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“You needn’t be so very discreet. What you really mean is, was I Randall Goedler’s mistress? No, I wasn’t. I don’t think Randall ever gave me a sentimental thought, and I certainly didn’t give him one. He was in love with Belle (his wife), and remained in love with her until he died. I think in all probability it was gratitude on his part that prompted his making his will. You see, Inspector, in the very early days, when Randall was still on an insecure footing, he came very near to disaster. It was a question of just a few thousands of actual cash. It was a big coup, and a very exciting one; daring, as all his schemes were; but he just hadn’t got that little bit of cash to tide him over. I came to the rescue. I had a little money of my own. I believed in Randall. I sold every penny I had out and gave it to him. It did the trick. A week later he was an immensely wealthy man.

“After that, he treated me more or less as a junior partner. Oh! they were exciting days.” She sighed. “I enjoyed it all thoroughly. Then my father died, and my only sister was left a hopeless invalid. I had to give it all up and go and look after her. Randall died a couple of years later. I had made quite a lot of money during our association and I didn’t really expect him to leave me anything, but I was very touched, yes, and very proud to find that if Belle predeceased me (and she was one of those delicate creatures whom everyone always says won’t live long) I was to inherit his entire fortune. I think really the poor man didn’t know who to leave it to. Belle’s a dear, and she was delighted about it. She’s really a very sweet person. She lives up in Scotland. I haven’t seen her for years—we just write at Christmas. You see, I went with my sister to a sanatorium in Switzerland just before the war. She died of consumption out there.”

She was silent for a moment or two, then said:

“I only came back to England just over a year ago.”

“You said you might be a rich woman very soon … How soon?”

“I heard from the nurse attendant who looks after Belle Goedler that Belle is sinking rapidly. It may be—only a few weeks.”

She added sadly:

“The money won’t mean much to me now. I’ve got quite enough for my rather simple needs. Once I should have enjoyed playing the markets again—but now … Oh, well, one grows old. Still, you do see, Inspector, don’t you, that if Patrick and Julia wanted to kill me for a financial reason they’d be crazy not to wait for another few weeks.”

“Yes, Miss Blacklock, but what happens if you should predecease Mrs. Goedler? Who does the money go to then?”

“D’you know, I’ve never really thought. Pip and Emma, I suppose….”

Craddock stared and Miss Blacklock smiled.

“Does that sound rather crazy? I believe, if I predecease Belle, the money would go to the legal offspring—or whatever the term is—of Randall’s only sister, Sonia. Randall had quarrelled with his sister. She married a man whom he considered a crook and worse.”

“And was he a crook?”

“Oh, definitely, I should say. But I believe a very attractive person to women. He was a Greek or a Roumanian or something—what was his name now—Stamfordis, Dmitri Stamfordis.”

“Randall Goedler cut his sister out of his will when she married this man?”

“Oh, Sonia was a very wealthy woman in her own right. Randall had already settled packets of money on her, as far as possible in a way so that her husband couldn’t touch it. But I believe that when the lawyers urged him to put in someone in case I predeceased Belle, he reluctantly put down Sonia’s offspring, simply because he couldn’t think of anyone else and he wasn’t the sort of man to leave money to charities.”

“And there were children of the marriage?”

“Well, there are Pip and Emma.” She laughed. “I know it sounds ridiculous. All I know is that Sonia wrote once to Belle after her marriage, telling her to tell Randall that she was extremely happy and that she had just had twins and was calling them Pip and Emma. As far as I know she never wrote again. But Belle, of course, may be able to tell you more.”

Miss Blacklock had been amused by her own recital. The Inspector did not look amused.

“It comes to this,” he said. “If you had been killed the other night, there are presumably at least two people in the world who would have come into a very large fortune. You are wrong, Miss Blacklock, when you say that there is no one who has a motive for desiring your death. There are two people, at least, who are vitally interested. How old would this brother and sister be?”

Miss Blacklock frowned.

“Let me see … 1922… no—it’s difficult to remember … I suppose about twenty-five or twenty-six.” Her face had sobered. “But you surely don’t think—?”

“I think somebody shot at you with the intent to kill you. I think it possible that that same person or persons might try again. I would like you, if you will, to be very very careful, Miss Blacklock. One murder has been arranged and did not come off. I think it possible that another murder may be arranged very soon.”


