Page 39 of Say It's Not Fake

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“No, you’re not. You’re coming to Sweet Lila’s with me, Meg and Sky,” Adam insisted.

I shook my head. “I’ve got to pick up Katie. I can’t leave her. Not now.”

Adam’s expression softened. “You’re not leaving her, Web. You’re letting her have a sleepover with her grandparents, who love her more than anything. Dude, you’re a mess. I can see it all over your face—and rightly so,” he quickly added, holding his hand up when I started to open my mouth to argue. “But you need to let off some steam. You need to vent and be angry and drink your weight in liquor.” He clasped my shoulder. “You need your best friends, man. And we’re here for you.”

My body sagged slightly. “I know you’re here for me, but I also need to be home with my kid—”

“So you can think all night about what Josie’s doing? So you can agonize over how this is all going to go down? Katie will pick up on your anxiety, and that won’t be any good for her. Let us take care of you this evening. You did it for me after my divorce, and when I thought I had lost Meg. We did it for Skylar after Mac left. Let us help you now.” I must have still looked uncertain because he shrugged. “Look, call your mom and ask. You know she’ll do it. You don’t have to tell her what’s going on. I’m sure you’re not ready for that conversation yet.”

“And you’d be right.” I sighed. “I guess I don’t want to go home and obsess all night. I’ll drive myself nuts.” I pulled out my phone. “Let me call Mom.”

Thirty minutes later, Adam and I were driving to Sweet Lila’s. After my mother enthusiastically agreed to keep Katie, Adam drove me to their house so I could give my girl a hug and thank my parents for being the amazing people they were.

Katie barely paid any attention to me. She was too focused on the new doll her Nommy had gotten for her. But I needed those moments with her. It served to reinforce my resolve to do whatever necessary to keep her here. With me. With my parents.

“You boys having a night out?” Mom asked after squeezing Adam. She loved Adam, treating him like another child.

“It’s been a while since the gang has been out, and with Meg about to pop, we figured now was the time. Kyle agreed to help commemorate some of our last child-free days.” Adam playfully punched me on the arm.

“You say it like it’s a prison sentence,” my mother said tutting. “Children are a gift. I’m so thankful for Katie, and once your little one is born, you won’t be able to imagine your life without him.”

My throat felt uncomfortably tight, and Adam glanced at me with a worried expression. “You’re right, Mrs. Webber. Well, we’d better go and meet Meg and Skylar.”

I hugged my mom. “Thanks, Mom, for being the best grandma Katie could ever have.”

My mom pulled back and looked at me, puzzled. “Are you okay, Kyle?” She put a hand to my cheek. “Is something wrong?”

I forced myself to smile. “Nope. Not a thing. Just appreciative of you and Dad.”

“Well, thank you, sweetie. Now get out of here so I can spoil my grandbaby with fresh brownies and Barbie movies.” Mom shooed us out the door.

“We’ll figure out a way, Web. I won’t let you lose her. I promise,” Adam swore after we got back into his car and were driving toward Sweet Lila’s.

“I know, man. I know.”

Sweet Lila’s was unusually quiet. Even weekday nights were busy at the popular drinking spot. We quickly spotted Meg and Skylar at our usual booth toward the back. They both waved at us as we made our way toward them.

“Hey, you two,” Meg said, kissing her husband and squeezing my hand as we pushed our way into the booth. Adam put his arm around his wife, pulling her up against his side, and I bumped shoulders with Sky, who gave me an uncharacteristic smile.

“Adam told you what was going on,” I deduced after Adam went to get us a round of drinks, plus a lemonade for his very pregnant wife.

“He said you needed us. He didn’t really go into specifics. And that was all we had to know. You need us; we’re here,” Meg said firmly.

I ran my hand through my hair. “Josie has filed for full physical custody,” I told them. Their reactions were exactly what I expected—and what I needed them to be. Complete disbelief and 100% anger.

“She can’t do that!” Meg exclaimed, her hands balling into fists on the tabletop. “She’s crazier than I thought if she thinks she has a case against you! You’ve been Katie’s full-time parent this whole time, and you’ve done it alone!”
