Page 42 of Chicks, Man

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I wouldn’t be lying if I said I may have seen flames shooting out of his nostrils.

“Excuse me?” he breathes, his voice low and dangerous.

“You heard me. Not gonna happen. Now, if you don’t need anything else…”

He has me backed up against the wall, his hand threading into my hair, his mouth a hairsbreadth from mine, his warm breath caressing my face. “You’re not going. I mean it, Han.”

God, the way he uses my shortened name sends a flutter down to my belly. “Yes, I am,” I continue to challenge him. My cheeks feel flushed. Knowing I’m poking the bear creates a buzzing sensation between my thighs.

He leans in closer, his lips touching mine. I tell myself to pull away, but my body has a different idea. I allow his lips to skate against mine. His strong palm reaches for my hip, roaming up my ribcage and stopping just below my breast. “If you go on that lunch date, I’ll be forced to handle the situation in my own way.” He takes my lower lip in between his teeth. “And my recommendation to your father would be to terminate the employee who seems to be getting too friendly with his only daughter.”

Oh, that rat…

I raise my hands and push him off me. He stumbles back, and I stab my index finger in his direction. “If you think you can threaten me to stay away from Braydon, you’re wrong.”

“Watch me. We have something here, Hannah. If you choose that kid, I’ll put a stop to it.”

“You…you’re unbelievable!” I huff, stomping my feet.

“I might be, but I’m simply playing your game. Next move is yours. What’s it gonna be?” I stare at him in complete shock. He’s blackmailing me. Too bad for him my dad has always taught me never to stand down from a fight.

“Well, Mr. Dent.” I walk toward him, placing my palms on his rock-hard chest. I graze my fingers up and down, pushing gently so he begins to walk backwards. His eyes light up with triumph when the backs of his legs hit the chair. “Looks like you have yourself a challenge.” His eyes go from glory to confusion. “I’ll think about you while I enjoy my nice lunch.” With a shove, I push him, causing him to fall backwards into the seat. Turning around, I walk out, grab my purse, and strut—okay, maybe partially run so he doesn’t chase after me—to the elevator to meet Braydon.

“Still with me?”

I catch myself staring out the window of the quant sandwich shop Braydon took us to, my mind far from whatever he’s going on about. “Oh yeah, sorry. That’s great!”

“Yeah, and if I stick with the reports, I have a chance at being promoted. Pretty pumped.” My spurious smile is perfectly in place as I sip my soda.

“Do you not like your sandwich? You can have the other half of mine if you want.”

“Oh no, it’s really tasty. I’m just…” Hungry for something else. Someone else. Even though I chose to spend my lunch with Braydon, my mind hasn’t left Levi’s office. I watch Braydon’s lips move, but I hear nothing he says. My thoughts are stuck on replay, Levi’s threat to have me or else.

“You sure?”

“Yeah. Just ate a big breakfast.” Which is a lie. I’m starved, but it’s not for food. Or Braydon’s company, sadly. I pull out my phone and take in the time. “We should probably get back. I have a lot of stuff to take care of before I leave.”

“Sure. Levi is pretty hard on you, huh?”

You don’t even know the half of it. Hard on me, against me, inside me. Jesus. I swipe the back of my hand along my forehead.

“Uh-oh, not feeling well?”

How does one explain their entire body is out of sorts over a man who’s been in my dreams for half my life? “Yeah, we should get going. I don’t want Levi to get mad if I’m late.” Braydon guides me out of the sandwich shop, grabbing my hand. It’s strange, and I’m not sure I enjoy it, but I don’t ask him to let it go.

“Maybe you could talk to your dad. Tell him Levi’s not doing his job. Maybe he can move you. Or shit, fire his ass. He seems like a hothead.”

He has no idea. But I could never do that. What’s going on between Levi and I has nothing to do with his ability to move mountains at Daddy’s firm. “It’s fine. I can handle Levi.” I hope. Or else it’s going to be me who moves—preferably across the state where my heart is safe.


“Have you cross-checked all the affidavits?”

“Done and done. The Sworn Oath Statements have been filed. If this deal shows any loose ends, it will be a total surprise to me. We have Benjamin Miller nailed.”
