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Taylor whimpered as he sprung, covering her body and pinning it to the mattress in one fluid movement. His hands trailed up her sides, eagerly pulling her shirt with them as his mouth plied hers with hungry, demanding kisses. Slow burning napalm exploded in her veins as he cupped her breasts, kneading the tender flesh. The warm pad of his thumbs strummed across her nipples, and Taylor arched against him with a fevered moan. He pinched the tiny nubs, rolling them tightly between his fingers drawing another whimper from her lips. Hot moisture pooled between her thighs and she grew dizzy from the staggering combination of pleasure and pain.

Sebastian chuckled against her skin. “You like that, do you?” he murmured seconds before his mouth closed over her breast.

Taylor panted beneath the onslaught as he sucked and nipped with zeal. Her fingers plowed through his unruly curls in encouragement as she nodded and moaned. Shame flushed her cheeks as she realized how brazen she must look and sound but her body was too far gone to care. All that mattered was quenching the unbearable ache between her thighs.


He tugged her nipple between his teeth. A taunting smile rode his lips as he peered up at her. Squirming beneath him, she groaned, writhing against the comforter in an attempt to escape the maddening torture. Growling beneath his breath, Sebastian gave her shorts and panties a sharp tug, dragging both down her legs with a savage wrench. Brief fear lanced her chest and, for a moment, she wondered what she’d gotten herself into. The animalistic hunger in his eyes as every bit as humbling as it was terrifying.

She cried out as he lowered his head between her thighs and the swift dart of his tongue parted her swollen lips. When he licked her, the deep guttural noise rising from his throat threatened to drive her mad. Reaching up, his strong hands gripped her hips and pinned them to the mattress. Her confusion was short lived. The hot fan of his breath alone was enough to drive her wild, but when his tongue thrashed against her without mercy, she jerked against his hold. Biting waves of pleasure ripped through her. Something dark and delicious danced just out of reach, coaxing her and calling her forward. Just before she reached that precipice, Sebastian stopped and crawled up the length of her body.

The look in his pale sage eyes was numbing.

“You are so beautiful.” His voice was a husky rasp that sent shivers of delight down her spine. “Every last inch of you.”

Unable to speak, she reached for him, but he rolled to the side, the muscles in his body straining as he peeled off his sweats. A soft gasp left her upon seeing him naked for the first time. Her heart hammered with uncertainty as her eyes darted to his. Sebastian’s smile was slow and unrepentant.

“It’s okay,” he coaxed, settling back on top of her.

Taylor wasn’t so sure. The long, thick length of his erection jutted to his navel in proud display. She felt the hot flesh jump against her thigh, and a moment of panic seized her. It was going to hurt. Tears pricked her eyes as he nudged her thighs apart with his knee and the tip of his shaft prodded her entrance. Sebastian cradled her face between his hands. His expression was soft and coaxing as he covered her mouth with his.

The pressure became unbearable. She whimpered, digging her nails into his back in a silent plea for him to stop. A small twinge of relief flooded her as he deepened the kiss and pulled his hips back. Her brief respite turned to a keening scream of desperation when he drove forward and buried himself deep, splitting her open. Sebastian groaned and stilled above her. His hands stroked the sides of her face as he swallowed her cries and lavished her with kisses. Taylor strained against his chest, her body clamping around his. She was stretched and stuffed full. She shook her head, begging him to stop when Sebastian eased back and rocked into her again.

He broke the kiss, and she drew a shuddering breath, a lone word falling past her lips unbidden: “Pleeaasee.”

“Shh, Taylor, no,” Sebastian murmured against her ear. “Give it a minute, baby. The pain will stop.”

He claimed her mouth again, this time slowly and tenderly as he moved inside her. Her body swayed beneath the deep but gentle drive of his hips and her head started to spin as the agony abated and slowly drifted toward pleasure. Wrapping her legs around him, she welcomed his forward thrusts. The gesture drew a low growl of approval from Sebastian and, slipping a hand beneath her, he cradled her ass and picked up the pace. Within minutes, the harsh slap of skin filled the room, bouncing off the walls. The blurry, breathtaking combination of pleasure and pain washed through her, spurred even higher by the furious passion. Seeking an anchor, her fingers wound in his hair, giving those adorable curls a tug.

