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“What do we do?” Corey asked.

Marc took the goon’s gun, tossing it into the swamp water. “Let’s get these guys paired up.”

I followed, shaky. My legs didn’t want to work properly. Corey held me steady until I could get to the front of the car, then he dropped down into the water. He reached back, grabbed me and carried me until we could get to land.

“You okay?” he asked as I clung to him

“Are we in trouble?” I asked.

Corey laughed. “You joined the wrong team if you didn’t want trouble.”

Marc and Raven rounded up the goons who could walk; the one that got electrified having recovered quickly. He looked a little shaky but he was mobile. Marc had them sit on their butts and keep their hands up. He checked them for additional weapons while Raven kept

his weapon aimed at them.

Axel pulled out the driver from the wreck. He checked inside. “He’s the last one?” he asked the other two.

The goons refused to talk.

Axel frowned and shook his head. “You weren’t going to check to see if he was dead?”

Again, neither answered.

“Asswhores,” Raven said.

“It’s assholes,” Corey said. He put me down behind Raven where he could cover us.

“Same,” Raven said.

Axel joined us. “The driver will live. He’s awake; he’s just got a broken leg, it looks like.” He pulled his phone out and started texting. “Telling Brandon to meet us by the road.” He looked at the goons glaring at us from the ground. He started yelling. “You two. We’re going to cuff you, but we’ll call for help after we’ve gone.”

“You guys are idiots,” one of them said. “We’ll find you. We’ll come back for Fred.”

“Fred’s under our protection now,” Axel said. He straightened his shoulders, squaring off and pointing. “If you so much as look at him or that little girl again…”

“You’ll what? Stop us?” the guy asked in a mocking tone. “Shoot us? You think you can get away with it? We know the cops around here.”

“We’re not from here,” Axel said. “We’re just doing a favor.” He pointed at the guy’s face. “But I know who you are, Clyde Smith. Wanted in Georgia for failing to pay child support. Your son’s name is Mike. Goes to school at Champion Elementary, doesn’t he?”

The man’s eyes widened. Mine did, too. Axel knew him?

Corey eased a hand across my back in some kind of signal. Then I realized what he must have been up to the last day or so. He was sizing up the competition.

The goon growled. “You fucking—”

“I know your driver; I know all of you. I know everything,” he said. He pointed toward us. “And we’ve got you on this. We’ve got video and audio on kidnapping and conspiracy charges. You come after us, we’ll turn it in.”

Clyde quieted, frowning. His partner looked pale.

“You’ve got once chance,” Axel said. “Tell your boss. Leave the Gunther family alone, or I deposit the evidence. I get one word from them that they see any of you, I’ll have you all arrested.”

“Luanne started it,” Clyde said.

“We’ll take care of her. We want the money returned.”

“Not my call.”

“Return it or everyone’s in jail.”

Clyde pursed his lips.

“Your buddy on the ground over there will live. But if anyone asks, we weren’t here. I’m sure the rest of your gang will come save you, right?” He looked at the guy who broke his leg and made a face like he wasn’t really sure about that last one. Axel snapped his fingers and then pointed at Corey and me. “Get everyone into the car.”

Corey nearly carried me over to the Montego. I ended up in his lap in the back seat. It felt funny to be carted around, until I realized I wasn’t moving on my own, anyway. The car crash had made my mind fuzzy. I wondered if I hit my head and didn’t realize it.

Marc pulled out the fuzzy pink handcuffs, locking them on the goons. They cross locked them into place, so basically the goons were back to back, holding hands, and if they were going to try to run or do something tricky, they’d have to coordinate, and it would slow them down.

Axel got into the driver’s seat. Raven got in last, continuing to point the gun in case there were any last minute attempts.

Once he slammed the door, Axel revved the engine and started out.

Job done.


It was four in the morning on Tuesday when we started out for Charleston. We were in the SUV. It had a few gunshots through the body but nothing too damaging. The van and other cars were returned to their proper owners.

Except for the Mercedes. Blake had to deal with that one.

We’d left Sara with old Mrs. Gunther, with Future on patrol. Future promised to make sure Henry and his squad stayed away.

In the meantime, Fred was dropped off with a local lawyer. I’d wondered if the lawyer was connected with the Academy, but when I asked the guys, Corey said something like he didn’t seem to know anything about it. He was just a really good lawyer. What he saw was a pile of cash, and the promise of more from Axel if he’d make sure to clear Fred’s case.

And it was easy to do, because soon the money got returned to Mrs. Gunther’s account and Luanne went with her own lawyer to the police station, relinquishing her claim that Fred had run off with their daughter. Her mistake; they’d gone on vacation and she didn’t get the memo. With her word on it, and the validation from Fred’s lawyer, Axel said there would be a small hearing but it’d soon be cleared up.

