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I reached for his wrist, slowly lowering his arm. “Don’t worry about it.”


“But what? Do you honestly think talking to Viper will get him to change his mind? Shut the fuck up for once?”

Killian seemed to think that over. “Probably not.”

“Exactly.” I shrugged and dropped my hold on him. “So let’s not worry about it.”

“Let’s not worry about it,” he repeated, looking at me strangely. “Are you… I mean, you’re okay with…this?”

I raised a brow. “This?”

“People knowing. About us.”

Huh. Maybe I should’ve been worried. After all, part of my brain was screaming at me that what we were doing would only end in disaster, that I knew better than to play with fire. I’d shocked even myself when I handed over my room key, but I couldn’t say I regretted it. Not one bit. Not after last night.

How the hell could I?

I took a step toward him, coming toe to toe, and ran my hand down his arm. “Are you okay with it?”

Beneath my fingers, Killian’s skin broke out in goosebumps. It felt intoxicating, eliciting that reaction from such a strong, beautiful man. It still wasn’t lost on me that he was here when he could choose to be anywhere.

But I’d chosen my bed, I’d lain in it, and it was too late for regrets. I had to trust that Killian wasn’t just telling me what I wanted to hear, that he hadn’t pursued me for one night or a short fling. I had to trust he was all in.

“I’ve made my intention toward you pretty damn clear, but in case you’re having doubts, I’m more than okay with anyone and everyone knowing, as long as I can have you,” Killian said, placing his hand along my jaw and running his thumb over my lower lip. “But I asked you first.”

Damn if his words didn’t have my heart skipping a beat. To be wanted by Killian would have anyone feeling like the king of the world.

But if this was going to happen between us, there had to be rules. When I said as much, he laughed.

“Of course. Rules, right. Give it to me, then.”

“Number one, this can’t interfere with our jobs. No matter what happens, it can’t cause problems with the band or with the management team.”

Killian nodded. “Agreed.”

“Number two, there’s no one else.”

A smile slowly crossed Killian’s face. “Done before you asked. Is that all?”

“No.” I reached down to where the bedsheet still covered the lower half of his body and, with a quick tug, let it drop to the floor. “You’re required to be at my sexual beck and call at all times. Late nights, weekends, full days off…”

“Mmm, I don’t see a problem with that.” Killian wrapped his arms around my waist and then slid his hands down beneath my sweatpants, grabbing hold of my ass and kneading. “But that goes both ways, you know. I’ll be at your beck and call if you’ll be at mine.”

He brushed his lips against mine once, twice, and when I moaned out a “yes,” he hauled me back toward the bed for round…

Damn. I’d already lost count.



“CAN WE GET a round of whiskey sours? Thanks,” I said to the guy behind the hotel’s bar as I slid onto one of the barstools, Liam doing the same beside me. I winced as I settled onto the hard padding, every one of my muscles protesting any kind of movement after the hours I’d spent with Killian last night and most of today.

It’d been more than worth it.

Liam glanced at me from beneath the bill of his ball cap. “Lookin’ a little stiff there, bro.”

“Feeling it,” I said, reaching for my drink.

“Oh yeah? There a reason for that?” Before I could answer, he took a sip and shuddered. “Damn, that’s sour.”

“Hence the name.”

“Ugh.” He wiped the back of his hand over his mouth and then flagged down the bartender. “Can I get a whiskey and Coke?” When he had his replacement in hand, he pushed his whiskey sour my way. “Now tell me your news.”

“How do you know I have news?”

“Seriously? Have you been gone so long you’ve forgotten how our mystical twin powers work?”

I snorted out a laugh. “Guess so.”

“Okay, let me see if I can figure this out without you telling me.” Closing his eyes, Liam massaged his temples and hummed. “I see a dark shadow hunting you… Wait, it’s not a shadow. It’s a guy. Wait, no… Oh shit. It’s not a guy, it’s a god. A rock god. And I keep hearing the word ‘kill…’”

I shoved Liam’s shoulder, practically knocking him off the stool, and he laughed.

“Lucky guess,” I said.

“Nah.” Liam hopped back onto the seat and swallowed down some of his drink. “Anyone with eyes can see what’s going on.”

“What? Seriously?”

“Uh, yeah. That a problem?”

“No,” I said automatically. “Yes. Hell, I don’t know.”