Sebastian returned the favor, wringing a cry from her lips as his fist wound in her hair. He hauled her head back with a sharp yank. An unspoken warning rose in his eyes, giving them a dangerous glint. Taylor reluctantly let go, but he maintained his hold. Her cries flooded the room as he pounded into her with wild abandon. Her back bowed as he stabbed deep, each plunge stroking her into madness. Taylor whimpered when his fingers tightened and a deep, husky growl vibrated against her ear. The sound worked its way through her, and without warning, she tumbled into the unknown. Twisting, she arched beneath him with a strangled scream as her body shattered and exploded into dizzying pleasure.

Sebastian stiffened with a groan. His mouth slanted against hers as he slowed the pace and carried her through each crippling wave. Dazed and breathless, she clung to him as he eked every bit of bliss from her body. The hold in her hair heightened as he drove into her with renewed zeal. Words of encouragement and praise tumbled from his lips until the lean body above her shuddered and Sebastian threw his head back with a hoarse bellow.

Their ragged gasps filled the silence as they struggled to catch their breath and slow the frantic hammer of their hearts. Rolling onto his side, Sebastian pulled her with him, dragging her thigh up over his. Spellbound, she traced lazy patterns on his chest until he captured her hand and pressed her fingers to his lips. His eyes sparkled in the firelight as she peered up at him.

“What are you thinking?” he murmured with a tender smile.

Taylor sighed, relishing the feel of his warm hands as he rubbed small circles against her shoulders and thigh. “That was intense.”

His body shook with a soft chuckle. “Which part would that be?”

“All of it,” she admitted, blushing. Her color deepened as he pulled her on top of him and her body splayed against his. Hiding behind her hair, she buried her nose against his chest and breathed the familiar scent of his skin. His fingers trailed up the side of her cheeks and he gently coaxed her face to his.

“I want to be the one to show you everything, Taylor.”

She giggled, pressing her nose against him again with a small shake of her head. Unable to resist, she planted a kiss against his sweat-slicked chest. Sebastian’s head fell back against the pillows with a contented rumble.

“It’s an incredible feeling to have something that no other man ever has, to know I’m the only one who will ever know how your body feels.”

A playful smile curved her lips as she kissed her way up to his chin. “Who says you’ll be the last?”

All traces of softness fled his face. The hard lines of Sebastian’s jaw steeled and a frightening glint replaced the sheen in his narrowing eyes. She gasped as his hand left her thigh and wrapped around her chin with startling speed. Unforgiving fingers dug into her cheeks. Her heart hammered as his gaze drilled into her.

“I do,” he stated in a deceptively soft whisper. Sebastian released her slowly, though his stare was not as merciful. “It’s been a long night. Go get cleaned up before I feel the need to reiterate that fact.”

Fear wound a treacherous path through her body. Shivering, she somehow managed to wrest her eyes away from his. Taylor inched off him and slid off the side of the bed with a wince. Her legs threatened to give out beneath her as she made her way into the master bath. There was no mistaking the weight of Sebastian’s stare as it tracked her every step. His words chilled her to the bone. She’d only asked to be playful, but his reaction had been anything but.

Biting her lip, she rubbed the side of her cheek and glanced around the massive bathroom in search of a washcloth. Her gaze darted over the stone shower and jetted corner tub with decorative pillars before flitting over the sinks to the right. She shook her head. Even the bathroom was a humbling display of decadence with its rich travertine stone, lush plants, and deep Tuscan tones. Her eyes bulged when she scanned the counters and cupboards to the left and she spotted a small built-in wine cooler.

“Third drawer down.”

She whirled at the sound of Sebastian’s voice. Stepping past her, he moved to the sink and the bathroom echoed with the sound of running water. Taylor blew out a quiet breath and nabbed two clean washcloths from the drawer. After they’d finished, Sebastian took hers and tossed them both into a decorative hamper. The silence was killing her. She wrung her hands, wanting to speak, but not wanting to push her luck any further. Hope flooded her as Sebastian turned to her and beckoned her forward with a crook of his finger.

Without a word, he scooped her up off the cool stone floor. Grateful, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into his warm crook as he carried her back to bed. He’d already turned the covers and the fire down. Reluctantly, she loosened her grip as he eased her onto the soft mattress and drew the comforter up under her chin. She sighed as the bed dipped beneath his weight and Sebastian pulled her against his side.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I was just trying to be funny. I don’t want anyone else but you.”
