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“Yes. Yes! YES!!” was all I could utter.

“Then sit the fuck down cunt,” was his cold reply.

Sit the fuck down? What did that mean? When Lewis reached for the phone I knew I’d been had. Noooooo! How could he tease me l

ike that? The bastard.

I was numb while Lewis waited for the person on the other end of his cell to answer. Fuck!! I can’t believe I thought he was going to fuck me. How did we go from Paris to this? I said nothing. Instead I cast my eyes downward and stared at the floor. I wanted to say so much: you fucking jerk, I would do anything for you, anything, and yet you treat me like shit.

“Yo, dude,” Lewis spoke. I could only hear his side of the conversation, but it was enough. He and whoever he was speaking to exchanged hellos, and then Lewis got down to business.

“Anyway, you know the whore you and Brutus messed up last month?”

Brutus? Oh no. He was speaking to Grekko. Not Grekko! Of all people, Grekko?

“No, no, no, everything’s fine – in fact, more than fine. I’m calling because she wants to see you again, no charge this time.”

The conversation didn’t last very long. It didn’t have to. The part that worried me the most came at the very end.

“Now listen, Grekko. She’s already quite marked up this time. Yes, there are marks and discoloration all over her body as you’ll soon see. Therefore I have a suggestion which I’m certain you’ll adhere to. If Brutus joins the party, and I’m sure he will – concentrate on the soles of her feet.”

The soles of my feet? Oh crap. That must be the only part of me that isn’t tender.

As a final degradation Lewis’ parting words hurt as much as any whipping: “You’re the one who wanted to get fucked whore, so stop your whining.”

“Yes Sir,” I replied. “Thank you. This worthless whore thanks you Sir.”

Then I took a taxi to see Grekko.


Seventeen long days later…

I was getting worried. Did Lewis forget about me? Did I do something wrong? Is everything okay with his life? Normally Lewis arranged for a post-assignment interview within a week or so of the session. Seventeen long days had passed since Grekko’s cock had been inside me; followed by radio silence.

For a few days afterward, I could barely walk. Grekko went to town on the soles of my feet alright. Instead of making me suck him off that day, he opted to force his fat cock into my pussy. I’m sure he figured since the visit was “my” idea, and a freebie no less – he better make sure I enjoy it. Meanwhile, slut that I am, I came all over that filthy cock of his. It pained me to see the smug look on his face. Little did he know that I would have given anything to be back at Lewis’, fucking a real man’s cock. Nope, in his view I was there by choice, and at my request. What else could I do but thank him when he finally dismissed me?

I had to play along: “This little whore would like to thank you, Grekko Sir, from the bottom of my heart, for agreeing to see me on such short notice. Thank you for letting me cum. And thank-you Brutus, for making sure the bottom of my feet matches the rest of my body – I’ll be sure to think of you every time I walk around in the coming days.”

I was in the car driving when Lewis finally phoned. I was overjoyed to say the least. He asked where I was, and I gave him an approximate location.

“How far from your home would say that is?

“Um, I think it’s about an hour’s drive.”

“I want you to make three strops on the way home.”

“Three stops, Sir? I mean, yes of course Sir.”

I assumed Lewis had made arrangements, and I expected he was about to provide the addresses. Needless to say, I was surprised as he elaborated on my day’s mission. I was to stop at three different bars of my choosing. In each bar I was to select some random guy, who if willing would be the recipient of a free blowjob, no strings attached. I cringed at the thought of this. As much the idea of approaching these guys, as the act I would perform on them. How would I find them? What would I say? ‘Hey, excuse me, in the mood for a quick blowjob?’ They’ll think I’m a hooker.

Lewis continued with his instructions, “phone me exactly six hours from now at 8:00 pm when you’re back home, and I expect there to be the loads of three men in your stomach when you call. Is that understood?”

“Yes Sir, I understand and will do my best.”

“I’m sure you will, little cunt. Do not give them your real name or number. Remain anonymous.”

“I will Sir. I’ll be careful, and I’ll be mindful of the time, knowing I have six hours to complete all three.”

“What kind of a person would do what you’re about to do?”

I guess Lewis wanted to humble me as I was about to embark on my little excursion, “Only a depraved and pathetic whore would do this, Sir.”

He hung up without saying goodbye.

I took a deep breath, and tried to remain focused. Okay, I don’t want to go to seedy bars, as the clientele there will be less than desirable. I don’t want to go to high-end bars where the clientele will be suspicious and stuffy businessmen. I need middle-of-the-road. Grey collar workers, probably. Service men perhaps, on the road stopping for lunch or a beer. My looks will come in handy today. Okay, think…think – where should I go? I decided to adjust my route in order to drive through a trendy tourist area heavily populated with bars and restaurants. It was still heading in the general direction of home; but would provide many more options in terms of good places to stop.

