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All of that left Lloergan a bit of a mess, maimed from the attack and suffering from years of psychological abuse. She was improving, though. Her coat gleamed. Her ribs no longer showed. Perhaps more importantly, she didn't cower before the Huntsmen and their hounds. Her psychic bond with the Cwn Annwn had been severed in the attack, but we'd seen hints of it re-forming with both Ricky and me.

Gabriel drove along a back road. Snow had begun to fall, and people hadn't yet remembered how to drive in winter, so it was safer staying off the highway.

As I traced a flake down the side window, I said, "Solstice, right?"


"Cainsville celebrates Solstice, not Christmas."

"They acknowledge Christmas. They decorate the trees and whatnot, but yes, Solstice is the big day. Or night, as it were."

"And you'll show me your gargoyle then?"

He gave an uncharacteristic, "What?"

"You found your last gargoyle on Solstice. That's the only time it appears. With that, you won the contest and had a gargoyle made in your likeness. Ergo, you'll show yours to me on Solstice night."

"I fail to follow the logic of that explanation."

"It's Liv-logic. I've decided that's what I want for my Solstice gift. To see your gargoyle."

"I don't believe anyone said anything about a Solstice gift."

Lloergan growled.

"Be nice," I said to Gabriel. "You're upsetting the puppy."

"That 'puppy' is nearly as big as me."

Another growl.

"Careful," I said. "You might be bigger, but her teeth are a lot sharper. You--"

Lloe scrambled up, growling and snapping.

"Whoa, girl! Down!"

A shape darted onto the road ahead.

"Gabri--!" I began.

He'd already hit the brakes. The car went into a slide, the road slick with new snow. I wrapped my arms around Lloergan and braced for impact. A thunk as the car went off the road. Then the clatter of wet gravel hitting the underside. A crack, and a jolt slammed me back in my seat, Lloergan scrambling, her nails digging into my leg.

One moment of absolute silence.

Then, "Olivia?" A pause and the clack of a seat belt. "Olivia?"

"I'm fine," I said, my voice muffled. "Just buried under a hundred and fifty pounds of fur. Lloe? Are you--?"

A very cold nose snuffled my neck, and her nails clawed my legs as she tried to stand on my lap.

"Oww..." I said.

More snuffling, now with an edge of worry.

"I'm fine, girl," I said. "You make a wonderful air bag, but can you please get--"

The door opened, and Gabriel tugged Lloe out. I started to follow, but he insisted on a quick once-over--does anything hurt? how's your neck?--before setting me free.
