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He did glance to Merry then to see how she was taking the news. His wife looked briefly startled, but then her eyebrows drew together as she apparently tried to work out what this meant. It was Evelinde who protested, "But you have only just got here."

"Aye," he said solemnly, turning an apologetic gaze to his sister. "And I wish that we could stay longer to visit. But I have found you happy and well, which was my main concern, and it has become obvious on this journey that there are some matters I myself need to address to reach that same happy state. It does seem best do I handle them now before whoever is behind these attacks succeed at their efforts. And since it all started at d'Aumesbery, I think I need to return there to sort it out."

Evelinde looked like she wanted to protest further, but held her tongue, and Alex was grateful for it. He knew she was disappointed, but suspected staying would simply draw out the matter presently plaguing them, and until it was resolved, Alex would have Gerhard accusing Merry and her maid, and Merry accusing Gerhard and the rest of his men. Alex knew he wouldn't be able to concentrate on his relationship with his wife until he had this out of the way.

The thought made him glance to Merry to see her looking thoughtful and unhappy. Before he could ask what she was thinking, Evelinde asked, "When do you plan to leave?"

Alex took a breath, knowing this was going to upset her even more than the fact that he was leaving and then admitted, "As soon as Gerhard returns and tells me the men are ready."

Merry gave a start at his side, drawing his attention to her surprised expression.

Alex raised an eyebrow and asked quietly, "Is there anything you wished to do ere we leave?"

"Nay," Merry murmured and peered down again.

Alex opened his mouth to ask her if she was all right, but then paused and glanced across the room as the doors to the bailey opened. Cullen was the first to enter, but he was followed closely by Gerhard. The soldier walked a deferential step behind the Laird of Donnachaidh as they crossed to the table, but while Cullen merely nodded in greeting and then passed by to reach and kiss Evelinde good morning, Gerhard paused beside him before he, too, nodded.

"All is ready?" Alex asked.

"Aye. The wagon is packed, the horses are saddled, and the men are waiting."

"Go ahead and mount up then. We will join you directly," Alex said. He waited for the man to turn and make his way back out of the great hall, and then stood and reached down to help Merry to her feet before glancing to his sister.

Evelinde was already standing when he turned toward her and Cullen. His sister hesitated briefly and then threw herself into his arms and hugged him soundly, saying, "You must come again once everything is settled. In the meantime, write often so I know you are well."

"Of course," Alex murmured, pressing her close before releasing her. Cullen immediately pulled his wife to his chest, encompassing her with one brawny arm even as he reached out his other to offer Alex his hand.

"Safe travels and good luck with the matter. I will be curious to find out how it all works together in the end."

"As will I," Alex said wryly, and the two men smiled.

He started to retrieve his hand then, but Cullen tightened his grasp on it and held him in place as he said seriously, "Ye're welcome to come back fer a proper visit when ye're ready. Evelinde and I'd both enjoy that."

Alex felt his eyebrows rise slightly at the solemn words and knew he had just received a large compliment from his new brother-in-law. In man-speak, he'd just been told Cullen liked him. Since the feeling was mutual, he could do no less than offer, "And the same goes for you. You are welcome at d'Aumesbery at any time. I would enjoy the chance to get to know you better."

Cullen smiled and released his hand to look down at Evelinde. "The Scots blood in yer family shows through. Two such fine specimens couldna be produced by pureblood English parents."

"Oh, Cullen." Evelinde laughed and hugged him briefly even as she shook her head at her brother. "Ignore him. He is sure the English are weak and foolish."

"Aye, I am. And that's how I ken the two o' ye are no' pure English," Cullen teased.

Evelinde clucked her tongue with mock irritation, and Alex found himself smiling over the pair and then stepping aside to make room when Evelinde gave him a gentle push to get past him. Eyebrows rising slightly, he watched her hug his wife, pleased when Merry hugged her in return. He also noted that Evelinde whispered something to Merry and that she nodded solemnly in response, and then the two women linked arms and headed for the door, heads together as they walked.

"They like each other," Cullen commented as they started to follow the women.

"Aye," Alex agreed with a smile as he watched the pair, one petite and blond, the other a little taller and with long, gleaming chestnut hair. He had always thought Evelinde had been graced with lovely hair, but now thought that his Merry had the loveliest hair he had ever seen. Long and flowing, it shone with good health and seemed to capture bits of the sun with red and blond highlights as they stepped out under the midday sun.

"Ye're no' feeling a tad drunk and likely to start slurrin', are ye?" Cullen asked suddenly.

Startled by the question, Alex glanced to him with surprise. "Nay. Why?"

"Well, the randy way ye were just lookin' at Merry made me think mayhap ye'd been dosed again," the man teased.

Alex chuckled at the suggestion, but shook his head. "Trust me, I need no dosing to look at her like that."

Cullen smiled slightly and nodded, but then said more seriously, "Mayhap ye'd best reassure Merry o' that at some point in the near future. Women can be a strange breed and get the oddest ideas in their heads. 'Twould no' surprise me that she's now thinkin' the only reason ye'd bed her was if ye'd been dosed."

"That had not occurred to me. Thank you, Cullen," Alex murmured, now peering at his wife thoughtfully. He had been so concerned that she might think he had suspicions regarding her being involved in his attacks, he hadn't even considered what she might have made of this dosing business and whether he would be interested in her that way without it. It was definitely something he would have to see to, however. He wouldn't have Merry doubting his attraction for her and thinking he'd bedded her only because of some tonic.

The issue made him doubly glad he'd decided to leave Donnachaidh today. He could hardly prove he was attracted to his wife were they forced to sleep apart to ease everyone's worries and suspicions.

chapter Thirteen

Merry was thinking of home. She supposed that shouldn't surprise her since she was on Scottish soil, but what did surprise her was the fact that she was feeling a little blue, and even longing for her childhood home at the moment. After so many years spent wishing and praying to get away from Stewart, it did seem ironic that she was now homesick for the place. But the fact was, at Stewart the only people trying to kill anyone were her father and brothers, and they were only trying to kill themselves. There was no great, incomprehensible plot afoot there, and no one in her childhood home, from her father and brothers down to the lowliest servant, would ever have even imagined that she might be capable of dosing anyone with something or attempting to kill him...except perhaps for her father and brothers, she acknowledged, but then only under great provocation.

It wasn't just that, however. While it was troublesome to think that her husband might now suspect her of being behind this ridiculous plot, as Gerhard did, what bothered her most was something Evelinde had said while they'd hugged and said good-bye before leaving. Evelinde had whispered in her ear, reminding her of her request to send Edda away to visit her sister once they'd returned to d'Aumesbery, and then had added, "And never fear, I am sure whatever Alex has been dosed with is not the only reason you in that way. I am sure he finds you attractive."

Alex's sister had pulled back to smile at her encouragingly then, but Merry had merely stared back blankly and then allowed herself to be led from the keep. She'd hardly heard a word Evelinde had said as she'd chatted on abo

ut the things they would do when next they visited as they'd walked out to the horses. Merry's mind had still been stuck on her reassurance. Until that moment, it had never occurred to her that her husband's desire for her might be tonic-induced. Certainly, the night she'd noted that his eyes were dilated, she'd realized that his aggressive behavior was due to being dosed. But surely the other times hadn't been...Had they? she wondered now with worry, recalling that according to Una his eyes had been dilated for the entire three weeks ere the journey, and yet he hadn't touched or even looked at her as he had on this journey. But they suspected the dosage had been increased since then and that this was why he'd acted as he had. Was it only whatever he'd been given that had brought him to her bed? she worried.

"You look very thoughtful."

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