My first location was an English pub, The White Lion. I was nervous as hell. I sat at the bar where I could scope out the place and ordered a gin and tonic. Fate smiled on me, as within minutes a man came in and ordered a beer at the other end of the bar. Uncharacteristically, with drink in hand, I went to join him. He looked a bit perplexed as I took the seat to his immediate left.

I needed a story. A plausible excuse why a girl as attractive as me would suddenly approach a man who she has never met and offer to suck his cock on the spot, no less. In the car, I had come up with a strategy.

Sounding as heart-broken as I could I said, “Hi. I know you don’t know me, but I have a huge favor to ask. I just found out my boyfriend cheated on me, and I want to get him back. I NEED to get him back. I know this seems crazy, but will you take a picture of me, sucking your cock…so I can email it to him. Please?”

As would be expected, there was fifteen minutes of back and forth, where he probed into my story, and I made up lie after lie to reassure him I was the real deal. When he agreed, we both looked at each other, but where? I suspected he might be married but didn’t want to ask. His car? Unfortunately it was mid-day, and there were too many people buzzing around. My mark waved the bartender over, and the two of them whispered for a few minutes. For me, time was of the essence, so the closer the better. The bartender grabbed a wad of keys and led us toward the restrooms. Perfect! A storage room. It was no bigger than a broom closet, but otherwise ideal. I kneeled on the cement floor and pulled out the man’s short and stubby cock, already hard. It didn’t take long before my efforts were rewarded with a mouthful of salty cum which I swallowed promptly and efficiently. One down, two to go. I gave him a quick hug, and bee-lined it straight for my car. On the road again I noticed that only 48 minutes had passed since the phone call from Lewis, and I was off to a good start. Plus, I now had my pitch story intact which seemed to work well.

I stopped at another bar shortly thereafter, but I walked out before even ordering a drink. It was too empty. Luckily, in the same plaza I noticed a small Italian restaurant tucked away, around the corner. The only way to get to the restaurant was down a long alleyway, which added to the charm of the place. Unfortunately it too was empty, however as I walked back to my car two men were approaching. Spontaneously I said, “Excuse me, I know this sounds crazy, but…”

Ten minutes later, I was kneeling in the back of a cube van with a cock in my mouth. The two men worked for the Hydro company; but only one of them had the courage to take advantage of my offer. That was fine by me! The second guy wouldn’t have counted anyway as Lewis made it clear – three different encounters. Two in one spot would have been cheating.

I felt more relaxed once in the car a

gain. Two hours had now passed. As I got closer to home, the neighborhood was more familiar. There was still plenty of time left, and only one more to go. I found my target in a sports bar where I had stopped for a bite. He was watching a basketball game on the big screen, enjoying a draft, sitting alone. He was momentarily taken aback when I asked to join him, but enthusiastically welcomed me nonetheless. Turns out he was ‘in between jobs’ as they say. That’s when I noticed he did look a big shabby. He admitted the reason for him being there was that he had no TV at home. Home turned out to be a dingy bachelor apartment in a low-rise, not too far away. Like the others, he bought my story, although I’m not even sure I needed a story with this guy.

His apartment was a mess. Cluttered, and certainly not clean. He sat on the couch while I did my duty. He asked to see my breasts, and I obliged him. I figured if it made him more aroused; why not speed up the process. He wanted to fondle them, but I wouldn’t allow it. I just wanted to get this over with and get on my way. However, to my astonishment, he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He actually had the audacity to bargain with me. Since he was doing me a favor by letting me get revenge on my boyfriend, I should reciprocate by letting him touch me. Rolling my eyes, I agreed. Whatever. I told him he could touch me, but after the blowjob. This way, I had the peace of mind that my mission was accomplished.

With a fresh load of cum in my stomach, I stood before the guy and let him touch my breasts. He pulled and twisted my nipples, but softly. Of course, he had no idea of the sorts of abuse my breasts had endured at the hands of others, but I certainly wasn’t going to tell him. Then he started feeling between my legs. Oh God. I couldn’t help but gasp when he pressed against my clit, through my pants. He unfastened my button and pulled down the zipper. I considered stopping him, but I had agreed to let him touch me, and I had neglected to specify breasts only.

When his fingers entered me, I realized how wet I was. I was soaking wet, possibly from the earlier blowjobs, but more likely from the simple fact I was obeying Lewis’ orders. This did not go unnoticed, and I saw the guy smile. He knew his way around a pussy, and two fingers began to tease my clit. Involuntarily I began to hump at his hand, which also did not go unnoticed.
