

He nods in approval as the waitress returns with our drinks. “You two ready to order?” she asks.

“Yes. We’re going to share the meat lovers. Extra cheese please.” He turns to me. “Trust me. You’re going to love it.”


I finish typing up a testimony for Gale in legal and click print, saving the file to my computer in hopes to get them to her before she leaves for lunch. The office has been quiet all morning with meetings in place, which has also left me with time to analyze my date last night, breaking down all the good and bad. For one, the off-the-starting-line spark. His compliment gave me the confidence I needed to let loose and truly allow him to get to know me. He was nice, funny…

I slump in my chair, remembering the bad. I had such great expectations.

Further into the date, I started to discover, besides the basics, we barely had anything in common. That short-lived spark I tried to keep lit, fizzled out. I spent the whole dinner convincing myself it was my nerves while he coerced me into eating the pizza of death. How was I supposed to focus on his charm and wittiness when I was too worried about my stomach lining? It had to be that. I convinced myself of it so much, I accepted another date offer for Friday.

But those missing fireworks…

He’s nice. Charming. Funny. Repeat. He’s nice. Charming. Funny—

“Gah!” It’s fine. Focus on the good parts. Again, nice, charming—

“Working hard? You look in deep thought about something.” Levi’s voice catches my attention, and I glance up as he drops a handful of manila envelopes on my desk. I choose to keep the reasoning for my deep thinking to myself and focus on the contents in front of me: witness testimonies for the Miller case. Clara Hill’s name on the front of the folder, a large confidential stamp below it.

“Are you going to answer me?” My eyes finally meet his. His usual steely gaze is missing, exhaustion in its place. This case is taking all his focus, and it’s apparent he’s running on empty. Even in his state, I can’t help but admire how handsome he is in his black fitted suit, always lacking a tie, and giving the world a tease of his muscled chest with his top button left unlatched. Stop drooling over him! You just went on a date with someone else! And you accepted another one for Friday. Levi is bad news. Braydon is good news.

“No deep thinking. Just thinking about how wonderful my date was last night.” I pick up the confidential folder, but Levi slaps it closed.

“Wait what? With who—?”

“Oh, fantastic, you’re both here.” We both cock our heads at my dad’s sudden appearance. Levi pulls his hand away from the folder, replacing his snarly growl with a smile.

“Mr. Matthews,” Levi greets, but my dad waves him off.

“Honestly, son, you have been part of our family since Hannah here was practically in diapers, call me Jim. Hi, baby girl.” My dad leans down, placing a kiss on my cheek. “I just spoke with Kip. He brought up a fantastic idea. Ketterville.”

We both stare at my dad, waiting for him to elaborate. “The campground?” Levi asks, his brows furrowed in confusion.

“You bet’cha. This weekend. We’re all going. It’s been ages since we’ve all done a camping trip up there, and what better time to get the gang back together? Kipley and Stacey are all for it. She mentioned bringing a friend along. Levi, you’ll join us. Bring a guest as well. I won’t take no for an answer.” Oh god, I am not going back to Ketterville. The horrid memories of being taunted by Chase Steinberg and the birth of Hannah Banana. No flippin’ way.

“Daddy, I can’t. I actually have plans this weekend.” My dad’s brows shoot up in shock as if I just told him the sky wasn’t blue.

Gee, thanks, Dad.

“More plans? What kind of plans, honey?”

I peer from Levi, who seems too interested in my answer, back to my dad. “Well, I have a date. A second one, actually…with…um…Braydon Connor. He works here, down in litigation.” My dad will handle this information in one of two ways. He will tell me absolutely not and try to fire Braydon for even thinking about engaging in anything less than a professional relationship with his daughter, or he’ll simply say absolutely not.
