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“Yes, Master.” My eyes were fixed on the chair Jeff was entwining with rope. Nathaniel might have informed him of rules and limits, but it was like a line in the sand. You could toe it without crossing and I had the suspicion that line was getting ready to be toed.

Jeff stood up and nodded at Nathaniel.

“Abigail, go sit in the chair. Master Parks, will you bind her?”

“It would be my pleasure,” Jeff said.

I hesitated for just a moment. Though I’d figured out he would be the one to bind me based on what Nathaniel had said, my mind was still caught up on the fact that someone other than my Master was going to bind me to a chair.

“I didn’t hear a safe word,” Nathaniel said. “You better move faster unless you’d like to show our guest how nicely you handle a discipline session.”

I hurried to the chair. Jeff stood beside it, waiting.

“How do I sit, Sir?” I asked Jeff. “Facing the back or the normal way?”

His eyes widened briefly; I guessed he didn’t get questioned by submissives on their way to sit in a chair very often. But I’d been tied up enough to know not to assume anything.

“I think the normal way will be fine,” he said. “Hands to your side and slightly behind you.”

The chair in question had a cushion and high back. The one Nathaniel had in his playroom had a lower back and he’d tied me to it before with my arms over it. That would have been a difficult, if not impossible, position with the hotel chair.

“Should we tie her legs?” Nathaniel asked.

“If there’s a question between tying and not tying, I always go for tying,” Jeff answered.

Nathaniel laughed. “Good point. I think I want her blindfolded before we go any farther. Will you do the honors?”

“Of course.”

My heart pounded. They were going to take my sight away? How would I know who was touching me?

“Don’t look so frightened, Abby,” Jeff said, blindfold in hand, and his voice was soothing and kind. “One word and you can stop everything.”

Though his words didn’t say it, in my mind he still saw me as a drunk submissive who’d wandered away from her Master. I lifted my chin. I’d show him. “I’m fine. Bring it on.”

“Bring it on, Sir,” he said, securing the blindfold around my head. “Or Master Parks. Either one works, but I expect that level of respect. Otherwise, I have permission to punish you, and since I’m limited with what I can do, it’ll be very creative.”

I decided I’d rather not experience his creative punishment. “Understood, Sir.”

He silently went to work binding me to the chair. His touch differed from Nathaniel’s, but both men had a firm and sure touch. I took a deep breath and focused on his fingers. It wasn’t often another Dominant was given permission to touch me. Jeff’s touch spoke of nothing but confidence and strength.

When he went to work on my arms, he moved behind me and began to whisper. “Your skin is so pale. I bet these ropes leave a mark.”

And Nathaniel joined in. “They will. Her skin marks so beautifully.”

“I once played with a blonde who had skin like this.”

A finger traced the inner plane of my arm and I shivered.

“Mmm, she shivered like that, too.”

Jeff’s hands were rough as he tied my wrists and then my arms to the chair. He didn’t veer from the parts of my body necessary to touch in order to do his job. Nathaniel was in front of me, and while his hands gently stroked my body, Jeff continued his whispers.

“Do you like being bound for your Master? And blindfolded so you can’t tell what’s going to happen next? Does it turn you on knowing I’m going to ensure your body is at his complete disposal?”

Nathaniel’s finger swept along the outside of my pussy. “I can answer that one for you.”

“Nice,” Jeff replied. “I like knowing my efforts haven’t gone unappreciated.”

Nathaniel pushed his finger inside me and I shifted my hips, surprised by the sudden invasion. “Definitely not unappreciated. But I think some of it’s due to the fact that you’re here.” He held his finger against my lips. “Clean it.”

I parted my lips and tasted my arousal on his fingers. It turned me on even more when I imagined the way we looked. Me, naked and bound to a chair, one man behind me, whispering naughty tidbits in my ear, and my Master in front of me, caressing my body. It was sinfully decadent. And I wanted more.

“I’ve finished with your arms. Now I’m going to tie your ankles to either side of the chair.” Jeff was once more whispering in my ear. “You’ll be at your Master’s mercy, unable to move or close your legs. So beautifully vulnerable.”

He shifted to one side of me. I couldn’t tell where Nathaniel had gone; he wasn’t talking and I couldn’t feel him near me. But I knew he’d be somewhere close by, watching me.

“I’m using a black rope,” Jeff said. “It stands out so nicely against your pale skin. And once I take it off, the red marks from it will look even better.”

I loved it when Nathaniel unbound me. It felt like I was emerging from a cocoon. And if I was lucky, he would trace the rope marks with his finger or, better yet, his mouth. Would he still do that if Jeff was the one who unbound me?

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Jeff commanded. “I don’t know your body language or your gestures, so I’m going to have you talk to me.”

I licked my lips. “I was thinking about the last time Master bound me and how much I enjoyed him tracing the rope marks after.”

“The way your breathing changed, I thought it was an arousing thought.” He tightened the rope around my left leg and I heard him stand. “There we go. Are you ready over there?” he asked Nathaniel.

“Just about,” he replied, and it sounded like something dropped onto a silver tray. Seconds later I heard the unmistakable sound of the pushcart being brought close to me. “All set.”

“Nice spread,” Jeff said and I couldn’t tell if he was talking about me or whatever it was Nathaniel had brought over.

“It only gets better,” Nathaniel said and then he addressed me. “Look at you, Abigail, naked and tied to a chair in front of two men. Your nipples are pebbled and you’re wet just thinking about it. We haven’t even done anything yet.”

One of the things I loved about being his submissive was the mind games he’d play with me. We’d been together long enough that I could trust him utterly. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would never intentionally hurt me or violate my limits.

Knowing that allowed me the freedom to anticipate whatever it was he had planned. It was similar in some ways to watching a scary movie; I could watch it knowing he was with me and would keep me safe. I could give him uninhibited access to my body because he’d proved over and over that he’d protect it.

“I thought we’d play a little game this afternoon,” Nathaniel said. “Master Parks and I are going to ask you some questions. You get them right, you get points. Answer them wrong and we’ll take them away. Any questions?”

“No, Master.”

“We’ll start easy,” Jeff said. “What’s your name?”

“Abigail West.”

“Very good. One point. What’s my middle name?”

What? How was I supposed to know that? Then it hit me—I wasn’t. The best I could do was guess. “Um, Robert?”

“Wrong. Minus one point. See how it’s played?”

I saw that they could ask a bunch of questions I didn’t know the answers to and I’d wind up with negative points. ?

??Yes, Sir.”

“This is a black scarf.” Something gauzy passed over my breasts, pebbling my nipples even further. Nathaniel chuckled at my gasp. “What color is it?”

“Black, Master.”

The scarf swept over my nipples again. “This is a red scarf. What color is it?”

I had a feeling it was the same scarf. I couldn’t see how they could have switched it so quickly. Did I say it was black because I thought it was the same one or call it red because that’s what he said?