“Temporary custody will probably fall on old Mrs. Gunther until everything is straightened out,” he’d said. “After, though, I have a good feeling things will go back to normal, except this time Fred will have official custody.”

“Think he’ll get it?” I asked. “Most states favor the mom no matter what.”

“We’ll make sure that isn’t the case.”

I had a feeling Axel meant the Academy would make sure.

“What happened to Blake?” Marc asked. He was in the back seat with me and Raven. Corey was in the very back, sprawled out. He’d been up pretty late.

“I called him,” Brandon said. “After Future took out the other guys, they corralled them all into the storage unit, and locked them in. They cleaned up the scene for us. Now it’s just the evidence we’ve got, against their word if they ever try to turn on us. Eventually they let them out.”

“Did he ask about his car?” I asked.

“He found it,” Brandon said. He turned and smiled at me. “He’s not very happy with you.”

I winced. It was odd that they all knew Blake had helped us out. Corey covered my butt afterward, continuing his story that he had called Blake. “I really liked that car,” I said.

“We’ll get you one,” Raven said quietly.

He had to be kidding, so I didn’t respond. I squeezed my eyes shut, yawning. They’d pulled me out of bed to get going on the road.

Raven touched my temple, and guided me to use his arm as a cushion.

Brandon scanned us. “You okay?” he asked me.

I was sore, feeling jarred. The last hours we spent in St. Augustine had been a rush of cleaning up, a blur of the boys working. I’d never been so busy trying to keep up. “I need a day off,” I said.

He laughed. The others grinned.

“We’ll be back in town in a few hours,” Axel said. “We can wait a day until you recover before we check out your brother or…”

“Let’s go today,” I said. I didn’t want to wait any more. I was exhausted and sore, but instead of driving myself crazy with questions, I wanted to see Wil. I was a little more confident about the Academy. Maybe I didn’t know the deepest secrets, but I trusted Corey enough to believe he wouldn’t have taken Wil just for some twisted plan. That was a start. Maybe they weren’t perfect, but I couldn’t pretend I was any better. “I just want to make sure he’s okay. I don’t want to talk to him unless he wants to talk to me.”

“He was at school yesterday,” Axel said. He checked the rearview and turned it, looking right at me. “We’ll fix everything.”

I met his gaze. It was a long moment of silent exchanges between us. I hadn’t had time alone with him since the night before. It had been a good thing. I’d been able to focus on what we needed to do. Looking at him now, I was full of questions.

He stared back at me, the same questions in his eyes: How do you feel? What are you thinking? What’s this between us? Do you still feel drawn to me the way I feel drawn to you?

I hated that I didn’t have an answer for him. As it was, I wanted to go back and do it all again. The dinner, the sand, the way he’d kissed me.

Having him looking at me now made me nervous. Most of it was because Marc was next to m

e, Raven and Brandon nearby. One word from Axel, and perhaps Marc and Brandon would back off, maybe they’d still be friends, but it would be different. Most of the awkwardness would come from me, because I still felt a tug for Marc, and Brandon and Raven. For Blake as well, and I didn’t know which was worse. I would never admit it, but calling them after Wil had disappeared, joining them in their trip to Florida had been a huge mistake on my part.

It wasn’t about what we had done. It was about how I couldn’t distinguish my feelings. They had to be false. I shouldn’t feel this way about so many different people.

Corey had been right, and the Academy was right about girls joining a boy team. Maybe it was better not to get involved with such incredible people in crazy situations that bound us together.

The hardest part was, I couldn’t imagine joining the Academy without Corey or any of them. I didn’t think I’d want to join if I couldn’t be with them.

My hand was in the seat, and Marc’s pinkie finger slid over the back of my hand, rubbing quietly. He leaned closer, covering my hand in his.

I let him, testing my heart. Seeing if after my exchange with Axel, if I still felt drawn to him.

And I did. I forced my eyes closed. It was too overwhelming. When I got back, after I found Wil, I had to break away. I was going to hurt them all if I continued. I couldn’t stand to look at myself if I drove this team apart.

Marc turned my wrist. At first, I jerked my hand back, but then he pointed out the drawing. He smoothed a finger over the back of my hand, tracing the lines. “What’s the beetle mean?” he asked.

“Thief,” Raven said. “For Little Thief.”

Marc smirked. “I hope you’re not thinking of a tattoo.”

“Not yet,” I said.

“She’ll get one,” Raven said.

I groaned, rolled my eyes and yawned.

“Kayli?” Corey called from behind us.

“What?” It was more a whine.

“You tired? Come spread out back here.”

“Yeah, go hang out with him if you’re sleepy,” Marc said.
