Page 49 of Shiver

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“What did I tell you last night?”

With him so close to me again, his cologne filling my nostrils, feeling the authority exuding off him, I couldn’t think of anything other than how it’d felt to be taken by this man. He’d had me at his mercy, and only after he’d wrung three orgasms out of me did he clean me off and put me safely in the limo. I’d fallen asleep on the ride back home with my head in his lap, and I didn’t remember walking inside my apartment, and I hadn’t set my alarm—which was why I was running late for my shift now.

So it wasn’t surprising to me that I blanked at his question. As I peered up at him, all I could focus on was the shape of his mouth and remembering exactly how it had felt when it had been surrounding my—


“Huh? Oh, umm.” I grimaced, trying to rack my brain. What did he say to me last night?

“Let me see if I can help you out a little,” Salvatore said, as he lowered his hand from the doorjamb and took a step forward, causing me to walk backward into the narrow lobby. As the door shut behind him, I found my back against the mailboxes that flanked one side of the dim space, with Salvatore crowding in against my front. Then he took my chin in his hand and angled my face up toward his. “I told you that outside of the bedroom, you were to call me Tor.”

Oh yes, it was all coming back to me now. Tor straddling me as he stroked his dick, and then, when you’re naked and beneath me? Call me Wolfe. My cock stiffened in response to the memory, and my face heated as Tor’s lips curved into a sinful smile.

“Ahh, I can tell by that delicious color on your cheeks that you remember.”

I nodded. “Yes, I remember now.”

“Good. I was starting to worry I should’ve been more specific, since it was clear when I arrived that you remembered other details.”

I was going to kill Brayden. “Well, that was kind of, umm, unforgettable.”

“But my name was?” Tor cocked his head to the side, and the gleam that entered his eye made my heart hammer. “Hmm, we might have to do something about that…later.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but suddenly I was released and Tor took a step back. He slipped his hands into his pants pockets, and it was the first time I noticed what he was wearing. He was impeccably dressed in a charcoal suit with a pristine crimson triangle neatly folded and pushed into the jacket pocket. It made him appear distinguished and gentlemanly—refined, even. But the look in his eyes as he studied me was anything but. And I knew now from firsthand experience that there was nothing refined about that man when he took his clothes off.

“So, where are you off to this morning in such a rush that you weren’t paying attention to whoever was on the other side of the door?”

I really wanted to ask him what something we would be doing later, but I knew by now that if Tor asked a question, then he expected an answer. “I was just on my way to work. And I’m late—”

“I’ll take you.”

“No. Really, it’s—”

“Jesse. I said I’d take you.”

I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt as I took a step forward.

“And on the way, you’re going to tell me what time you finish so I can pick you up and bring you back here to your apartment and remind you who spent last night buried inside your body.”

My mouth parted in shock, but then I heard myself say, “You’re really kind of arrogant. You know that, right?”

Tor walked over to the door, shoved it open, and waited for me to walk by, and as I did, he said, “I do. And you really get off on it. You know that, right?”

I hadn’t ever thought that was the case, but as I looked up into his knowing eyes, my breath caught at whatever he had planned later, and I told him, “I do,” right before I walked out the door and he led me to the passenger side of his car, so he could take me to work—just as he said he would.

For the rest of the week, I kept close to Jesse. Now that I had him enthralled, it was imperative I keep him so—and that meant I spent every spare hour he had keeping him entertained—until tonight, that was.

It was Thursday, and I figured I better at least check in with Trinity at the Wolfe’s Den. Plus I needed to go over the month’s figures and the newly proposed pups for next month’s Bring a Guest date.

Faolán rested comfortably at my side by the heavy desk in my office as I pored over the books spread out in front of me. A glass of whiskey was helping to numb the pain of dealing with all the numbers, one of my least favorite things. I supposed I could’ve used a computer for my accounting, but there were some things that were better kept off a platform where any savvy hacker could infiltrate and get their hands on what we did and how much we made from it—and the Wolfe’s Den was one of those things.
