Page 22 of Perverse Fantasies

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She doesn’t look like much; pretty cute but not especially sexy, five and half feet tall, innocent-looking face, shoulder length dirty blonde hair that’s usually in a ponytail, just a hint of makeup, a hundred and thirty pounds, no real tits to speak of, a decent but not incredible body. And on top of all that she’s a sweet girl, never a bad word about anyone, smiling at random people on the street, polite to everyone she meets. Looking at her from the outside you’d never imagine the depths of depravity that churn inside her.

Because once you get her in the sack she’s a freak with a capital F, willing to do whatever, whenever, wherever. Slapping, spanking, bondage, femdom, anal, everything. Whether you feel like getting dominated or taking control, getting smothered by her pussy or deepthroated, getting fucked in the ass or dunking her head in the toilet, she’s game. Every time. Without having to worry about any awkwardness afterwards.

In other words, she’s my dream come true.

I first met her through my old college roommate, Dave. I was coming off the heels of a horrible break-up, having just found out that my fiancé of two years had been sleeping with multiple guys behind my back pretty much since the day we got engaged. It was my first long-term relationship and I was devastated. I didn’t want to leave the house, let alone go out with my friends and get drunk and hit on some other chicks. But my old pal Dave told me that he knew just the thing to cure my ills.

At first I wasn’t sure. Dave has a bit of a reputation as a player and he isn’t real selective about women. But after some convincing (aided by a shitload of Jack Daniels) I agreed to give it a shot. So Dave called her up right then and set up a date for the next evening.

“I promise you won’t regret it,” Dave said as he poured us another round of shots. “In fact I guarantee you’ll thank me later.”

“We’ll see,” I told him, still not convinced that this was something I wanted to do.

“Come on, Mark,” he said. “Have I ever led you down the wrong path before?”

I just glared at him. A good two-thirds of my bad decisions could be directly traced to Dave’s influence.

“Okay, forget about that last part,” Dave said. “But trust me on this one. You’ll be thanking me afterwards.”

“Yeah, yeah, you already said that. Now let’s start drinking.”

“Start? What have we been doing for the last hour?”

“Getting warmed up.”

Dave laughed and we both downed our shots.


The next night I show up at Rachel’s house right on time, dressed in a nice shirt and slacks, ready for a date. After taking a couple minutes to convince myself I want to do this, I step out of my car and head towards her door and ring the bell.

She answers the door wearing nothing but a bathrobe. Her hair is still wet, as though she’s just stepped out of the shower.

“I take it you’re Dave’s friend?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I say. “I’m Mark.”

“Hey Mark, nice to meet you,” Rachel says, opening the door a little wider. “Come on in and make yourself at home.”

I hesitate for a moment but eventually head in, figuring there’s really nothing else I can do. She doesn’t seem concerned that she’s not dressed properly so I’m not either.

I grab a seat on the couch, figuring she’s going to go back into her room and put on some clothes. But much to my surprise, she sits down next to me, her leg practically touching mine.

“So, Dave says you just had a bad breakup.”

“Yeah,” I say. “I found out my fiancé was cheating on me.”

“That sucks,” Rachel says. “I’m sorry.”

I shrug my shoulders, playing it off like I don’t care. “What can you do? Life goes on.”

“Yes it does,” Rachel says. “And lucky for you, you have a friend like Dave to help pull you out of the doldrums.”

“Yeah, he’s a nice guy,” I say.

“Well, I don’t know if I’d describe him as nice,” Rachel says, laughing softly. “But he certainly is a good person to be friends with.”

“How do you know him?” I ask.
