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“And now?” she whispered, tugging at my hair.

I balanced above her on my elbows, keeping my weight off her as much as I could while I looked into her eyes, watching for the first sign of reluctance. “Now, I ask you if you still want me.”

Her lips parted, and her pupils flared. “I always want you,” she whispered. “I think about you when I’m at my desk, or in a meeting.”

“And what do you think?” I asked, pushing my thigh against her center.

She groaned, tipping her head back.

“What do you think about, wife?” I asked, loving that I could call her that while my cock was two layers of flimsy cloth away from burying itself inside her.

“Your mouth,” she whispered, running a thumb over my lips. “Your very talented tongue.” She gasped when I licked her thumb. “The way I always feel safe in your arms. Even if you’re turning me into a puddle of needy mush, I know you’ll put me back together again.”

“You’re sure about that?” I rocked against her, and she rolled her hips, riding my thigh with a sweet little sound that had my cock ready to punch through my boxer briefs.

She nodded, and her touch on my face turned soft. “I didn’t at first, but now I do. That’s why you made us wait, isn’t it?”

I brushed my mouth over hers, lightly sucking on her lower lip. “Sex is easy, min enda kärlek. Chemistry isn’t something you can construct. You have it, or you don’t.” I shifted my thigh, pressing against her core, and she rolled over it again, looking for the pressure and friction she desperately needed.

“We have it.” She raised an eyebrow, daring me to say otherwise.

“That’s never been an issue for us. My body reacts the minute you walk into the room or even my thoughts. The minute I get my hands anywhere near your skin, you’re wet and ready.”

She whimpered as I withdrew my thigh.

“But trust? That’s something you build. I needed you to trust me, and I needed to trust you before anything like this could happen. I wasn’t willing to trade that trust for an orgasm, and now I think it’s strong enough that we can have both.” My cock twitched, agreeing with me.

Her eyes widened. “Are you saying…”

I sat back on my heels and gripped the hem of her gown in my hands. “Say yes or no, Langley, because I’m teetering on the edge, and if it’s a no, then I need to get into the coldest shower imaginable. Right. Now.”

“It’s a yes!” She sat up and raised her arms.

I had her gown off in less than a second. Then she pushed at my chest, and I let her have her way, rolling to my back as she came up beside me.

Her thumbs hooked in the black fabric of my boxer briefs and she looked at me like she was ready to eat me alive. “Say yes or no, Axel, because I want you so badly that I can barely see straight.”

I grinned. “Yes.”

She dragged my boxer briefs down my legs and threw them to the ground, then sat back and looked me over, her eyes growing darker and her breath coming faster with every second that she appreciated my body.

“Oh my God,” she muttered before putting her hands on my chest lightly. “Axel, are you even real?” She traced the lines of my muscles, her fingers dipping into the grooves of my tensed abs.

“It’s just a body, Langley.” I hissed when her fingertips grazed across the head of my cock.

“No, it’s not,” she told me as her hands enclosed around me. It took both of her hands to get around me, reminding me that I was going to have to go carefully with her. “Physically maybe. You’re so damn perfect.” Her hands trailed down my cock in a long stroke, and my hips came off the bed.

Fuck, that felt amazing.

“But it’s not just a body with you inside it, Axel.” She released my dick and straddled me, leaning down for a kiss.

I gave it to her and flipped her to her back. She had no idea how perfect those words were, how quickly they took me from turned on to fucking desperate for her.

“You can do whatever you want to me later,” I promised.

Our mouths met in another drugging kiss, and I swallowed her moan when my dick stroked against her underwear. She was already so wet that the fabric was drenched.

Her hips rocked against mine as I kissed her neck, her breasts again, the skin of her stomach and the softer flesh just above that tiny strip of curls. I locked eyes with her as I gripped the thin strings at either side of her hips.

She nodded enthusiastically, and I tugged the thong off her delicious body, leaving her as bare as I was. Miles of toned legs and smooth skin filled my vision, topped with the pink, glistening cleft I remembered so well.
