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I patted the cushion beside me. “Come here and I’ll tell you.”

Levi eyed me warily but sat. We’d never been anything more than completely professional to each other, so he had no reason not to trust I would do anything inappropriate now, despite the looks we’d given each other. Even so, I noticed the stiff way he sat, his back straight, his eyes focusing straight ahead.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” he said.

His words came out with an air of cautiousness, so instead of diving right in, I’d ease him into it. Yeah, good plan… “Tonight went well, don’t you think?”

Levi’s eyebrows rose slightly, like he wasn’t expecting me to say that and didn’t believe that was where I’d been heading. Again, he thought carefully about his words before saying, “You guys played a great first show.”

“Thank you.” I lay down on my side, propping my head up on my elbow and tracing the patterns on the cushion with my finger. I was aware that the move had my shirt rising enough that he could see how low my jeans sat on my hips, and I watched his eyes roam over my uncovered skin before he swallowed and quickly looked away.

Ahh. So he wasn’t completely oblivious to me, was he?

“Did you watch?” I said. Let him think I meant the show when I really meant me.

Levi kept his gaze straight ahead. “That’s my job, Killian. You guys pay me to watch over you.”

I pushed off my elbow to a sitting position and scooted closer to him. “But do you enjoy it? Watching?”

“If I wasn’t a fan of the band, I wouldn’t have taken this job.”

His jaw was set, his whole body tense, like he was holding himself back, and it was that struggle I could sense in him that made me smile. “If you like watching us so much, then why won’t you look at me?”

When his breathing grew faster and he still didn’t say anything, I took a chance. I laid my hand on his thigh, over the material of his crisp white pants. His eyes shot to mine immediately, and this close I could see the gold flecks in them.

“What are you doing?” he said, his voice coming out in shards of steel, but when he didn’t push my hand away, I inched it higher up his thigh and leaned in closer. I could practically taste the citrus on his breath from whatever he’d been drinking tonight.

“I’ve seen the way you look at me. And I know you’ve caught me watching you…”

“Like I said. It’s my job.” Levi’s words said one thing, but his body language said another, and when I moved in closer and angled my head slightly, his eyes dropped to my mouth, and that was all it took for my self-control to snap.

My lips were on his in half a heartbeat, but when he froze, I had a moment of panic. Had I gone too far? Had I completely read his signals wrong?

Not wanting to move away and fuck my chance, but not willing to push him further if he didn’t want this, I kept my lips lightly grazing his and lifted my free hand to curve along the side of his neck. My touch made Levi shiver, and his eyes squeezed shut as he let out a shaky exhale.

Give in, I thought. Give in to me…

I don’t think I breathed as I waited to see what he’d do, if he’d meet me halfway. But when he let out a curse, I had my answer.

With a hunger I thought only I’d been feeling, Levi reached for me, his mouth finally parting under mine, allowing me the access I craved. His lips were warm pillows that fit perfectly against mine, and as I dipped my tongue inside his mouth to roam alongside his, I moaned.

Levi’s hands clenched in the material of my shirt as he hauled me over the top of him, and my eyes slammed shut as he sucked on my greedy tongue. Sweet Jesus. He tasted even better than I thought he would, and when I slid my fingers into his hair to hold his head still, a throaty growl left the man sucking on me like his favorite candy, and I deepened the kiss.

I moved my hand farther up his leg to cup the growing erection I could feel between his thighs, and he groaned into my mouth and arched his hips into my hand—

Levi jerked away suddenly, ripping his mouth free from mine and clamping his hand down on my wrist, shoving it off him. He was breathing hard, his lips swollen and used, his dark eyes conflicted.

“No,” he said, gasping for air. “We can’t.”

“Yes, we can.” My cock pounded in time with my heartbeat, and I reached for him again, only to feel him slip out from beneath me. He moved off the bed and got to his feet, a string of curses leaving his mouth.
