Page 31 of Carnal Fantasies

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“It’s just not my thing,” Henry said. “Don’t get me wrong, I like a good party as much as the next guy, but I just don’t get the whole holiday craze. To me, tonight is just another night. No different than any other.”

“Well, that’s a shame,” Jenny said. “I mean, here I was, all dressed up, looking to have some fun—” She finished the rest of her beer, set the bottle down and started to stand up. “But since you’re not interested, I guess I’ll just go back to my place and get my vibrator out.”

Henry nearly spit his beer all over the table.

“Oh, did that get your attention?” Jenny said, acting all innocent despite the look in her eyes that said she knew exactly what she was do


“Maybe just a little,” Henry said, trying to play it cool but failing miserably.

Jenny’s mouth turned up in a little smirk. “Yeah, I thought it might. So what do you say?”

“About what?” Henry replied, careful to not presume too much. After all, he barely even knew her.

“About coming back to my place,” she said as though it was nothing at all. “I mean, I know you don’t really care if it’s New Year’s Eve or just another random night, but I do. And I’d rather spent it with an actual live person instead of a plastic battery-powered toy.”

Containing his excitement behind a wall of feigned indifference, Henry said, “Well, I guess if it means that much to you . . .”

“It does,” Jenny said. “So grab your smokes and let’s go.”


Five minutes later they were in Jenny’s kitchen. On the granite counter in front of them was a bottle of Jack Daniels and a pair of shot glasses.

“I’d like you to meet my good buddy Jack,” Jenny said, extending her hand towards the bottle.

Henry nodded towards it. “Hello there, Jack.”

“Have you two met before?”

“Once or twice,” Henry said.

“Jack’s one of my best friends,” Jenny said, picking up the bottle. “He’s helped me through many hard times over the years. Most of my friends are into heavier stuff, but not me. Not often, at least. I prefer my good friend Jack. He always treats me right. Unlike most of the men I know.” She held the bottle up to her face and gave it a kiss. “Ain’t that right, Jack?”

Henry eyed her wearily, wondering what he’d gotten himself into. And whether or not it was too late to get himself out of it. Or if he even wanted to. He’d been with his share of women over the years, but they’d mostly been traditional hook-ups; co-workers, friends of a friend, the occasional drunken one-night stand, that sort of thing. Nothing like this had never happened to him before, not even close. And while he wasn’t opposed to it, he certainly didn’t feel real comfortable right now.

But before he could settle on a course of action, Jenny took matters into her own hands. She filled the shot glasses, then grabbed the nearest one and held it up for a toast. Henry grabbed the other one and clinked it against hers.

“Bottoms up,” Jenny said, effortlessly shooting the Jack.

Henry did the same, grimacing a bit as it went down.

Jenny laughed. “Are you all right?” she said, grabbing the bottle and filling the glasses up once again as she talked.


“You sure? It didn’t look like Jack treated you all that nicely.”

“I’ll be fine,” Henry said. And to prove it, he grabbed the glass and threw another shot down, grimacing only slightly this time.

“Not bad,” Jenny said. She shot her glass and started filling them up yet again. Her eyes had a psychotic little tilt to them. Henry wasn’t sure if the butterflies in his stomach were due to excitement or fear. Or perhaps both.

Oh well, he thought, nothing a few more shots couldn’t cure.


Six shots later and Henry was starting to feel the effects of the Jack. Nothing too serious yet, but he knew from experience that it took a little while for shots to fully kick in. Within a few minutes he would undoubtedly be buzzing hard, if not outright drunk.