Phillipa Haymes straightened her back and pushed back a tendril of hair from her damp forehead. She was cleaning a flower border.

“Yes, Inspector?”

She looked at him inquiringly. In return he gave her a rather closer scrutiny than he had done before. Yes, a good-looking girl, a very English type with her pale ash-blonde hair and her rather long face. An obstinate chin and mouth. Something of repression—of tautness about her. The eyes were blue, very steady in their glance, and told you nothing at all. The sort of girl, he thought, who would keep a secret well.

“I’m sorry always to bother you when you’re at work, Mrs. Haymes,” he said, “but I didn’t want to wait until you came back for lunch. Besides, I thought it might be easier to talk to you here, away from Little Paddocks.”

“Yes, Inspector?”

No emotion and little interest in her voice. But was there a note of wariness—or did he imagine it?

“A certain statement has been made to me this morning. This statement concerns you.”

Phillipa raised her eyebrows very slightly.

“You told me, Mrs. Haymes, that this man, Rudi Scherz, was quite unknown to you?”


“That when you saw him there, dead, it was the first time you had set eyes on him. Is that so?”

“Certainly. I had never seen him before.”

“You did not, for instance, have a conversation with him in the summerhouse of Little Paddocks?”

“In the summerhouse?”

He was almost sure he caught a note of fear in her voice.

“Yes, Mrs. Haymes.”

“Who says so?”

“I am told that you had a conversation with this man, Rudi Scherz, and that he asked you where he could hide and you replied that you would show him, and that a time, a quarter past six, was definitely mentioned. It would be a quarter past six, roughly, when Scherz would get here from the bus stop on the evening of the hold-up.”

There was a moment’s silence. Then Phillipa gave a short scornful laugh. She looked amused.

“I don’t know who told you that,” she said. “At least I can guess. It’s a very silly, clumsy story—spiteful, of course. For some reason Mitzi dislikes me even more than she dislikes the rest of us.”

“You deny


“Of course it’s not true … I never met or saw Rudi Scherz in my life, and I was nowhere near the house that morning. I was over here, working.”

Inspector Craddock said very gently:

“Which morning?”

There was a momentary pause. Her eyelids flickered.

“Every morning. I’m here every morning. I don’t get away until one o’clock.”

She added scornfully:

“It’s no good listening to what Mitzi tells you. She tells lies all the time.”


“And that’s that,” said Craddock when he was walking away with Sergeant Fletcher. “Two young women whose stories flatly contradict each other. Which one am I to believe?”

“Everyone seems to agree that this foreign girl tells whoppers,” said Fletcher. “It’s been my experience in dealing with aliens that lying comes more easy than truth-telling. Seems to be clear she’s got a spite against this Mrs. Haymes.”

“So, if you were me, you’d believe Mrs. Haymes?”

“Unless you’ve got reason to think otherwise, sir.”

And Craddock hadn’t, not really—only the remembrance of a pair of oversteady blue eyes and the glib enunciation of the words that morning. For to the best of his recollection he hadn’t said whether the interview in the summerhouse had taken place in the morning or the afternoon.

Still, Miss Blacklock, or if not Miss Blacklock, certainly Miss Bunner, might have mentioned the visit of the young foreigner who had come to cadge his fare back to Switzerland. And Phillipa Haymes might have therefore assumed that the conversation was supposed to have taken place on that particular morning.

But Craddock still thought that there had been a note of fear in her voice as she asked:

“In the summerhouse?”

He decided to keep an open mind on the subject.


It was very pleasant in the Vicarage garden. One of those sudden spells of autumn warmth had descended upon England. Inspector Craddock could never remember if it was St. Martin’s or St. Luke’s Summer, but he knew that it was very pleasant—and also very enervating. He sat in a deck chair provided for him by an energetic Bunch, just on her way to a Mothers’ Meeting, and, well protected with shawls and a large rug round her knees, Miss Marple sat knitting beside him. The sunshine, the peace, the steady click of Miss Marple’s knitting needles, all combined to produce a soporific feeling in the Inspector. And yet, at the same time, there was a nightmarish feeling at the back of his mind. It was like a familiar dream where an undertone of menace grows and finally turns Ease into Terror….
