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Thinking of him with Kayli was too difficult. He wasn’t sure if he could see them together and not want her.

Corey’s phone started to vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out, staring at the screen, at the strange number, and the text message: it was in German.

Unknown: Please check your email.

Corey groaned softly. Not now.

“What is it?” Axel asked.

“Nothing,” Corey said. He deleted the message and put the phone away. “Another recruiter.”

“You’re still getting offers?”

Corey smiled slowly. “I’m not considering it.”

“Corey,” Axel said. “If there’s something you want us to deal with, we’ll do it. If they won’t leave you alone, we should take care of it.”

“I get offers all the time,” Corey said. “I just delete them.”

“If they know your number, and email, how do you know they haven’t hacked them to maybe track you down?”

“Nothing in the emails to hack.”

Axel shook his head. “Get a new number. And email. I don’t like it.”

Corey nodded. He couldn’t disagree with it.

Axel placed a palm on Corey’s back, rubbing against his shoulder blades. “We may be fuckups, but we’re fuckups together, okay?”

Corey laughed.

Axel nodded. “Get out of here. Get some sleep.”

Corey headed for the door. It’d been a long couple of days. Maybe he was over-thinking things. He needed to let Kayli decide. He’d be happy if Kayli picked him, but if she truly didn’t care for him in that way, he couldn’t force her to into a relationship she didn’t want.

And there was still his other crush. He thought about him, the way he slept, the way he smiled at him.

How was it he thought of him, and Kayli, and assumed it might work out between them? Was it just a fantasy?

Corey passed through Apartment 737, and his eyes instantly went to his door. There was a familiar stir again inside him at the idea.

He walked out the door, locking it behind him as he left. He walked down the hall toward his own apartment, using his key to open the door.

He sighed heavily inside at the stillness.

And then he spotted it. Brandon’s door was open. Odd. He usually kept it closed.

He looked in. Brandon wasn’t there. His bed was empty.

Had he gotten up? No. The bathroom door was closed.

Did he go out? Brandon was known to take off at night at times. They all did, every once in a while.

Brandon’s keys were on the coffee table. If he was up, he didn’t go far.

Corey moved to his own bedroom door quietly, opened it slowly.

And stopped, staring.

Kayli was sleeping at the edge of the bed like she was about to fall off.

And his brother was next to her.

He had an arm wrapped around her waist, and was snuggled into her.

Anger drew up from the pit of Corey’s stomach.

Over the years, whenever he brought a girl home, his brother found a way, every time, to talk to her and then she either dated Brandon or lost interest in Corey and left. Corey didn’t know how Brandon did it, but Corey had never been able to bring home any girl he’s ever liked. He thought Kayli was the exception because she was the one who initiated flirting with him. And she’d fought with Brandon, so he’d been sure there wasn’t an attraction there.

As he watched the two of them sleeping together, his brain was stirring up all sorts of excuses for her. Did something happen and Brandon came over to console her?

Did she know it was Brandon and not him? She’d been asleep and alone when he left the apartment. Brandon could have come in while she was sleeping. If it was dark, maybe she couldn’t tell the difference.

And if that was the case, why would Brandon do that? Corey thought his brother didn’t really like her that much. Not in that way.

Looking from the outside. He closed his eyes, closed the door, and took a step back.

Jealousy still burned. He turned toward the couch. His first thought was to sleep, to clear his head. Maybe he needed to assume there was some circumstance he didn’t understand.

Then he looked at the computer. He wasn’t going to sleep. He thought of Wil. Kayli needed to know Wil was safe. If he found out the truth, maybe she’d stop worrying and Corey could spend some time with her.

There was also Blake. He had to find a way to get rid of him, make him back off somehow.

He started typing. He’d be awake the rest of the night now. He hoped to talk to his brother before Kayli got up.

He needed answers.

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Books by C. L. Stone

The Academy Ghost Bird Series:


First Days

Friends vs. Family

Forgiveness and Permission

Drop of Doubt

Push and Shove

House of Korba (October 27, 2014)

The Academy Scarab Beetle Series



Fake (December 15, 2014)

Other C. L. Stone Books:

Spice God

Smoking Gun


Turn the page for exclusive sneak peek at the next book in

The Scarab Beetle Series

The Academy

The Scarab Beetle Series


Book Three

Coming December 15, 2014

Written by C. L. Stone

Published by

Arcato Publishing


It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen Wil.

I spent time during the days after returning from Florida helping Corey, Brandon and Marc clearing out the inside of a house in downtown Charleston, making it habitable for a family to move in. From dawn until well after dark, I stripped wood and removed tiles to replace it with carpet, and then spent the rest of my days in a blur, doing whatever they told me to do.

At night, I was so tired, I fell into bed.

Staying focused on work was how I didn’t feel like a failure of an older sister.

I was now in Corey’s room; it had become my retreat.

We’d been waiting for Mr. Blackbourne’s team at the school to find my brother, to make contact, so we could start to follow him. He said we should follow him, because if he was involved with Mr. Hendricks, there could be something Wil was involved in and we needed to know what it was before we jumped in.

Word had it though that Wil had been spotted in the hallways by other students. That was good. At least he was still alive.
