Page 30 of Carnal Fantasies

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It was just after 11PM on December 31st when Henry Smith saw Jenny’s car pull into the parking lot of the apartment complex they shared. He was on the front porch, listening to the sounds of The Mars Volta coming from his living room speakers, a pack of cigarettes on the table in front of him and an ice bucket with two bottles of Blue Moon by his feet. All around him were the sounds of partying, as multiple gatherings of drunken fools used the last day of the calendar year as an excuse to make as much noise as possible.

He lit a cigarette and sat there smoking as he watched Jenny’s car pull into a spot near the rear of the lot. She climbed out, looking even hotter than usual (which was saying quite a bit) and started towards the entrance to the complex, which was right next to his patio.

Jenny was all dolled-up, wearing a pair of high heels and a short green dress that showed off her perfect body—sculpted arms, large, firm breasts, incredible legs that just wouldn’t quit and a washboard stomach. He noticed right away that she was walking with more urgency than usual, as though she was either in a hurry to get somewhere or pissed off.

As she got closer, he could see that her hair was a mussed up and her face was fixed in a scowl. She was pissed off, all right. That was certain. He found himself wondering what had happened but knew he wouldn’t ask. While they had spoken a few times in the six months since he’d moved in, it wasn’t like they had anything even resembling a friendship. A couple of words in the laundry room, a nod in the hall, that sort of thing. Not enough to pry into her personal life as she passed by his patio. Not by a long-shot. Hell, he didn’t know if she even knew his name.

But, as it turned out, she did know it. And not only that, but she made the first move, even though he didn’t recognize it for what it was at the time. It wasn’t much really, just a glance in his direction as she approached the entrance to his left. A glance, followed by a longer look, then a question.

“You’re Henry, right?”

He nodded, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach.

“I’m Jenny.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Jenny’s scowl softened into a shy little smile, as though she was flattered that he knew who she was. “You got any more of those smokes?” she said.

“About half a pack,” Henry replied.

“You mind if I join you for a couple?”

“Not at all,” he said, trying to play it smooth despite the surprise and excitement coursing through his system.

“Cool,” Jenny said, climbing through the bushes towards his patio. “I could really use something to help me unwind.”

She made her way through the bushes and sat in the empty chair on the opposite side of his little patio table. Henry shook a cigarette out and handed it to her. He flicked his lighter open, lit her cigarette and then his own. Then he grabbed the last two beers from the bucket, opened them, and offered her one.

“Thanks,” she said.

“My pleasure,” Henry replied.

Jenny took a long pull of her beer and followed it up with a drag from the cigarette. She leaned her head back and made a circle with her lips and blew the smoke into the air. Henry didn’t want to stare at her but found it exceedingly difficult not to. She was just so damn gorgeous, from her silky black hair to her big brown eyes to her petite little nose to her full lips and flawless skin. And from the way she held herself, it was obvious she didn’t mind being stared at; in fact she seemed to encourage it.

Henry’s dick was getting hard just from looking at her. “I didn’t know you smoked,” he said, trying to steer his mind out of the gutter.

“I don’t,” she said. “Not often, at least. Only when things are going really bad.”

“I take it tonight is one of those nights?”

“It certainly is.”

“Guy trouble?”

“Something like that.”

“You want to talk about it?”

“Not particularly.”

“Fair enough.”

Jenny took another drag, held it for a moment, then blew the smoke out. “So why aren’t you out and about tonight? You know, it being New Year’s Eve and all.”
