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She laughed out loud, which annoyed me.

“I’m not kidding,” I said with a serious tone, “this isn’t a joke Chloe; I’m sending you to serve Benito.”

Hers eyes opened wide, and she looked at me with a disturbed look on her face. She did not outright object, but she did ask questions. She wanted to know if I was sure, if I had thought this through. She expressed concern that it might affect my business dealings with Benito. She did not mention her dislike of him, but it was evident.

“As always, you have the right to refuse,” I told her.

“I understand,” she confirmed, “but I will obey, Master. I will go.”

It was settled. I had intentionally told her on the same day that it would happen so that she didn’t have the mental torture of having to wait for it. It was now mid-afternoon, and I told Benito she would knock on his door at 7:00 o’clock. Benito was staying in a fully furnished one-bedroom condo on the third floor of our building. It was one of the display units that the real estate agents would use for show. He’d be waiting for Chloe there.

We didn’t speak much for the rest of the afternoon. A few times I tried to make small conversation, and while Chloe responded each time, our normal connection was somehow out of kilter.

Time passed more slowly than normal. Normally, she was giddy and fidgety and slightly nervous before an appointment, but tonight she was aloof and distant. I walked her all the way down to the elevator and kissed her there, telling her I’d see her in a few hours. Then I went back to our condo while she went down to the third floor.

Back in our unit, I couldn’t escape that uneasy feeling. This was so different from the other times. I remember when she went to meet Canace and Shanyn; I was so aroused that I was ready to explode. Or when she was down there with Mike, I was rock hard. Not this time. I just wanted it to be over. I just wanted her back home.

I paced the floor. I tried to watch TV, tried to surf the internet, and tried to read. All were useless. I had a beer but didn’t finish it. I stared at the clock.

Somehow, agonizing second by second, one hour and forty-three minutes passed. Then I heard the door open. She was back even earlier than I expected. Great!!

When the door opened, Chloe had a bizarre look on her face that I’d never seen before.

I swallowed hard.

Chloe’s View:

With so many plans on so many weekends, it was nice to finally have a weekend without obligations. Jack and I were having a relaxing day. We were having lunch at small café on Market Street, and I was just about to suggest we go to the movies that night when Jack asked me a leading question.

“Who is your Master, Chloe?” he asked me.

I instantly knew where this was headed. Unbeknownst to me, Jack had an assignment ready. No wonder he hadn’t made plans for tonight. A rush of excitement shot through my body – except, there was something slightly off. Jack’s voice did not have its usual confidence. He had that tone that I remember from immature wanna-be Doms, back in the days when I was single. His Dom tone was there, but it was wobbly and hesitant. I pretended not to notice.

Then he told me the assignment was with, of all people, Benito!! At first, I laughed. Surely this is a joke. My heart sank when I realized this was no joke. I was dismayed; Jack knew I wasn’t fond of Benito. What the fuck honey, really? I couldn’t help but ask a few questions, which I did, but he seemed set on his plans. I did not have adequate grounds on which to refuse. Benito? I groaned.

For the next few hours, I couldn’t help but try to understand Jack’s motivations. We had always agreed we would keep our kinky games separate from our close friends. Benito was more of a business associate, but still, he was too close to our inner circle. It seemed like such an out-of-character move on Jack’s part. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it. Anytime I thought of Benito inside me, I cringed.

Nevertheless, I got ready, picking out a simple black dress that I had in the back of my closet. I took a glance at myself in the bathroom mirror. I looked attractive in this dress. But hell, maybe after tonight I’ll burn it. I needed to change my attitude if I was going to get through this. Chin up Chloe. This is for Jack. I will have to remember that tonight. Jack walked me down to the elevator and reminded me of the suite number, ‘308’. We kissed, and down I went. I knocked with trepidation.

Benito answered and welcomed me in. He seemed nervous, which almost made me giggle. I think he was actually shy about the whole thing. He had a bottle of Dom Perignon on ice and soft music playing. If I didn’t know any better, this seemed more like a first date than a kinky fuck session. Funny, as arrogant and bossy as Benito was outside the bedroom, I realized in that moment that inside the bedroom, he was no Dom. Ah ha, I realized: I could top this guy from below.

Benito poured us some of the champagne, and I walked right up to him and put my arms up around his neck. He was taken aback by my forwardness. I just figured why make this a four hour affair, when I could probably get out of there in an hour.

“Don’t tell me you want to get right to the action?” he asked.

“Why not?” I answered. “We both know why I’m here.”

“You remind me of the girls back in Brazil,” he continued, “when they feel the need, they want immediate satisfaction.”

“I bet you’re good at providing satisfaction, aren’t you Mr. Sanchez?” I was playing him. I just wanted this whole thing over as fast as possible.

“Unless of course, I want to show her who the boss is,” he said next, “which case I take her ass.” He chuckled, proudly.

Then it dawned on me. I should have thought of this earlier! My ass! I’ll get him to fuck my ass. By far, the greatest intimacy is when a man is inside my pussy. I didn’t want Benito to fuck my pussy. That would have meant that he truly fucked me. And heaven knows, I don’t want to wrap my mouth around his dick. Of all three holes, the least personal is my butthole. I shit out that thing. Let him fuck that. I had to play this properly. I had to make sure he thought it was more special to take my ass.

“Oh my, Benito. That is so exciting! If you take me in such a way, I’d feel humbled. You would real

ly show me who is boss by taking my ass. For sure. I’d love that.”

I reached down and with my hand I started to rub his crotch through his Armani suit pants. He was hardening underneath. I could tell already that he wasn’t the biggest of men. Even better. At this size, it would be easy to accommodate his cock in my backside.

Benito motioned for me to follow, with champagne in hand. I followed him down the hallway. Opening the door to the bedroom, he stood expectantly beside the bed. Tossing my handbag aside and kicking off my heels, I started to unzip my dress. I turned around for him to help. Standing behind, he removed my dress, letting it fall to the floor. He ran his hands over my shoulders, bringing my bra straps down. I tried to quell the shiver that ensued as he cupped my breasts. He caressed my breasts over and over again. I let out a little fake moan. Hell, I could be a really good actress when I wanted to be. Well, tonight I would give a performance deemed Oscar worthy.

I glanced at the clock on the night stand. I’d been there a total of ten minutes, and already we were on our way. I needed to keep this moving. With all this unnecessary caressing, this was turning into a Benito love making session. I turned around to motion for him to get undressed. I wasn’t accustomed to taking the lead in the bedroom, but I did my best. I crawled onto the bed, and removed my panties as Benito practically tore his clothes off.

He had a hairy chest, was fairly fit and his cock was erect and ready for his arranged girl. I opened my purse, and I dug deep into the bottom to retrieve a travel size tube of Vaseline gel. I applied the gel, getting myself ready for the inevitable. Benito came over and kissed me, and to my surprise, he was actually a good kisser. He moved onto my tits. One nipple and then the other, back again. Okay Benito, enough foreplay. I got up on all fours, as that would allow a minimal amount of touching. With me, touching was just as important and the actual sex act. I didn’t want to be touched by him. Benito put his hands on my hips and positioned the very tip of his thin cock at the entrance of my puckered hole.
